Jun 3 2005, 07:19 PM
I love large format printers. I just got a copy of the Shadowrun World map 24 x36 inches quite stunning quality too.
Jun 3 2005, 07:41 PM
Jun 3 2005, 11:19 PM
What I really would like is a map of Seattle, updated for 2064, and showing the location of important things (like the Arcology.). Anyone know where I can get one?
Jun 3 2005, 11:51 PM
SR1 Main Book. Though it's 15 years out of date
Crimson Jack
Jun 4 2005, 01:46 AM
Ya know, that is one thing marginally nice about that other game. The maps are fuel for a creative DM. Its a rarity when we even get one and when we do, its normally a broad map of the country and main territories and routes. feh...
Jun 6 2005, 02:12 PM
Yeah, but don't forget, you can't get free satellite maps online of Faerun.
Jun 6 2005, 03:19 PM
So you are telling me that I have to map Seattle myself!?
Jun 6 2005, 04:47 PM
QUOTE (nezumi) |
Yeah, but don't forget, you can't get free satellite maps online of Faerun. |
Unfortunately satelite maps of the 6th world are also exceedingly rare. Stupid time travel.
I know what you mean, use them as a starting base. But there have been a lot of changes, so you have a lot of altering to do to bring them roughly in line with canon.
Jun 7 2005, 12:33 PM
QUOTE (SpasticTeapot) |
What I really would like is a map of Seattle, updated for 2064, and showing the location of important things (like the Arcology.). Anyone know where I can get one? |
I have one under the 'Game Resources' section of my web site (see sig), it fits on 3x3 A4 pages.
Also plotted are bars, restaurants and other misc buildings.
Jun 7 2005, 10:57 PM
Dave, you are AWESOME. I've been looking for a map like that for ages. It could use a bit more detail (side-streets, etc.), though I guess it's the GM's perogative to make this stuff up as he goes.
Crimson Jack
Jun 8 2005, 01:11 AM
QUOTE (Dave) |
QUOTE (SpasticTeapot @ Jun 3 2005, 11:19 PM) | What I really would like is a map of Seattle, updated for 2064, and showing the location of important things (like the Arcology.). Anyone know where I can get one? |
I have one under the 'Game Resources' section of my web site (see sig), it fits on 3x3 A4 pages.
Also plotted are bars, restaurants and other misc buildings.
Yes. Cool indeed. Hats off, sir. Thanks!
Jun 8 2005, 04:06 AM
Unfortunately satelite maps of the 6th world are also exceedingly rare. Stupid time travel. |
not to mention apocryphal at best.
Jun 8 2005, 12:16 PM
Glad to be of assistance.
Keep checking back I should be able to find some more time this month to upload more maps and possibly add a section for my catalogue of NPC portraits.
Jun 8 2005, 01:54 PM
QUOTE (Kiedo) |
QUOTE (SR4-WTF?) | Unfortunately satelite maps of the 6th world are also exceedingly rare. Stupid time travel. |
not to mention apocryphal at best.
I beg to differ, on both counts. Google maps is very nice about labelling roads and everything. And the lay and name of roads of Seattle hasn't changed too much over 60 years, which is probably what you really want (I presume you don't want every building labelled. You might have trouble placing the arcology, but I don't know of any other buildings of note where the address is of any real import.) So I regularly take a snapshot of downtown Seattle, outline one building at random and say 'this is your target'!
It gets tougher when you go out to NAN, but aside from that... What else are you looking for?
Jun 8 2005, 02:07 PM
QUOTE (Dave) |
QUOTE (SpasticTeapot @ Jun 3 2005, 11:19 PM) | What I really would like is a map of Seattle, updated for 2064, and showing the location of important things (like the Arcology.). Anyone know where I can get one? |
I have one under the 'Game Resources' section of my web site (see sig), it fits on 3x3 A4 pages.
Also plotted are bars, restaurants and other misc buildings.
1. It's missing a scale.
2. Arcology is mispelled in "Renraku Arcology".
3. Is it a modern map altered to mave the SR locations in it? The way the Renraku Arcology appears to have a bit of its base built over water, it looks like it is.
Otherwise, good job. On a different note, I would note the costs for the licences are much too high. I wouldn't be surprised if the main cost for most of these would be the training courses.
Jun 8 2005, 07:05 PM
QUOTE (nick012000) |
3. Is it a modern map altered to mave the SR locations in it? The way the Renraku Arcology appears to have a bit of its base built over water, it looks like it is. |
IIRC, it is.
Jun 9 2005, 08:34 AM
1. It's missing a scale.
Added, although it is only an approximation based on the fact the ground floor of the Arcology is one sq. km.
2. Arcology is mispelled in "Renraku Arcology".
3. Is it a modern map altered to mave the SR locations in it? The way the Renraku Arcology appears to have a bit of its base built over water, it looks like it is.
I believe it was an online street map of Seattle modified to include canon locations.
As for the Arcology location, one of the lower levels (I forget which) is an actual port. See 'RA:S' for a description of each level.
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