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Ancient History
So, we've all heard people bitching about parts of the book they were highly critical of. Which is completely natural, indeed inevitable, in any book that incorporates politics. Or views thereof. Or fictional representations of views thereof. And so on.

So! What parts of the book did you like? A specific poster or style, a particularly witty comment, perhaps the art? Do tell.

Need it be said, no kvetching. You can do that elsewhere.
Crimsondude 2.0
DIMR, Atlantean Foundation, Tanamous, The Smokers' Club
Humanis, Tamanous, the Nightengales and most of the Ecogroups.
Ah finally, info about Tamanous. And well written too. That's fine. Can't wait to lay my hands on the printed version. smile.gif
DIY Crime, baby biggrin.gif
This is as a good an opportunity as any to thank Snow Fox for her assistance when I was developing Brokerage X back on SoE.
Crimsondude 2.0
BTW, I clearly did like some of LA as my above post suggests.
I'm still trying to figure if your gripe with the Fascists is just with the GI bit or the actual content of the fiction. Same with the Vigilia, although there you definitely missed the point. And yeah the Smoker's CLub is quite cool.
Crimsondude 2.0
Other thread.
Perfectly right. Sorry everyone, wasn't trolling on purpose.
Crimsondude 2.0
damn. Sorry.
I like having info on Rinelle and the TT situation (since I've taken on Tir-stuff as what I try to keep track of and keep up to date, on SL). I might not like the specific info we got on Rinelle (I'd been hoping for a little more, and maybe even some estimated numbers for them, etc) but what was there was okay.

Tanamous stuff was slick -- it's good to finally get some info on this shadowy group.

Despite my grouching on the other thread -- which, again for clarification's sake is more with the word from the editor than with the in-game stuff -- I am mildly pleased with this book. It's not kickin' as much ass as Sota:64, I know I won't be grabbing it as reference as much as MitS or CC or anything, but I know that's not how it's meant to be used. There's handy stuff in here that could lead to new character concept/background ideas, the occasional politically motivated run, etc. It's a potentially handy book.
QUOTE (Critias @ May 24 2005, 05:39 AM)
There's handy stuff in here that could lead to new character concept/background ideas, the occasional politically motivated run, etc.  It's a potentially handy book.

That's all we could ask for. We can never please everybody but if the book proves useful to most people in one way or another then it's done its job.
I liked but hated the neo-communism. I liked the reference to Radical Edward, and that was a lot of fun to read, but I did not get much out of it as it was written in a very hard to follow way.

I really liked DIY Crime's section, they kick ass.
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