OK...how many people here remember the show "The Master", where Lee Van Cleef played the role of a white ninja master?
Basically, Van Cleef's character had an 80s hair scary man side kick who went around with him and they would use boring asian pseudophilosophical cliches to solve everyone's problem. It was like a cheap knockoff of Kung Fu, but then Kung Fu: The Legend Continues ended up being like a cheap knockoff of The Master with the inclusion of a male sidekick with long hair. (The Master was a 1984 TV show so it came before Kung Fu: The Legend Continues.)
In any case, I think that The Master is fifty billion times cooler than Kung Fu because it has Sho Kosugi instead of David Carradine in it.
Anyway, this is my big question: I only have the first two episodes of The Master on DVD. However, I understand that there were 14 1 hour episodes, or something like that. Has anyone seen all 14 of the episodes? If so, can you tell me what ninja powers Lee Van Cleef exhibits? I want to make a Shadowrun physad based on Lee Van Cleef's character.
So far, in the first two episodes, I've seen:
Killing Hands (where Van Cleef severs someone's artery "with my fingers")
Athletics 6 (12) (tightrope walking, hanging to the bottom of a Mitsubishi)
Before I start making up a geriatric caucasian ninja (uh oh, sounds like we might be getting near Ashida Kim territory here) I just want to make sure that I know what all of Van Cleef's major shticks are.
Any information you might have would be appreciated.
And for those of you who haven't seen The Master, you owe it to yourself to see it. You can buy a DVD with the first two episodes for like 3 dollars secondhand on Amazon.com.