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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Welcome to the Shadows
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"Or do we pay off the people who designed the security...or talk to anyone that's hit it before...sucessfully or not?"
"I dislike the idea of paying people off, it leaves a trail, and what is to keep them from turning us in? No, this is going to have to be total covert ops, at night, no traces. That is what we need to do."
Wraith looks over at Noire, "Can you get us complete plans of their security layout? We've got blueprints, but I'm sure they've got security in that place that is unlisted."
"We might want to plan a nighttime trip to spend in postion looking, but not touching." Lleu suggested
"That's why I'm attempting to find out who installed the system.Companies are like people, set in the ways that work for them."
"Ok so we all agree some more recon is in order. Noir, can you get us a room across the street. An apartment with a good view would be best, a hotel where we can be on a floor around 5 or 6 would be my second choice. Once therer we can spend a few day monitoring the place. Maybe after that, and after Noir has gotten us more info on the security systems we can come up with a better plan."
Noire smiles."A penthouse suite perhaps?"
"Maybe the presidential sweet? No, in all seriousness keep us within in 10 stories of the ground."
"Before I make our travel arrangements, any cover identities you want incorporated?"
"Nothing specific, make us tourists or something. Use your best judgement."
"I'll look for conventions or big tourist groups in the area right now"
"That should just about do it then. Ok lets give Noir a few days to pull this off, at least we have a month to do the job eh? Call me if you need any help Noir. I think we should reconvene in 48 hours with the place, I would encourage everyone to contact anyone they might be able to get info out of and start doing recon."
Noire activates the cellular link and after a few moments online secures lodging for you at a small hotel across from the Louvre. Situated just behind the main courtyard, it looks over the top of the museum and straight down all the way to Place de la Concorde.
Ariel nodded, "good Job Noir. Ok peeps, lets be about it."


The next day found Ariel standing on the hotel balconey over looking the Louvre. She was letting her mind wander as the wind passed through her long black hair. She held a glass of white wine in her hand and absently sipped from it as she contemplated their mission.

Go in as a guard, maybe get in on the night shift. We could make a distraction, do it during the day. Maybe a bomb threat?

Her mind shifted tracks when she heard a noise from behind her, "Hey Lleu, any luck on your end?"
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