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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
okay,reading the little there is to read on sr4 ,is there anybody else who seems to think fasa is going the wrong way here with shadowrun?i mean if i want really simple and streamlined ill play a d20 game ya know something simple like lets say dnd , i love shadowrun for its complexity and advanced rules and after 12 or so years of playing it im still very happy about the rules and how they just takes a level of dedication to know them and use them than a standard d20 players is willing or capable of putting in.
Eyeless Blond
There's a whole seperate forum for this, with lots of topics. Go there.
Crimson Jack
QUOTE (gamemaster)
is there anybody else who seems to think fasa is going the wrong way here with shadowrun?

fasa? heh.
QUOTE (Crimson Jack)
QUOTE (gamemaster @ Mar 29 2005, 05:46 PM)
is there anybody else who seems to think fasa is going the wrong way here with shadowrun?

fasa? heh.

ditto Crimson
QUOTE (the bottom of everey forum on these boards)
WizKids, LLC has sole ownership of the names, logo, artwork, marks, photographs, sounds, audio, video and/or any proprietary material used in connection with the game Shadowrun.
Sandoval Smith
1: There's a whole subforum devoted to this. Just scroll up a little.

2: FASA? Two companies too late.
QUOTE (Sandoval Smith)
2: FASA? Two companies too late.

I think you mean one.

FASA sells to WizKids, who then licenses to FanPro.
QUOTE (gamemaster)
.......on sr4 ,is there anybody else who seems to think fasa is going the wrong way here with shadowrun?

Sandoval Smith
QUOTE (tanka)
QUOTE (Sandoval Smith @ Mar 29 2005, 09:20 PM)
2: FASA? Two companies too late.

I think you mean one.

FASA sells to WizKids, who then licenses to FanPro.

Yeah, but try saying, "One company one late." It has no (green)ring to it.
oh my god people calm down, slip of the tounge when i was writing it.sorry i said fasa for crying out people need to get a grip and actually answer the questions or comments of just be quiet.some of us dont want to talk about sr4 just on the official sr4 dedicated forum.if ya dont want to talk about it dont reply to the damm thread.
Dammit, people. Change can be good. I've seen many, many people posting about how much they love SR3 and that they're distrustful of SR4. Well, SR3 was a bit of a departure from SR2 and WAY off from SR1. Just because things are evolving, doesn't mean that Shadowrun is going to be a totally different, unplayable game now. Give SR4 a chance before you get all pissed off. Wait until you KNOW FOR A FACT what has changed and HOW IT HAS CHANGED before you judge it. I think that the developers have earned a little trust, don't you? Aren't they entitled to the benefit of the doubt?
Sandoval Smith
QUOTE (gamemaster)
oh my god people calm down, slip of the tounge when i was writing it.sorry i said fasa for crying out people need to get a grip and actually answer the questions or comments of just be quiet.some of us dont want to talk about sr4 just on the official sr4 dedicated forum.if ya dont want to talk about it dont reply to the damm thread.

If you don't want to talk about SR4, then why did you create a thread called, "SR4?"

Everything that you put forth in your original post has already been covered multiple times in the SR4 Forum. So, if you want to know the answers, scroll up and read the posts in the SR4 section.
Seperate forum topics exist for reason, whether you want to use them or not. So do commas, spaces, periods, capital letters, and returns.
Leave him alone, intraweb Nazis !!
Nein! Er, no. wink.gif

"I don't actually want to put any effort into reading, I demand you tell me what I want here instead, and if you don't like it shut up" doesn't go over well with most folks.
QUOTE (Critias)
Leave him alone, intraweb Nazis !!

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