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That's kind of a blessing. It gives me a chance to play catch up, and should breathe fresh life into the game for everyone when you do pick up the reins again. smile.gif
watch, you're ready to pick up by Friday...which is when I'm headed out to Dragon*Con. Oh well...I'll be back Tuesday. smile.gif
Ok. I've given this a lot of thought. This is being posted in each of the games I'm involved in, so sorry if you're seeing it more than once...

I've going to be pulling back from the forum games for a while. I'll still be involved, but mostly only in games that have been running for a long time. However, this does mean that I'll be dropping out of a lot of games that are either in startup or haven't been running long. Things in my life have just been too chaotic and frankly I'm just going through too much right now to keep up with the pace of the boards.

I'll be dropping the following games...

Tequila Blues (GM) - Sorry guys, hopefully Shadow or Grendel can take up the role of GM and keep things going. I'll be happy to feed them the ideas I had.
Daddy's Girl (GM) - I really hate doing this, cause its been going for a while, but being a GM is just beyond me right now.
Living in the Shadows - Grendel can decide what happens with Todd.
Into the Abyss - I haven't even started this one, so you'll be ok without me.
Balance Due - Even though I haven't posted yet, I know that Bishop was a main character. Perhaps he was killed by the Templars and that just gives his friends more reason to go after them.

Games I'll be staying in...
Extassis, Hunting Shadows Within, and Savior.
Well damn! frown.gif

I hope things start to go a little smoother in your life soon.
Echo that. Sucks though.

Fortune if your looking for a game, Abyss lost a bunch of player your welcome to come in.
I thought about that, thanks. PM me with what you need, and I'll catch up on the threads.

Although I really want to play in a game with you. I like how the two characters were interacting and playing off each other.

Of course, there's also the fact that I really like Flare. She is pretty much my only non-Awakened character. biggrin.gif
Ok. I really don't want to back out on this one. So. I'll be willing to finish this one up, but it'll likely move along at a slow pace (which its been doing already...). You guys still up for it?
I'm still up for it, hope things get better for you soon.

I'm sorry that Jessie won't be in Abyss, it would have been the first time ever that one of my characters went on a run with someone they already knew.

Yeah I am up for it. I liked the way it was going, slow pace is fine smile.gif
I'm definitely in. Good to have you back. smile.gif
Ok, cool. I'll try to get things bumped by the weekend, cause I'll be out of town for it.
Take your time. It isn't fun for you if it's stressed. Besides, we're a (somewhat) patient group. wink.gif
I waited all this time to get in. (of course, partially due to my procrastination in making my char sheet) I can wait for posting at a slower pace.
I'm still in. The slow pace is fine. smile.gif
I caught the flu again. So I am going to be absent for a few days. Oh the joys of having a child.
You and me both. I've been sick since last Weds. Its killin' me.
It must be the international variety. nyahnyah.gif

No rush ... it gives me a chance to catch up. smile.gif
Its nice to know that I am not alone in my suffering. The flu, having to move by myself. These are all great things. I wish I was dead.

I'm back so we can get the ball rolling again.
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