May 20 2005, 02:23 AM
"They would have liked those eclaires," Mitch chuckles as they leave, he was light hearted unless he was in a fight and he was genuinely concerned with thier donut choice after all, he was hungry. As the waitress walked by to refill Tatsu's coffee, Mitch stopped her, "'scuse me mam, could you do things for me, one find me a chair that will support my butt, and bring me two chocolate bearclaws and a cup of coffee."
The waitress chuckled softly at the large troll sitting on the floor, when he asked for a chair, "Sure thing hon, I'll get you a 'big boy' chair and your food."
"Thanks," Mitch looked her in the eye as warmly as he could being 9 foot tall with large tusks sticking out of his mouth. After a few moments the waitress came back with his order complete with a troll friendly chair. Standing up Mitch takes the chair from the girl and sets in down were he was sitting and eases gentle onto the chair, it was designed to support him but he still didn't want to fall flat on his ass if it did break.
The bearclaws were gone in all of two seconds and Mitch regretted not ordering ten, like he wanted to on the way over, but he didn't want to take advantage of the "hospitality". He thought as nice of a place this was, if they didn't continue to pay for it to be protected, Mitch would be making a buisness visit to the owner.
"Oh that reminds me, I need one of you guys with a car, to come pick up a 'client', he's out cold in a dumpster on the other side of the turf," he leaned back in the chair and looked around for any volunteers.
May 21 2005, 01:35 AM
Tatsu shrugs lazily. "Call up Tubbs, Mitch. I swung it for you last night. Besides, we have to all-the-way-lighten a truck for Kurohebi here. As much as we want to know what your client is offering, first things first. Bad-Bones really should know about those ghouls."
His cellphone appears in his hand and is ringing the war boss' phone. He tosses back a bit more coffee and eyes Lee. "Are you in on the truck heist?"
May 21 2005, 06:36 AM
Mitch sighed, "I guess I could get tubs to do it, I'll just have to take him back his keys." The troll shifted in his seat disapointed that he couldn't get a pick up from his friend Tatsu
Why are you suprised, he's got drek to do too, you can't just expect people to drop what they're doing just because you can't squeeze your ass into a car to drive it.
"Yeah your right," Mitch mumbled softly.
"Have Bad-Bones call me when your done talking to him, I've got a plan I'd like to run by him," Mitch grinned eagerly, thinking about were he could get his hands on 30 kilos of explosives.
"You guys have fun with your truck heist, call me if you encounter any problems I could help 'fix'," drinking down the last bit of soycaf from his cup, Mitch stands and heads for the door, begining to wonder if those FT's had decided to key his bike, or worse. If they did, it'd be hell to pay and Mitch wouldn't take a check.
May 29 2005, 05:39 AM
Relieved to see his bike was fine, Mitch mounts up and brings the sleeping giant to life. As he lifted the kickstand and shifted the bike into first, Mitch had an odd notion. what if were only suposed to think they're mounting an attack. For all we know the ghouls they have could be part of a euthinasia program that the FT's are running. It doesn't seem right but it'd still be a good idea to check into it.
Pulling out his cell phone Mitch put in a call to tubs, "Hey man I've got your keys, but you know that, I need your help picking up some 'buisness' this morning. I've already done the preliminary work so all I need you to do is drive. I didn't think things fully through when I set out this morning. Meet me at your car in twenty minutes, with your game face and some handcuffs if you can find some, if not a nice length of rope will do just fine."
Jun 2 2005, 02:02 PM
"Okay...I'll get dah stufftz" Tubs says to you.
Jun 2 2005, 04:27 PM
Lee nods at Tatsu. "Count me in. So what's the plan?"
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