Avoiding gear, NPC's and other stuff covered elswhere, what are some of the NERPS type stuff that you've introduced from other fiction? Bands, pop-culture, household products, clothes is what I'm thinking about.
My campaign has Mooks from Bruce Sterling's "Bicycle Repairman". And although I didn't change the name, stuffer shacks in my game are a direct rip off of the Patron Saint's Lucky Dragon stores.
Mar 7 2005, 01:14 AM
Every now and then, my players will be made a deal where the currency involved is Kong bucks (from Snow Crash)-- a paper form of money that is as good as gold in certain Chinatown communities.
My players also have come to grips with SoyaFizz. It's made of people. People. Tell the world. Yeah, whatever. I like the grape flavor.
Mar 7 2005, 03:11 AM
QUOTE (RangerJoe) |
My players also have come to grips with SoyaFizz. It's made of people. People. Tell the world. Yeah, whatever. I like the grape flavor. |
There has GOTTA be a story behind that.
Mar 7 2005, 03:46 AM
The hot food in our campaigns are microwavable "El Machaca" burritos. Often these are used for currency in some of the city's worse-off squats.
Mar 7 2005, 04:00 AM
There has GOTTA be a story behind that. |
[ Spoiler ]
It all started when I began running a new group through Food Fight. One of the store displays that exploded in spectacular fashion was a stack of SoyaFizz--a brand of pop I invented on the fly--because even if Coke has survived into the sixth world, it's just not gritty enough. After the adventure, one of the PCs, an ultra-paranoid, conspiracy-theorizing decker called "Watcher," spent some of his down time cruisng his favorite conspiracy theory nodes. What should come up in some of the posts, but faint rumors and fleeting references to something strange going on at some soda pop factory. Over the course of several more runs, the details slowly evolved on the BBS he was following. The soda was SoyaFizz brand, and the something was sinister...
It was not until the culmination of the campaign that the truth came out. Long story short, the shaman in the group, who thought she was a magic user, was actually being manipulated by an extraterrestrial free spirit who had been trapped on earth. It read her thoughts and produced appropriate magical effects when she wanted to use a spell. All the time she thought it was her totem-- pony. Like horse, only prettier. Anyhow, the team delivered the pony entity to a UFO that had landed in Olympic National Park outside of Seattle, sneaking into the heart of a magical forest fire--the Earth's manasphere having an "allergic reaction" of sorts to the extraterrestrial magical beings. In exchange for helping the pony being to the UFO, the aliens granted wishes to the team members. Two decided to join the aliens, effectively retiring. They lived out the rest of their lives as a breeding pair in an alien zoo. A poor choice. The shaman just wanted to know why she had been led to believe she had magical powers--and an answer was given. And Watcher, well, he asked to learn the Truth-- the truth about everything. The aliens agreed. So what remained of the group returned to Seattle. Ever a decker, Watcher checked his email upon his return. In it was an enormous data file, detailing the apparent truth about every conspiracy he had ever heard of--including the fact that SoyaFizz is made of people, PEOPLE!. The data file did have one conspiracy theory missing, though. In all the hundreds of MP, not a single word was ever mentioned about extraterrestrials.
Watcher was so stunned that he did the only thing he could do-- he cracked open a cold one. Grape SoyaFizz. Sometimes you can know, but you just don't care.
QUOTE (RangerJoe) |
The data file did have one conspiracy theory missing, though. In all the hundreds of MP, not a single word was ever mentioned about extraterrestrials. |
although, atleast for the decker, this is approriate, as he had at that point, met the aliens, therefore, there was no cnspiricy theory to be had, they were real....
Mar 7 2005, 05:05 AM
*blinks* wow...makes my campaign seem tame. *chuckle* Was there a lot of jokes about "My Pretty Pony?"
Heh...very cool story tho, thanks for explaining.
Mar 7 2005, 05:41 AM
QUOTE (Dog) |
My campaign has Mooks from Bruce Sterling's "Bicycle Repairman". |
"Bicycle Repairman" by Bruce Sterling? I'm unfamiliar with that story.
Mar 7 2005, 06:05 AM
The first hit on a braindead easy google search ["Bruce Sterling" bicycle] brings up the info that Bicycle Repairman was a 1997 Hugo Award winning short story.
http://www.sfsite.com/02b/gf122.htm for a review of the book it's in.
Mar 7 2005, 06:16 AM
Ah, I see it. Thanks, Adam
Crimsondude 2.0
Mar 7 2005, 06:40 AM
QUOTE (DocMortand @ Mar 6 2005, 10:05 PM) |
*blinks* wow...makes my campaign seem tame. *chuckle* Was there a lot of jokes about "My Pretty Pony?"
Heh...very cool story tho, thanks for explaining. |
About as many as there were of My Little Pony, I'm sure.
Jeez, I can't imagine how someone could say with a straight face that their totem appeared to them as Princess Sparkle, but oddly enough I can imagine someone saying it (if for no other reason than to be a smartass).
Mar 7 2005, 08:31 AM
The most popular stuffed animal in our game world is always the "Tickle Me Dunkelzahn", with its sister dragon-pets "Hug Me Hestaby" "Squeeze Me Masaru" and "Love Me Lofwyr". There was one run where our runners smuggled a heavy pistol in a sensor-shielded version of "Tickle Me Dunkelzahn" to a corporate Christmas party.
Mar 7 2005, 11:17 AM
Slang, like "to Grok". a few names of Bars examples "Bloody Bills (Eddies, Jacks, Bobs, Danny's) named after demise of owner and is a family business" " The Squirrely Epicure" will explain that one much later "The Disco is Dead Cafe" also there are quite a few NPC's taken straight out of fiction, Smuggler by name of Friday, Fixer by name of Jimmy DiGriz, a Pair of Street Dealers by name of Jay and Bob, and a Poet by name of Martin Silenus... uhm correction a MAD POET. just to name a few things that flavor the game a little.
Mar 7 2005, 08:20 PM
QUOTE (hahnsoo) |
The most popular stuffed animal in our game world is always the "Tickle Me Dunkelzahn", with its sister dragon-pets "Hug Me Hestaby" "Squeeze Me Masaru" and "Love Me Lofwyr". There was one run where our runners smuggled a heavy pistol in a sensor-shielded version of "Tickle Me Dunkelzahn" to a corporate Christmas party. |
So the newest one would be "Grope Me Ghostwalker"?
Mar 7 2005, 08:29 PM
QUOTE (DocMortand) |
So the newest one would be "Grope Me Ghostwalker"? |
*in high pitched squeaky voice* No, silly. Giggle Me Ghostwalker! Tee hee!
Crimsondude 2.0
Mar 7 2005, 09:01 PM
One of my characters hates those plush Dunk dolls.
Mar 7 2005, 09:13 PM
Only one?
Mar 7 2005, 09:25 PM
Heh are those dolls canon? If so, where did they appear?
Mar 7 2005, 09:21 PM
I'm pretty sure the plush Dunkie ones are canon. I know there's plushy dolls available of the Sasquatch Tir Prince in canon -- I can see more stuffed animals of non-human NPCs (those in the world's eye, at least) fitting in just as well.
Mar 7 2005, 09:26 PM
QUOTE (DocMortand) |
Heh are those dolls canon? If so, where did they appear? |
Way back. I'm thinking somewhere around Shadowbeat.
Mar 7 2005, 09:42 PM
Personally I'm waiting to see if they come out with the plush "Fortune" doll.
I of course will be more of an "action figure"
With swivel arm battle grip!
DocM, I think they mentioned the plush doll in Super Teusday.
Crimsondude 2.0
Mar 7 2005, 10:57 PM
QUOTE (Critias) |
Only one? |
Well, it's only really come up with one.
Mar 7 2005, 11:16 PM
QUOTE (lodestar) |
Personally I'm waiting to see if they come out with the plush "Fortune" doll. |
Do you think they'll call it "F*ck Me Fortune"?
Mar 8 2005, 01:28 AM
Forget that, I want my Hatchetman plushie!
"Just squeeze Hatchetman and he randomly babbles!"
Mar 8 2005, 01:23 AM
QUOTE (FrostyNSO) |
Forget that, I want my Hatchetman plushie!
"Just squeeze Hatchetman and he randomly babbles!" |
Actually, he has a string with a ring behind his back that you pull and get phrases like:
"My eyes feel cold in the morning..."
"Listen up, you drek-for-brains chummers..."
"Matador was so cool..."
Mar 8 2005, 04:40 AM
QUOTE (DocMortand) Heh are those dolls canon? If so, where did they appear?
Way back. I'm thinking somewhere around Shadowbeat.
Confirmed, saw in same source. want me to find page number?
Mar 8 2005, 08:46 AM
Yeah sure...
I know the whole "Grope Me Ghostwalker" thing was first inspired by a comedy bit I saw once about "Fondle Me Elmo" replacing "Tickle Me Elmo".
*chuckle* Actually WAYYY back when I was 4 my family took me to Disneyworld and they had those Figment stuffed animals (thing big pink dragon). I wonder if they're still around, and whether Figment was inspired by a real dragon (and if so - which one?)
Mar 8 2005, 08:58 AM
QUOTE (DocMortand) |
*chuckle* Actually WAYYY back when I was 4 my family took me to Disneyworld and they had those Figment stuffed animals (thing big pink dragon). I wonder if they're still around, and whether Figment was inspired by a real dragon (and if so - which one?) |
I have one of those sitting in my parent's house. He's a de novo character created as the host for the "Imagination" center at EPCOT. I don't think he's based on any "real" myths.
Mar 8 2005, 10:29 PM
QUOTE (DocMortand) |
*chuckle* Actually WAYYY back when I was 4 my family took me to Disneyworld and they had those Figment stuffed animals (thing big pink dragon). I wonder if they're still around, and whether Figment was inspired by a real dragon (and if so - which one?) |
Figment is still around. They revamped his section of EPCOT, and his image. He's no longer wearing the shirt with his name on it.
Mar 8 2005, 11:18 PM
Can you just imagine the Disney people stumbling upon a slumbering Dunkie and got the idea for Figment from Dunk? *laugh*
Herald of Verjigorm
Mar 9 2005, 12:32 AM
Nah, someone accidentally got a negative of a photo of Lofwyr mixed in with some vacation photos (it wasn't the best 1 hour photo lab).
Mar 9 2005, 12:53 AM
Here are some of my Nerps.
Az-Mart: What happens when Aztechnology buys out WalMart? Pisses off the Texans even more.
Jukie Cola: Got this way back from an old Sprite commercial I think. "I drank thousands of Jukie colas and I got this cool jukie Sock!"
Wu-Jen's House of Pain ™: Where Runners go to get the finest Martial Arts training. Stole the idea from my buddy's Mechwarrior campaign he ran a decade or so ago. I keep it mystical with the fact that:
1. No matter where the local House of Pain is, it is always ran by Wu-Jen.
2. No matter how good you are, Wu-Jen will always be better.
It leads to some funny OOC discussions on who or what Wu-Jen really is.
Mar 9 2005, 02:41 AM
QUOTE (TeOdio) |
Here are some of my Nerps. Az-Mart: What happens when Aztechnology buys out WalMart? Pisses off the Texans even more. |
In our game, we've retconned the world so that Aztechnology IS Wal-Mart. Damn, they are evil (Wal-Mart, not the Azzies).
Crimsondude 2.0
Mar 9 2005, 03:54 AM
QUOTE (TeOdio) |
Az-Mart: What happens when Aztechnology buys out WalMart? |
Stuffer Shack is born.
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