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Ancient History

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AH aka IIRC the mad arab.

I love it! <<<Cheers Madly>>> grinbig.gif

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Yaaaaay!!!! biggrin.gif biggrin.gif

Will there be more to come, like your earthdawn city in an astral pocket, or more of your artifacts?
Very sexy, AH. Well done.
AH make the pretties go.
Thank you.
Ah, the bone machine...So delusional, so functional ork.gif
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Yeah! I was hoping you would post these. My players on the other hand..
Ancient History
Ah. You noticed. biggrin.gif
Yeah, I was gone for a few days. smile.gif
Jason Farlander
Excellent work, AH. Keep it up.
By the way, you going to add Mallory's Divinations to this page? I just gave it to my mage in my campaign as one of the "magical tomes" she discovered in a shattered talismonger's shop. smile.gif
Ancient History
Oh, but I did. Loooong time ago.
*looks again*

Ummm where? Or did you delete it?

I still laugh uncontrollably when I read "Spinecrusher, breaker of souls"...
Ancient History
Look again. Use the Force, Luke...wait, Luke, what are you doing? I said use the Force, not turn off your targeting computer!
Herald of Verjigorm
Heh, I was just clicking to change focus to that page and opened up Mallory's Divinations. It's still there, written down in black behind white.
Oh that's evil.

Makes sense tho. smile.gif
Thanks for giving us easy access to your wonderful creative works.

I only have one problem. I can't figure out how to navigate from your main dumpshock page to The Best of Ancient History page. Is the new page set up so that only dumpshock board readers are likely to find it or am I just missing the link?
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