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Full Version: I'm looking for a new vehicle.
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I'm looking ahead for one of my characters, and have been trying to find some recreational vehicle suitable for him.

The problem is, I decided an ATV would be best...he's a survivalist, and this would be something used off-runs mostly. The problem is the insane cost of ATVs.

I could purchase any of the SUVs (except the MPUV) for cheaper than a small off-road 4-wheeler. This is ludicrous IMO.

The base-model ATV (chassis and Gasoline power plant) costs more than a Body 3 Caterpillar (chassis and Diesel). A small recreational vehicle costs more than construction equipment?!

I'm trying to come up with things to suggest/request of my GM to make ATVs more reasonably priced. Foremost is to adjust the DPV of the ATV chassis to 95 instead of 595 (I personally think this was one hell of a typo), which with a Gasoline engine makes the base cost just under 6k...modern ATVs cost around 3.5 to 8k $, so I think this is still reasonable.

Does anyone have other ideas to take into consideration?
Zeel De Mort
Yeah, now you mention it ATVs DO seem rather expensive. Even wit a low markup, the design cost is quite prohibitive. I'm not sure what the idea is with that.

Well, if you're going to stick to the rules as they are, you might want to consider a Sand Buggy. Either the L-C LSV in the book, or a custom made one. The L-C LSV has similar stats to the Pinto, but costs nearly a third of the price. Not quite the same as an ATV, but it's an option. Either that or tell your GM to slash the cost of ATVs a bit!
An ATV is FINE fer ONE of ya, but what about the crew? The FAM!?! (smirk)

How FAR in the "back country" are ya goin'? Are ya lookin' fer the "Mountain Goat" type ride, way up in the Rockies, or the "Deep Forest" type?

Havin' seen ZILLIONS of vehicles (in my hunt fer somethin' cool), I'd go with the GAZ-NIKI White Eagle for all-around suitability (it's got decent on/off-road capability, and can be modified with the SnowMaster rig, trailer, and a Multifuel Package to keep the tree-huggerz off yer bacon [smirk], and finally a side-car option). A few tweaks of customization would make it an excellent "recreational" machine.

"What about the six kiddies?" you say?

Landrover makes the Model 2046 big enough to accomodate yer ENTIRE crew (twin bucket+4 folding bench), an Active suspension, and a MASSIVE cargo storage area ("Jimmy, you CAN'T take the motorcycle!" "But DAAAAAAAAAD!").

Finally, there's THIS option; ask yer G.M. REEEEEEEAAAALLL nice, if he'd let you DESIGN a vehicle; cost is INCREDIBLY affordable (5,000 nuyen.gif base price fer my machine)...

QUOTE (Zeel De Mort)
Well, if you're going to stick to the rules as they are, you might want to consider a Sand Buggy.  Either the L-C LSV in the book, or a custom made one.

Actually, he already owns an LSV (I recently re-designed a little, because the LSV can't hold 4 bucket seats, which it is listed as major changes though, for about 3/4 the listed price, somehow), which he's planning on getting modified (engine and armor) later.
He's a sniperesque character, and so having singular transportation to drive away from/rejoin the group can make some sense.

Raven, this would be something meant to cruise the woodland areas between Seattle and the Cascade range (including the range, actually). Mostly a hunting vehicle. The one I designed has, for lack of better term, a cargo rack on the back nearly the size of a bench seat, enough to easily carry a deer or slightly larger animal (and the load to bear it as well) after finding it. This is more a flavor vehicle with some potential in-game functionality
QUOTE (Corywn)
QUOTE (Zeel De Mort)
Well, if you're going to stick to the rules as they are, you might want to consider a Sand Buggy.  Either the L-C LSV in the book, or a custom made one.

Actually, he already owns an LSV (I recently re-designed a little, because the LSV can't hold 4 bucket seats, which it is listed as major changes though, for about 3/4 the listed price, somehow), which he's planning on getting modified (engine and armor) later.
He's a sniperesque character, and so having singular transportation to drive away from/rejoin the group can make some sense.

Raven, this would be something meant to cruise the woodland areas between Seattle and the Cascade range (including the range, actually). Mostly a hunting vehicle. The one I designed has, for lack of better term, a cargo rack on the back nearly the size of a bench seat, enough to easily carry a deer or slightly larger animal (and the load to bear it as well) after finding it. This is more a flavor vehicle with some potential in-game functionality

I'll give ya a call if I need to "back-woodz" it in the Canadian out-back (smirk)...

In the mean time, look me up if you ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY have to have it there (maybe not over-night, but my 2055 Bel-Air is jus' 'bout GARANTEED to make it there!)...

Well, if you've got money to burn, go for the Audi A9 GTX Scirocco. (90k, index 2)

It's a rally car (Handling 3/3) with more optional hardcore extras that would suit the average gun-bunny-goes-bush/rigger with a tree fetish.

Of course, it's bloody pricey, and once you've added the zapper strips, photovoltic chameleonics and a few other choice additions, the cargo space (3/300kg) takes a bit of a pounding.

But it _moves_ (140/15) and has an UNaugmented body/armour (3/3) so if you want something that will drive itself home after you've been shot to pieces, this is it.

Otherwise, go the Rolls-Royce munkin-a-bile. But having one of those on the Seattle-streets is asking for a rocket-attack. The Sricocco is reasonably street-legal.
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