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I completely forgot that I had finished Where a Rock Meets the Sky. I had a lot of people give me some good ideas on the board and just wanted to share it.

Mental note, it's not cannon (so no flamming), but it's still a pretty good story. smile.gif

Where a Rock Meets the Sky
Perhaps a quick bit on what you're talking about would help? What is 'Where a Rock Meets the Sky'? An e-book?
QUOTE (nezumi @ May 4 2005, 06:47 AM)
Perhaps a quick bit on what you're talking about would help?  What is 'Where a Rock Meets the Sky'?  An e-book?

It's a story based on the Will entry in Big D's will. I had a lot of people on the board tossing ideas around as to what the "rock" could have been and used some of them in various ways... then ran my SR group through it. smile.gif

I'd completely forgotten to post that the story was done and wanted to post the link as part of a thank you for those who gave me some great ideas... especailly AH. smile.gif
Ancient History
Aw, shucks. embarrassed.gif
Sounds oddly to me like the only rock that meets Earth's sky is, yes, The Moon....

So who knows?
Wasn't that the translated name of a mountain in Australia?

QUOTE (KarmaInferno)
Wasn't that the translated name of a mountain in Australia?


Someone brought that one up. I thought about using it and then decided against it. I believe it was Ayer's Rock, but I could be wrong.
Swing Kid
I just read the first chapter and the prologue. Looks pretty good so far.
While its a good premis, its kinda... mixed fanfic. I do like 'some; of the Crimnson Skys referances "And when you hit the ground, tell ‘em Marhault Elsdragon sent ya!" Indeed =)

But the light sabers, plasma weapons, antigrav belts, anti-matter?

Also, why would anyone be flying a plane thats 70 years old into hard combat? Especally 2 russian, an Israli, and an american.

Also, ch 26 referances a Me-262, which by then its a 120 year old german jet fighter. Currently there are 2 in working existance.

Love the bit with the astral quest and dweller. Nicly done.
The one in Australia is named something like "Ayer's rock"

another thought of the resolution of the place named in D's will is the Hymilaya's, especially around Everest and K-2

(Boy talk about a Michael Myers of a thread topic.)
Not really all that important to the discussion at hand, but you should know that Ayers Rock has been legally known as Uluru (the traditional name) since it was officially returned to the Aboriginal people.

I've lived in Australia all my life and have never heard it referred to as 'Where a Rock Meets the Sky', or anything similar. That said, I don't know what Uluru translates to in English, if anything.
QUOTE (Lindt)
While its a good premis, its kinda... mixed fanfic. I do like 'some; of the Crimnson Skys referances "And when you hit the ground, tell ‘em Marhault Elsdragon sent ya!" Indeed =)

But the light sabers, plasma weapons, antigrav belts, anti-matter?

Also, why would anyone be flying a plane thats 70 years old into hard combat? Especally 2 russian, an Israli, and an american.

Also, ch 26 referances a Me-262, which by then its a 120 year old german jet fighter. Currently there are 2 in working existance.

Love the bit with the astral quest and dweller. Nicly done.

Reaver is a little older than he looks, and therefore tends to be a bit on the eccentric side. Hence the reason for the mix of fanfic. smile.gif

In my game universe, Novastar makes ME-262's (among other WWII designs) as a cheap alternative to combat jet aircraft. They are especially popular with smaller countries with coorespondingly smaller budgets. These designs are of course upgraded with new technology, both inside and out.

The astral quest bit was hillarious. My players didn't quite know what to do with that. biggrin.gif
Talia Invierno
That said, I don't know what Uluru translates to in English, if anything.
- Euchrid

It's supposed to have no specific meaning, although some websites will claim otherwise. I found this website particularly intriguing.

"Where Earth Meets Sky" is a very common subtitle for the Himalayas.

I'd also been thinking about a couple of metaphorical interpretations for that phrase within Earthdawn contexts.

One referenced the original Earthdawn test for when it would be safe to emerge from the kaers: when the ambient magic level had become low enough for elemental earth and elemental water no longer to hold apart, instead mixing to become mud. After all, Dunkelzahn's interest was in keeping the Horrors from coming to the mundane plane for as long as possible. Within this possibility, we might be looking for a newly formed separation of elemental air and elemental earth: a marker that the Horrors were soon to arrive.

The second refers to two of the Earthdawn metaraces which were slow to appear in the Sixth World: windlings (sprites?) and obsidimen. "Where a rock meets the sky": when obsidimen emerge from their liferocks into the Sixth World?
Exactly, and that's why I included the Himalaya's in the story. As well as alittle Earthdawn twist just for giggles. smile.gif
Ancient History
I've lost count for the number of potential locations. ALso, for the number of people sending me potential locations.
QUOTE (Ancient History)
I've lost count for the number of potential locations. ALso, for the number of people sending me potential locations.

I know the feeling. I had to site down with all the ideas and decide which ones I wanted and which one's I didn't. smile.gif
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