Apr 23 2005, 08:44 PM
Ok, today is the final day for submissions. I have gotten a lot of good characters sent in, but that doesn't mean if you haven't submitted yet you won't be accepted. So please send me something if you want to play.
The Grifter
Apr 23 2005, 10:12 PM
Question, how do we know if we got picked?
Apr 23 2005, 10:58 PM
Victor "The Rose" Yiev
I didnt send an email... i posted here on page 1 inside the spoiler =)
Apr 23 2005, 11:16 PM
I'll start letting people know Sunday or Monday. I'll post them here and PM the people that will be involved at the start of the game.
All people selected may have to make some adjustments to their characters and their backgrounds to fit into the game better. These will be small changes for the most part, like maybe changing the name of the corp they worked for, or what city they were in before coming to Seattle. Things like that.
Anyways, I'll be in touch.
Apr 23 2005, 11:24 PM
QUOTE (Gremish) |
Mallet, curious if i could just get some feedback on my char... you like, you dont like, you think its awsome , you think its stupid. Cause if you dont like it and you need a different type of char ill make anothr one. i like writing backgrounds and such so it wont bother me at all. More then anything ide like to get involved int he game but if im not the type o player your lookin for ide liek to know so i can move my arse else where =)
Thanks, Grem |
Sorry Grem, I must have missed this post when you first put it up. I haven't made a decission yet on which characters are going to be in the game, so I do not know if "the Rose" will make the cut yet or not, but I will let you know soon.
Apr 24 2005, 12:25 AM
argh! *hurries to get her char sheet finished*
Apr 24 2005, 02:19 AM
Time is getting short my friends, and I am getting anxious to get down to the game, but there is still a few hours to go for any last minute submissions.
If you are planing on still submitting please PM me or post so I'll keep an eye out for it, and make sure you are not forgotten.
Apr 24 2005, 02:23 AM
I just sent in my character.
Ellie - Face/Thief/B&E
All the main stuff (stats/skills/cyber) are set with her. I'm just trying to figure what gear to buy with the remaining money she has.
Apr 24 2005, 02:33 AM
I'm not quite done, but I sent what I have at the moment to whatever email you have in your Dumpshock profile.
Apr 25 2005, 12:07 AM
Can you confirm that you have received my sheet for Ghost Dragon?
Apr 25 2005, 01:56 AM
QUOTE (Leowulf) |
Can you confirm that you have received my sheet for Ghost Dragon?
I've got him.
Digital Heroin
Apr 25 2005, 01:57 AM
Despite the return of my lovely copy of MITS, I couldn't pull together a character, what with the drinking and the Cher and the work of this weeked... I'm definitly annoyed with myself, but knowing a background that's still shaky isn't enough, shall have to pull out...
Apr 25 2005, 05:00 AM
Little late.
Name: Tom Robinson
Private Detective.
The Grifter
Apr 25 2005, 05:40 PM
So....who's in?
Apr 26 2005, 11:30 AM
Apr 26 2005, 04:38 PM
Ok, after going over all the apps. and contimplating a few different ideas, I have finally come up with what I think will be a kick-ass storyline/game.
So, I have desided on who the players will be and will be posting their names up here a little bit later today (I just need to confirm a few things by PM).
Sorry if you character wasn't selected, it's nothing personal, it is just based on which characters inspired me to come up with an idea/storyline.
Also some of the characters not selected for the start of the game, I could easily see joining into the game later on, so I may be in contact with some of you later on about joining in (if you are still interested at that time.)
Thanks all.
Will post final list soon as I hear back from a few people.
Apr 26 2005, 05:42 PM
Ok. Here is the starting line-up.
HMHVV Hunter
I'll be starting up an OOC thread later this afternoon and we can meet up there and begin working out the details. Please refrain from telling each other any details of your characters or their BG's, I would like those types of details to come out during play.
Thanks again to everyone who applied.
HMHVV Hunter
Apr 26 2005, 05:56 PM
Sorry to spring this on ya...but I'm withdrawing. There's another game opening up that seems better suited to my character.
Sorry dude.
Apr 26 2005, 06:25 PM
You might want to expand your cast of characters slightly. While four is a good number for tabletop gaming, it can cause your online game to stall if just one or two people go out of town/have computer problems etc...
Either way, best of luck to you in your game. It sounds like it'll be awesome. And let me know if a spot opens up for a wise cracking, thieving, B&E/Face
Apr 26 2005, 07:15 PM
Ok, well Since HHMV Hunter is pulling out things are going to change a bit. Sorry to the rest of the players if this slows things down. Not my fault.
So I am going to go back over some of the other characters and see who can (and would be willing to) fix up their BG's to join into the storyline I've now got worked out.
Again sorry for the delay.
PS. As for the low number of players, my plan is for that to be the "starting crew" as things get rolling I full expect to be adding more players into the game.
Apr 27 2005, 01:03 AM
Right, so rather then change the storyline that I came up with for the game, I am just going to look and try and recruite a new player to fill the empty role.
So this is an open call for an OCCULT INVESTIGATOR style character.
Anyone wanting to play/submit please send me a BG as soon as possible. Out of the few I get, I'll pick the one that best fits with what we are doing, then it should be all good.
Any questions, just PM.
The Grifter
Apr 27 2005, 04:58 PM
I'm on it, man. I'll send ya some info ASAP.
Apr 27 2005, 05:02 PM
Now that I think about it, maybe a smaller number of players leads to a faster posting cycle and lets the action flow more smoothly. I haven't been enough play by post games to be sure.
Apr 27 2005, 06:08 PM
I didn't think I could do it but I just wrote a short story which would be enough to transition Ellie over to a Paranormal type of game without changing her core character. It involves a brief appearance by the dragon Arleesh (first introduced in the 1st edition module Bottled Demon).
And I have another character who was in storage who I've taken out and dusted off. I think he could be very well suited to your campaign.
Best of luck to you. Maybe we can convince him to pick both of us
Frater Inominatus
Apr 27 2005, 06:53 PM
I just found your post. Is there room for one more?
The Grifter
Apr 27 2005, 07:32 PM
I got a female elf Raccoon shaman cooked up. Just working out spells. I hould have it to you later tonight.
jklst14-Indeed. Good luck, chummer.
Apr 27 2005, 09:43 PM
So.... you gonan pick another person for your run? If so ide like to know who cause currently i do wanna play but only in 1 mission so i gotta find another if u dont need me =)
Apr 28 2005, 12:54 AM
I am going to add another player, but he/she would have to be an Occult Investigator type of character.
So if you want to submit another character of this type, then go for it, otherwise I am still going with the original players chosen.
Apr 28 2005, 05:54 AM
Hello all, Just check my email and I saw that I received 3 new PM's but when I get here to check them, surprise, surprise, it doesn't show me any...
So, I am not sure if this means that there is a problem with the PM system right now, or just with my set-up.
So, if you have sent me a PM in the last 24 hours, please resend it, because I have not got it.
PS. Things are in the works to get this game going. Expect OOC to be opening soon and we can all move over to there. I will post here and PM when that happens.
Apr 28 2005, 08:10 AM
No wonder you haven't been answering...mine were basicly to the extent of checking your email for my finalized char sheet.
The Grifter
Apr 28 2005, 03:36 PM
Lemme know if you got my e-mail, bro. Background on my shaman sent.
Apr 28 2005, 05:35 PM
Yep, got both emails. Going over them now.
Apr 28 2005, 11:30 PM
ok I have found our new player. Please welcome jklst14 to the game.
Now we can move forward.
so the final list of players (to start) is:
jklst14whizbanggobogenkaosaurOOC will be open later tonight or tomorrow. Get to know each other, but please do not spread any IC knowlage around (until it comes up during the game).
I will be PMing each of you with more details, and minor adjustments that will need to be made to your characters (BG & stats/abilities) plus any extras and bonuses you will be getting.
Thanks, and I look forward to seeing you in the OOC thread.
Apr 29 2005, 01:14 AM
Might want to email it as well, just incase Dumpshock is still eating PMs.
If you've sent any, last one I got was where you were asking for a bit more background information. Apparently you didn't get my PM in response to that one.
Apr 29 2005, 02:50 AM
The recruiting thread is closed. please move on over to the OOC thread and say "hi."
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