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Full Version: OOC: Ashes to Ashes
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Welcome to the Shadows
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In the future I'll have myself pulled over and then blow the cops out of the water! smile.gif

Oh, and Gaias... Its 'steak' not stake. smile.gif Stakes are things you attack vampires with. wink.gif
Ol' Scratch
Maybe he's trying to tell us something. Let's stab him!
Your right, two weeks ago I played a game of buffy the vampire slut and have not been able to get it out of my head. smile.gif
umm, 30 nuyen, if it's anything like a dollar then that should be right. Wait do you want a soysteak or a cow steak, because that could be costly....
Cow steak, otherwise I wouldn't have asked. smile.gif
In that case, we'll say 100 nuyen, to keep it reasonable. If I understand the world of shadowrun correctly real meat, as well as other real things, can get faily expensive.

You guys can take any none essential liberties with my NPCs you'd like. For example if Dr. funkenstien wanted Ol Scratch to pick up the bouncer he could, but if he wanted her to let him borrow her car to do a run, then that's were I'd step in.
OK, well I am going to pick up the bouncer and leave for her place. LOL
Heading out of town for a couple days. Should be back Thursday.
WOW, slow day yesterday.

Keido: We're waiting on a post from you at this point.
Thats what I thought. smile.gif

My bad, I'll make it now...
Sorry for the long computer is hurting, my brakes went out on the Chevy, the Ford wont start, and my bank card was "comprimised" so they say-aka no atm access till my new card comes.

Tonight I should reformat my computer, then I might be able to reset my internet account tomorrow or Friday. Then I shall catch up...I hope.
Sorry for lack of posting, but I am down with the flu. It's real bad so give me a couple of more days to get my energy back.
And I am back. Sinjin is only going to drink water.
Its....ALIVE!!! From the ashes of despair, my computer rises again, in a fury of fire, like the reborn pheonix, to post once again upon the forums of dumpshock!
To bad you, me, and a few others are the only ones.
I hope every one had a great 4th of July. I was out of town for a few days, but now I am back.
Its been a while since we've seen an IC post. Keido, we're waiting on a bump from you.
Bastard computer is up now, but have not had the chance to use it on this thread.
okay I'll bumb this pony, I was umm, building suspense?
Suspense built! Well done gm!

(do I get a karma point for ass kissing?)
you get 1 karma point divided by two, rounded down, lol.
.50 karma, got that down on my sheet.
your math is off, but that's okay
Trying to kick a dead dog, eh?
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