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Full Version: Recruitment: Peace sells....but whos buying!?
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kackling kactuar
Friday night is what I would prefer, though I can do Saturday and Sunday as well. Not Sunday night though.
I believe "Peace sells...but whos buying!?" is also in Robert Young Pelton's "World's Most Dangerous Places"...which is a fantastic book and should be required reading for Shadowrun players and all fans of dystopian futures...
friday, saturday and sunday are good, just need to know what time. If its going to be late night, then that could be a problem. I can play anytime before 1130 pm east tim. After that I start getting ready for work.
any of those days is good for me, but as it was, earlier in the evening EST is most likely better for me, so somewhere 8 ish my time to "start" (and we all know it won't really start for 30minutes to an hour after that) would be good
Hey now! Since it looks like it will have to be at early times, I think the following Saturday would be best. How about 30 April, around 1000 hrs Pacific time? (Aku that is 1300 Eastern time).
I'll be asleep about that time. I was hoping something alittle along hte lines of 7pm east, enough time to wake up and get moving around again.
I can go later....whatever time is best for everyone.
I'll be out of state the weekend of the 30th frown.gif

Now I don't want to sound like I'm butting into your routine or anything, but wouldn't this be why playing play-by-post would be better than a play-by-chatroom game? That way everyone can play when it works for them, and games can still move swiftly enough. Of course one-on-one legwork with the GM could still be done with a chatroom.
then it takes for ever-the chat room is to make it a more face to face like game.
OK We will run on May 8th at 1300 Pac Time
1300 pacific time is 1500 central time, my time. Thats kinda early for me since I sleep during the day and work nights. Got no problem with playign sundays, just its really early for me, unless you don't mind me showing up late.
Ahh the joys of a transcontantiental game. If I'm the only east coaster, I can bow out if it allows everyone else to play better times for them.
kackling kactuar
Yeah, well, you're not the only person on the East Coast. nyahnyah.gif
Well, I cant read everyone's mind, so post a time that is good for you and see how it works for everyone.

I picked that time cause no one has been specific for what time they want. Instead of just saying that time doesnt work for me, please post what time will work for you as well. It would move this along much quicker.
i did say, earlier in the evening is better for me, so somewhere around 18-2000 EST is best, or earlier.
So how about 1600 Pac Time om May 8th?
kackling kactuar
Unfortunately, that's too late for me. I can't game Sunday nights.

I'm free Friday evening and all day Saturday.
I'm good with 1600 pacific on friday, saturday or sunday.

1600 Saturday May 7th

Who do I have?
Yo. (This is kactuar)
DK online and ready to rock
1600 pac time..., plus 3 hours to est time... 1900 hours, minus 12 hours to make it normal time, so 7pm, right? sounds dandy to me
So I have


I got a few questions from players outstide of what type of campaign this is. This campaign will be a string of missions to gain your character experience, some mod, some not- then the campaign will tie in.

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