Mar 15 2005, 08:13 PM
Interesting - according to the 2005 Catalog just released there is the equivalent to MitS already in the works: Street Magic. From the descript, it looks like it'll have everything MitS had...I'm wondering, what will be changed?
Mar 15 2005, 09:04 PM
What I'm more interested in is that the fucking mages get their book first, whereas the mundanes have to wait a year for theirs. Where's the cyberpunk in this setting, folks?
Mar 15 2005, 09:21 PM
QUOTE (Deacon) |
Where's the cyberpunk in this setting, folks? |
In the main book, supposedly...
Mar 15 2005, 09:30 PM
QUOTE (Deacon) |
What I'm more interested in is that the fucking mages get their book first, whereas the mundanes have to wait a year for theirs. Where's the cyberpunk in this setting, folks? |
When First Edition hit, it was the Street Sam Catalog, followed by Grimoire 1
When Second Edition hit, it was a reprint of Street Sam Catalog with the damage codes changed and pages that no longer applied blacked out (Even though the new damage codes were also in the back of the Second Edition book), followed by Grimoire 2. Fields of Fire, and Cybertechnology didn't come out until later.
When Third Edition hit, Magic in the Shadows was first followed later by Cannon Companion and Man & Machine.
See the pattern here? The gunbunnies and implant junkies always seem to have to wait for their proper sourcebook to come out for the new edition. The upcoming schedule is nothing new.
Neuron Basher
Mar 15 2005, 09:36 PM
I'm closing this thread since there's already another one with the exact same title that has the same content (and then some) as this one.
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