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Full Version: Possible reason for conflict between Japan/Huk
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
OK Long ago in one of the first published adventures . Masura had his egg stolen by the Yakuza . Now it seems to be common knowledge here that Ryumo owns the Yaks . Is this the possable cause of why Masura threw his lot in with the HUK ?
Yea my spelling sucks , and I am no where near as detailed as AH , but it just kind of sprung to mind , so I figured I would throw it out for the Netperts to tear apart.
I don't have the adventure, but it makes sense. My enemy's enemy is my friend. Honestly, it's very rare for fasa to go out and state the motivation of any character (Let alone a dragon), so I'd just play it as such.
Ronin Soul
If you're referring to C.O.D, then I don't really think so. The egg was stolen more or less by a runner team hired with funding from Human Nation so that when Masaru razed a large part of Seattle to get it back, the Big D would look bad.

I think the Yaks were just middlemen (the egg stealing runners were hired by a Yak middleman) but you could expand it if you want.
The feud between the HUK and the Japanese Imperial State (wrapped up in YotC btw) simply stems from the fact that the Japanese occupied the country. Why complicate further? Not that Japanese occupation dates back to the 2030's IIRC...

As to Masaru's involvement, well, the fact that Ryumyo is a power in the JIS and greats dragons are pretty territorial should be enough, if it isn't I suggest a peak at "Dragons of the Sixth World" for a couple more possibilities.
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