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Full Version: [MrJBlackBook] Stock Characters
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I thought it might be interesting to have a "stockpile" of original character templates for us GM's to share and make life easier in general (well not for our players, eh?). I suppose it would be best to make them in "non-munchkin" archetype format for greater flexibility - but more detail is always better, right?
Inquisitor of the Roman Catholic Church

"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness. For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you."

An Inquisitor of the Roman Catholic Church is a figure obscured by the mists of legend, history, terror, and awe. To the Faithful he is a symbol of everything they seek to preserve; to nonbelievers he is embodiment of the Church's deadliest zealotry. In some ways surprising, and others not, the Inquisitor often finds himself mired in the darkness of the Shadows; seeking to carryout the will of his superiors and the Lord through means megacorps and governments silently employ. It is during these times that he is most dangerous: for he knows that all the regrettable deceit and sins he must commit will be forgiven so long he never strays from the path of God.

Attributes ©:
Body: 2 (4)
Quickness: 4 (6)
Strength: 2 (4)
Charisma: 4
Intelligence: 6
Willpower: 6
Essence: 3.04
Magic: 3 (6)
Reaction: 5
Initiative: 5 +1d6
Combat Pool: 9
Spell Pool: 5
Karma Pool: 1

Active Skills (D):
Bike: 4
Edged Weapons (Katana): 4 (6)
Etiquette (Religious): 3 (5)
Pistols: 6
Sorcery: 6

Knowledge Skills (30):
Classical Music: 3
History (Religious): 4 (6)
Linguistics (Aramaic): 2 (4)
Linguistics (Latin): 2 (4)
Literature (Religious): 5 (7)
Opera: 3
Philosophy: 4
English: 4
English R/W: 2
Italian: 4
Italian R/W: 2
Latin: 4
Latin R/W: 2

Cyberware (141,000¥):
Cybereyes [flare compensation, low-light, thermographic imaging] (a)
Dermal Plating Level 2 (a)
Muscle Replacement Level 2 (a)
Smartlink (a)

Gear (385,650¥):
Ares Predator [smartlink, silencer], concealable holster, 5 spare clips, 75 rounds explosive ammunition, 75 rounds flechette ammunition, 150 rounds regular ammunition (2)
Basic Doc Wagon™ Contract
Basic Pocket Secretary
Fine Clothing [priest garments] (4)
Hermetic Sorcery Library [Rating 4]
Katana [dikote]
Lined Coat (4/2)
Medkit with supplies
Middle Lifestyle [3 months]
Power Focus [Force 3, bonded]
Wrist Phone
Yamaha Rapier

Contacts (220,000¥):
Church Official [L2] (2)
Fixer [L1]
Nun [L3] (Inquisitorial Apprentice - see below)
Talismonger [L1]

Spells (35+10/250,000¥):
Fireball: 6
Improved Invisibility: 4
Manabolt: 6
Physical Barrier: 4
Powerbolt: 6
Treat: 4


Inquisitorial Apprentice of the Roman Catholic Church

"He forms the light, and creates darkness: He makes peace, and creates evil: our Lord does all these things."

The Inquisitorial Apprentice is a woman who obeys the tenants of her faith without question. Assisting her instructor in his tasks, she is an Instrument of Judgment which he calls upon to carry out His will: a neophyte to be molded into another Angel of Death. Though her role is dark and violent, it brings salvation and mercy to those who would otherwise never receive such blessings, and thus righteous.

Attributes (D):
Body: 2
Quickness: 6
Strength: 2
Charisma: 2
Intelligence: 6
Willpower: 3
Essence: 3.04
Magic: 5
    Reaction: 6
    Initiative: 6 +1d6
    Combat Pool: 7
    Karma Pool: 1

Active Skills (B):
Athletics: 3
Car: 4
Etiquette (Religious): 3 (5)
Pistols: 4
Rifle: 6 (12)
Rifle B/R: 6
Stealth: 6 (10)
Unarmed Combat: 3

Knowledge Skills (30):
Classical Music: 4
Gunsmithing: 3
History (Religious): 5 (7)
Literature (Religious): 5 (7)
Opera: 4
Philosophy: 4
Physics (Ballistics): 3
English: 1
    English R/W: 0
Italian: 4
    Italian R/W: 2
Latin: 4
    Latin R/W: 2

Cyberware (29,000¥):
Cyberears [dampener, high frequency, low frequency]
Cybereyes [flare compensation, low-light, thermographic imaging]

Gear (40,135¥):
Basic Doc Wagon™ Contract
Basic Pocket Secretary
Camo Full Suit
Fichetti Security 500 [smartlink, silencer], concealable holster, 5 spare clips, 60 rounds explosive ammunition, 60 rounds flechette ammunition, 120 rounds regular ammunition
Fine Clothing [nun garments] (4)
Lined Coat (4/2)
Low Lifestyle [3 months]
Medkit with supplies
Ranger Arms SM-3 [smartlink], 60 rounds explosive ammunition, 60 rounds flechette ammunition, 60 rounds regular ammunition
Rifle B/R Kit
Signal Locator (AOD) [Rating 6]
Tracking Signal (AOD) [Rating 6] (3)
Wrist Phone

Contacts (20,000¥):
Church Official [L1]
Fixer [L1]
Nun [L2] (2)

Adept Powers (5.0):
Improved Abilities
    Rifle: 6
    Stealth: 4
Skilled Vagrant

"All people are born, and all people eventually die, but not everyone truly lives. Only those willing to experience everything life can offer or die trying in the attempt, can make that claim. I've seen and become skilled in many wondrous things, yet barely scratched the surface of what I'm truly capable of."

Fanatically amazed by the wonders of the Sixth World, the Skilled Vagrant devotes her time into experience everything life can possibly offer, and inevitably her encompassing pursuits lead into illegal activities such as Shadowrunning. There's almost nothing she cannot reasonably perform without a small margin of experience, although her ironically fleeting dedication towards specialization makes potential contributions average at best. Nonetheless, her simple presence provides a measure of insurance that no unexpected surprise will remain as such; so long her overwhelming curiosity of something new doesn't get anyone killed first.

Attributes (D):
Body: 3
Quickness: 4
Strength: 3
Charisma: 3
Intelligence: 4
Willpower: 4
Essence: 2.08
Magic: 2
Reaction: 4
Initiative: 4 +1d6
Combat Pool: 6
Control Pool: 8
Hack Pool: 3
Spell Pool: 3
Karma Pool: 1

Active Skills ©:
Bike: 4
Biotech: 3
Car: 4
Computer: 4
Electronics: 4
Etiquette: 3
Gunnery: 4
Shotguns: 4
Sorcery: 4

Knowledge Skills (20):
Biology: 3
Chemistry: 3
Computer Theory: 4
Cybertechnology: 3
Engineering: 3
Quiz Games: 4
English: 4
English R/W: 2
Spanish: 2
Spanish R/W: 1

Cyberware (241,200¥):
Chipjack (a)
Cybereyes [flare compensation, low-light, thermographic imaging] (a)
Datajack (a) (2)
Headwear Memory: 300Mp (a)
Knowsoft Link (a)
Vehicle Control Rig Level 2 (a)

Knowsofts (192Mp/19,200¥):
Bike B/R [Rating 4/48Mp]
Car B/R [Rating 4/48Mp]
Computer B/R [Rating 4/48Mp]
Electronics B/R [Rating 4/48Mp]

Cyberdeck (250,000¥):
Hardening: 4
Active Memory: 700
Storage Memory: 1400
I/O Speed: 300
Response Increase: 1

Cyberdeck Utilities (1,203Mp/240,600¥):
Analyze: 4 (48Mp)
Armor: 6 (108Mp)
Attack: 6D (180Mp)
Browse: 6 (36Mp)
Commlink: 5 (25Mp)
Deception: 6 (72Mp)
Decrypt: 6 (36Mp)
Killjoy: 5 (250Mp)
Medic: 6 (144Mp)
Read/Write: 6 (50Mp)
Relocate: 5 (50Mp)
Scanner: 4 (48Mp)
Sleaze: 6 (108Mp)
Spoof: 4 (48Mp)

Gear (220,750¥):
Armor Jacket (5/3)
Basic Doc Wagon™ Contract
Computer Shop
Dataline Tap [Rating 6]
Electronic Shop
Enfield AS7, 50 rounds explosive ammunition, 50 rounds flechette ammunition, 100 rounds regular ammunition, 10 spare clips
Eurocar Westwind 2000 w/ remote control interface [Body 3]
Hermetic Sorcery Library [Rating 6]
Middle Lifestyle [2 months]
Ordinary Clothing (4)
Pocket Computer: 250Mp
Remote Control Deck [Rating 6]
Trauma Patch (2)
Vehicle Shop
Wrist Phone w/ flip-up screen

Contacts (25,000¥):
Deckmeister [L1]
Fixer [L2]
Mr. Johnson [L1]
Street Doc [L1]
Talismonger [L1]
Technician [L1]

Spells (35):
Fireball: 4
Improved Invisibility: 4
Manaball: 5
Manabolt: 4
Physical Barrier: 5
Powerball: 5
Stunbolt: 4
Treat: 4
Wow...the Archetype of an Inquisitor brings up flashbacks of Mel Brookes in History of the World.....the Inquisition what a show
Keep 'em coming. I have a SR3 demo game I'm running at my FLAGS later this month.

I'll post my characters later.
These are actually just a simplified (in terms of scope) version character I'm playing right now, so the flowery language is kept to a minimal.

The last remnant of the true cowboy, this un-cybered speed demon is a master of pistols. Although they have raised the use of the handgun to an artform, they prefer to glimpse the world with their own eyes; they dislike simsense and are very vulnterable to ASIST damage. A gunslinger can shoot a rifle and barroom brawl with the best, but he is, first and foremonst, the authority on killing people very, very fast with a pistol.
Elf Physad

STR: 6
Reaction 6(16)
Essence 6
Magic 6
Initiative Rolled: 4d6+16
Running Speed: 27 meters/turn

Combat: 8
Spell: 5
Astral combat: 8

PhysAd powers:
Improved Reflexes III
Improved Skill: Pistols 5
Enhanced Ability: Quickness
All geased in a manner found appropriate by GM.

Pistols 6
Unarmed Combat 6
Rifle 4
Bike 2
Etiquette 3
Athletics 6

Gear: 5000 nuyen's worth (0 pts.)
Glock Model 40 10mm heavy pistol. Laser sight, customized grip.
Ares Slivergun with Gas Vent II, silencer, and custom grip.
Securetech armor jacket.
Survival Kit, 100 nuyen
Morriesy Elan hold-out pistol (no-metal construction)
1 set Tres Chic clothing
4 clips of ammo for Model 40
4 clips for Viper
1 clip supra-plast (no-metal) ammunition for Elan pistol

Bonus attribute point (quickness)(1 pt.)
Good Looking and Knows It (1 pt.)
Lightning Reflexes II (6 pts.)
Simsense Vertigo (-2)
Sensitive Neural Structure (-4)
Distinctive Style (-1)
Extra Enemy (Local small-time crime boss of your choice) (-1)

English 4(2)
Spanish 2(1)
Japanese 4(2)
Chinese 2(1)

Knowledge Skills:
Fences 3
Weapon distributors 6
Gang ID 6
Pistols Background 6
Safehouses 4

Character portrait (yoinked from sketch collection of Kitsune, the author of a SR webcomic):

Eyeless Blond
What I'm wondering is, why does the Inquisitor have so many combat spells, and no Mindprobe? biggrin.gif
The Inquisitor probbably prefers torturing people until they admit to bizzare and crazy things, and then burning them at the stake.
(Can anyone say "Auto da fe"?)
QUOTE (SpasticTeapot @ Apr 8 2005, 09:39 PM)
PhysAd powers:
Improved Reflexes III
Improved Skill: Pistols 5
Enhanced Ability: Quickness
All geased in a manner found appropriate by GM.

That's 8.5 points of adept bonuses. Geased, it's over the 6 Power Point limit for starting characters. Knock off the Enhanced Attribute: Quickness (which costs 1 point instead of 0.5 points because it's above the Racial Max) and add another Pistols die, and you have yourself a legal character (assuming all 6 Power Points are Geased in some way).

Bonus attribute point (quickness)(1 pt.)
Good Looking and Knows It (1 pt.)
Lightning Reflexes II (6 pts.)
Simsense Vertigo (-2)
Sensitive Neural Structure (-4)
Distinctive Style (-1)
Extra Enemy (Local small-time crime boss of your choice) (-1)

Lightning Reflexes no longer gives straight Reaction bonuses. It adds Reaction dice in Surprise situations, and that's it.

The adjusted initiative for this character should be 4d6 + Base Reaction + 6
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