Jun 6 2005, 11:36 AM
When will the printed version hit the shelfs? Is it printed yet?
Jun 6 2005, 11:38 AM
Yeah, I'm really anxious to get it, too. I don't like PDFs much (have trouble reading on computer screens; I much prefer hardcopy books and my sofa for reading), and would hate to pay twice for the same book.
Jun 6 2005, 12:41 PM
Buy the PDF then take it to Kinkos or somewhere like that to be printed off.
Jun 6 2005, 01:10 PM
QUOTE (nick012000) |
Buy the PDF then take it to Kinkos or somewhere like that to be printed off. |
Well, that would be around 20€ for the book, 56€ for the passport and about 1000€ for the flight to the USA. Sorry, I wait for a printed version
Jun 6 2005, 03:21 PM
Come on, there're transatlantic flights as cheap as €700 now.
Jun 6 2005, 04:05 PM
QUOTE (hermit) |
Come on, there're transatlantic flights as cheap as €700 now. |
Well, since I am XXL, I only fly first class or Troop Bay. And since the UN takeover of the US has been postphoned until next year (The black helicopters are grounded due to a MidLife Upgrade)...
Cynic project
Jun 11 2005, 11:09 PM
When is it comming?
Jun 12 2005, 04:51 AM
Kinko's is still like 10 cents/page. Still paying for it twice.
I hate it when a release date is "........."
Jun 17 2005, 05:37 PM
Any word of anybody having the print version?
Jun 18 2005, 06:28 PM
Expect books to arrive in print version 4-5 weeks after the PDF release. Seems to be about the lead time for both Battletech and Shadowrun products.
For those getting it from venues other than distributor -> retailer, add a week or two (or less if you get it straight from a distributor).
Jun 19 2005, 02:44 AM
Thanks. Looking forward to buying it.
Jun 22 2005, 05:48 AM
In an ideal world of course. Alliance games doesn't have it listed yet, which means not this week. I think that makes it about 6 weeks since Loose Alliances and Interstellar Players (BT book) were released.
Jun 22 2005, 02:22 PM
I just got mail from my retailer that the packet just left their store, so I should have in 1 or 2 days
Jun 22 2005, 04:03 PM
QUOTE (Elve) |
I just got mail from my retailer that the packet just left their store, so I should have in 1 or 2 days |
Which one? Fanpro? FanEncounter?
Jun 22 2005, 05:12 PM
Fanpro (germany) has it as available since today
Jun 22 2005, 08:17 PM
Hopefully my friendly online-shop ( will have it added tomorrow.
Jun 22 2005, 08:42 PM
Oh cool! Finally, I will be able to actually read it!
Jun 22 2005, 10:17 PM
I've been informed that the official ship date is next monday, so most game stores should have it by the end of next week.
Jun 22 2005, 10:22 PM
Where does it ship from? Is that date valid for the US only, or for Europe too?
*is excited*
Jun 22 2005, 10:43 PM
Well, sounds like some stores in Europe have it already, but in general I wouldn't expect it in Europe until a week after it leaves distributors in the USA.
Jun 22 2005, 10:57 PM
Awww. Well, at least I have an ETA now.
Jun 22 2005, 11:12 PM
So two weeks from monday on? That's fine - i'll get my next wage around that date. So i can spend the current on the next two weekends being drunk at some festivals.
Jun 23 2005, 01:51 PM
Just got it

Looks nice, some really nice artwork...
But I really hoped for stuff on Winternight (or other more traditiknal terror groups) *G*
Have to go... must read... cant stop...
Jun 23 2005, 03:14 PM
How do players overseas get books before the players in USA and Canada do?
This is not just a Fanpro thing for I have seen it happen with other companies to.
Jun 23 2005, 05:43 PM
They order from internationally operating retail services ... who get their copies in the US the very second it hits the distributers, and send via air mail. I guess.
Or LA was printed somewhere in Eastern Europe. Then it'd be a much farther way to the Us than Kiel.
Jun 23 2005, 06:27 PM
FanPro ships stuff to FanPro Germany's f-shop ASAP, so they can start filling orders as quickly as possible.
Most FanPro products are printed in the USA.
otaku mike
Jun 24 2005, 03:40 AM
QUOTE (Starglyte) |
How do players overseas get books before the players in USA and Canada do? This is not just a Fanpro thing for I have seen it happen with other companies to. |
Yep, I noticed that too. I could buy my L5R RPG 3rd Ed in Paris way before most north americans. But speed is not the most important thing. I'd rather wait a couple of weeks more and pay the book 40 dollars instead of 40 euros... Unfortunately, I was on the wrong side of the Atlantic...
Jun 24 2005, 09:02 AM
QUOTE (otaku mike) |
QUOTE (Starglyte) | How do players overseas get books before the players in USA and Canada do? This is not just a Fanpro thing for I have seen it happen with other companies to. |
Yep, I noticed that too. I could buy my L5R RPG 3rd Ed in Paris way before most north americans. But speed is not the most important thing. I'd rather wait a couple of weeks more and pay the book 40 dollars instead of 40 euros... Unfortunately, I was on the wrong side of the Atlantic...
Just as a question:
What is the US price for Loose Alliancens?
Jun 27 2005, 10:23 PM
Loose Alliances is available from Alliance Games to retailers now, so if your shop is prompt and has an order this week, then expect to see it in stores this week.
Checking the ShadowRN mailing list nets this, and since it answers some questions, here ya go.
QUOTE (Adam Jury) |
Yo folks,
The print edition of Loose Alliances has finally shipped, and should be arriving in game stores by the end of the week. FanPro will -- of course -- also have copies at Origins in Columbus, Ohio this weekend.
We have a 16 page PDF preview of Loose Alliances available:
And an art preview:
And some desktop wallpaper:
Loose Alliances
Corps don't give a drek about the runners they hire. That's why they call us expendable assets. And forget working for the Mob or the Yakuza -- once you're in, you're part of their family for the rest of your life. Lucky for us, there are swarms of other factions looking to claim their piece of sprawl -- and who are willing to bypass the law to do it. Policlubs, magic groups, religious factions, black marketeers -- and those are just the ones on my block. Hooking up with an organization has its advantages -- resources, steady employment, backup -- but pick the wrong group to run with and you'll regret it when they kick you to the curb. So what's it going to be chummer? You can't roll solo forever."
Loose Alliances is a sourcebook for organizations and third party groups that operate by their own set of rules in the Shadowrun world. From political factions and religious groups to relic hunters and Tamanous organleggers, it provides a wealth of information on the more obscure parties in the shadows and the benefits and drawbacks that comes with them.
Product ID: 25006 Price: 24.99 Pages: 164 ISBN: 1-932564-44-6 EAN: 9781932564440
Cheers, Adam -- Adam Jury
Jun 27 2005, 11:06 PM
LooseAlliances is in the stores in germany since Saturday. Nice book. So far, only two problems with the book:
+ With Laubenstein/Prescot gone, I hoped for better interior art. Sadly, most of the art is worse than in the previous two books
+ What is that unimportant minor nation doing in the UN security counsil? What's next? Papua-Neuguinea? Who on earth put the UCAS in the counsil?
Jun 28 2005, 07:11 AM
Needless to say: reviews appreciated.
Jun 28 2005, 08:05 AM
QUOTE (Synner) |
Needless to say: reviews appreciated. |
Gimmy three more nights to warm to sleep and I should be through. I like what I have read so far.
Jun 28 2005, 08:11 AM
QUOTE (Synner) |
Needless to say: reviews appreciated. |
It's too Eurocentric! You suck!

P.S. I demand more
shadowtalk time! My unescapable potential is ebbing away like the years are slipping from my lifespan.
Skarn Ka
Jun 28 2005, 08:45 AM
QUOTE (Birdy) |
+ What is that unimportant minor nation doing in the UN security counsil? What's next? Papua-Neuguinea? Who on earth put the UCAS in the counsil?
*Non-permanent members have rotating terms, the goal being to ensure representativity of all continents/cultural zones. The actual size of the country is of little importance as long as overall the council as a whole bears some diplomatic / military credibility. The only limitations would be:
- countries with no actual government or a government in exile (for instance today's Somalia),
- countries without an army or bound by special treaties (Switzerland, Iceland),
- countries undergoing a severe civil war (Poland)
Which nation are you referring to ?
And yeah, Papua-New Guinea would fit.

*UCAS: Er... I rather don't see how it *couldn't be* on the Council, considering its power and backing.
Thanks for the review ! Keep the comments coming !
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