Mar 9 2005, 09:22 PM
I recently found the 2nd ed of Paranoia...and the situation in there I found irresistable for having humor in SR. I can totally imagine the Arcology Shutdown turning into a Paranoia game (Trust the computer! Keep your laser handy!). Now granted that is completely different than the normal mood you would associate with it, but still I'm curious:
1) Has anyone merged Paranoia into SR? (I know and have the Cyberpunk/Paranoia merger, so it's possible)
2) Has anyone merged any other game system universes with SR? I know one person used a metaplane "Forgotten Realms" for instance.
3) Stories of funny/sick/twisted mergers?
Mar 9 2005, 09:26 PM
Paranoia was the FIRST thing I thought of when I read Renraku Arcology: Shutdown. With the "colors" of the banded, the extreme response to security breaches, and the all-seeing, all-knowing, all-loving computer, it can be run very much like Paranoia.
Mar 9 2005, 09:37 PM
Yup, I've been eating breathing and sleeping RA:S recently because my group is approaching it in the timeline, so the similarities are uncanny.
I may start up a company's Arcology that is run Paranoia style, and then have the group infiltrate. *laugh*
Mar 9 2005, 09:30 PM
QUOTE (DocMortand) |
I may start up a company's Arcology that is run Paranoia style, and then have the group infiltrate. *laugh* |
Ooo, maybe one of the Proteus AG arkoblocks? "What do you mean, 'land'? What is this 'dry land' you talk about? Are you a Saeder-Krupp Mutant Traitor?"
Mar 9 2005, 09:35 PM
Of course a better one is one of those missile silo complexes (Like one of the Titan ones from I think) that's got 2-300 brainwashed cult members in it. But how would you work the whole clone replacement idea? That's where I get stuck. *grin*
Mar 9 2005, 09:59 PM
We had a go with Rifts, was quite fun as I got to play a dragon, and it totaly kicked ass!
Quite nice to be the one dealing out the pain for a change!
torz x
Sandoval Smith
Mar 9 2005, 10:07 PM
QUOTE (DocMortand @ Mar 9 2005, 04:35 PM) |
But how would you work the whole clone replacement idea? That's where I get stuck. *grin* |
Well, it's a little cheesy, but have them already be locked down in a zombie room and uploaded to an ultra-violet host, that seems just like the arcology, except that the Computer really is their friend, and there are clones aplenty to be had...
Eyeless Blond
Mar 9 2005, 10:10 PM
QUOTE (DocMortand @ Mar 9 2005, 04:35 PM) |
Of course a better one is one of those missile silo complexes (Like one of the Titan ones from I think) that's got 2-300 brainwashed cult members in it. But how would you work the whole clone replacement idea? That's where I get stuck. *grin* |
Everyone gets hooked up with a specialized deltaware VCR (edit: or just an external simsense rig, linked in a similar way) and jumped into nanoconstructed anthroform drones that look and feel just like your own body. The perfect human rats in a maze, because you can "reset" them as much as you like.
Little Bill
Mar 9 2005, 10:59 PM
I've seen other universes merged with Paranoia. They even did some official cross-overs with Twilight: 2000 (probably the last universe you would expect).
There is a new version of Paranoia out, by the way - Paranoia XP - it's much better than the now defunct "Fifth" edition.
Cynic project
Mar 9 2005, 11:48 PM
QUOTE (DocMortand) |
Of course a better one is one of those missile silo complexes (Like one of the Titan ones from I think) that's got 2-300 brainwashed cult members in it. But how would you work the whole clone replacement idea? That's where I get stuck. *grin* |
The matrix....They don't need to know it isn't real.
Mar 9 2005, 11:54 PM
Talk about you One Shot sessions
Mar 10 2005, 05:43 AM
QUOTE (Little Bill) |
I've seen other universes merged with Paranoia. They even did some official cross-overs with Twilight: 2000 (probably the last universe you would expect).
There is a new version of Paranoia out, by the way - Paranoia XP - it's much better than the now defunct "Fifth" edition. |
I found Paranoia 2nd Ed at a used book store, so I'm sticking with that (And I've got the Cyberpunk crossover and I'm getting the Twilight one plus the finale to the trilogy which those two are the first two.)
And the idea of doing that to everyone while they are jacked in would be EVIL. Thanks for the idea - I may just do that.
Any one else merge other universes with SR? And how, why and what happened?
Mar 10 2005, 02:39 PM
What if they don't use clones? What if, instead, the computer just uploads you into some other poor slot's body? After all, it's your skills and tools that make you valuable. Sometimes you end up a woman, sometimes an ork, sometimes a spell caster (?) but always with the same skills, pools and original starting tools.
I mix SR and CoC all the time. I also mix shadowrun and Babylonian mythology with some frequency, but that's not really a game
Mar 10 2005, 03:43 PM
QUOTE (DocMortand) |
I found Paranoia 2nd Ed at a used book store, so I'm sticking with that (And I've got the Cyberpunk crossover and I'm getting the Twilight one plus the finale to the trilogy which those two are the first two.)
And the idea of doing that to everyone while they are jacked in would be EVIL. Thanks for the idea - I may just do that.
Any one else merge other universes with SR? And how, why and what happened? |
How about people who don't have jacks? Also, an nanoconstructed anthroform drone wouldn't be able to cast spells or go astral could it? To the best of my knowledge of SR3 canon, technology generally doesn't mix well with magic.
Mar 10 2005, 05:07 PM
Stay where you are...troubleshooters are on their way.
The computer is your friend.
Trust the computer.
You are not cleared to know about the computer.
As to doing stuff to people who are jacked in...the problems (vis-a-vis lack of jacks) only arise if the standard SR character generation rules pertain to the characters when they are jacked out.
And just because a nanoconstructed anthroform drone can't cast spells or go astral doesn't mean that the computer can't mess with your simsense feed to make you think that it can...
Yeah, that's a bit silly, but integrating SR with paranoia is already going a bit outside the bounds of canon...
Or to rephrase: there is no point in discussing 'canon' in this thread, since by its nature it deals with situations that must perforce be 'non-canon'.
I'll just go find my UV clearance now...
Mar 10 2005, 05:10 PM
QUOTE (LinaInverse) |
How about people who don't have jacks? |
There are people without jacks?! Heresy! It's a Commie Mutant Traitor!
Mar 10 2005, 05:24 PM
Only Commie Mutant Traitors use the word "heresy"!
Hahnsoo is a Commie Mutant Traitor!
I'll have to bear Paranoia in mind when I run RA:S...
Mar 10 2005, 05:34 PM
Well for me to do that to you guys I'd have to capture you - Once I had done that I could either do a trode rig for mages or just force a datajack (deltaware, to minimize magical damage) in surgery.
By the way, you do realize knowledge of Commie Mutant Traitors is treason...and rumors are treason. The Computer is your friend. Always Keep Your Laser Handy!
Mar 10 2005, 10:46 PM
*looks around shiftily, then points*
He started it!
*scurries away, then falls through a hole, slicing into many cubes through a monowire grid*
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