Oct 13 2005, 07:31 AM
Giving anyone who made a move for beer the chance to leave and come back, Jake settles down for business.
"Let's set a few things straight, I'm used to sitting on that side of the table. I've been told that you and your team are the best, and I'm willing to pay for that. You seem to be the type of fellow who is fairly straight-forward so here goes.
"This young woman," gesturing to Iblis, "has 300,000 nuyen which she is prepared to wire into an account that you name. Obviously this sizable donation to your favorite charity comes with certain strings attached to it. My people are going to crash a party with a bunch of geisha. We're going to sweep the head geisha off her feet and take her home. Your job is going to be to make sure that the samurai are too busy looking outside to realize that we came and left. When the night's over, we'll bring down the house with a show-stopping dance routine. If everything goes according to plan, your charity has a gift that keeps on giving and I'm sipping fruity drinks in Fiji by the end of the week."
"So, thoughts?"
Cedric Rolfsson
Oct 13 2005, 03:29 PM
Styx blinks at the convoluted explanation. He takes a sip of his drink to cover his hesitation and tries to puzzle out what exactly it was the man across the table was proposing. Finally he makes eye contact and says.
"So let me get this right sir, you're proposing that we act as either cover for, or possibly a decoy for, some operation you and your crew will be engaged in. Is this correct? I take it from the description that you're planning on engaging some person or persons of Japanese descent."
Styx glanced around the area, then returned his gaze back to that of the man hiring his team.
"To be honest with you sir, my team and I are the best, but we've earned that reputation by being very careful about clearly defining our mission objectives and priorities before we agree to the assignment. What you're proposing sounds fine in theory, certainly something we can handle, but I'd like more specific information please."
"I'd also like to know whom I'm dealing with, it makes conversations so much easier. You may call me Styx."
He deliberately didn't introduce the other team members, allowing each in turn to decide how to handle introductions.
Oct 13 2005, 06:03 PM
"You can call me Jake, the man here to my right has no name, so we gently mock him for this and call him Nameless. On my left is a digital goddess who has too many names, a nice contrast I think to my other friend, but you can call her Iblis. The man with satyr legs and chopped off horns is known to me as Howling Moon.
"I understand your concerns. I'm speaking in generalities because I don't want to have to worry about how I'm going to kill one of the best mercenary companies in the world because they know more than they should about certain things. That scenario is bound to end poorly for everyone involved and take the spring right out of your step.
"So, basically I need to know if you and your team is in, before I can go over the nitty gritty specifics. Let's just say we've done our homework and know that your talents are going to be very necessary."
Cedric Rolfsson
Oct 13 2005, 06:45 PM
Ignoring the not so veiled threat, Styx concentrated on business.
"Lets just say that we're interested in the offer. I am willing to give a limited commitment to preform the assignment dependent upon certain conditions. If those conditions cannot be met then we will be forced to refuse the assignment."
Styx gave the other runners an assessing look, clearly weighing the potential danger from each, then gave Jake an icy stare.
"Jake, sir, as for you killing us for knowing too much, just zero that brainwave now. While you and your crew might be top notch covert operatives the reality is that if you could dish out the same kind of overt destructive power that GCSI could you wouldn't have had to hire us. You and your team might be able to destroy my credit rating and send everyone in the universe nasty e-mails about me, or even geek me in some dark alley somewhere but I doubt you'd want to start a fight with my guys."
Deliberately lightening his tone and smiling; he added;
"Besides, talk about us being in opposition is silly. Even if we walk away from this job confidentiality is guaranteed. Whatever information we get in our briefing would remain absolutely confidential, otherwise we would never get hired for another job anywhere."
"The offer sounds good in theory, but I'm not committing my crew to taking on the Renraku Red Samurai in the Arcology at high noon, or any drek like that. If you'd like to retire to an alternate secure location before sharing more detailed information that's fine too, but we will need more data before making a solid commitment. We're all professionals here and you're going to have to rely on that professionalism."
Styx held himself ready to act if the need arose but didn't really worry about it. While he counted himself competent in a physical dust up he had Drake by his side and back up didn't come anymore competent than that. What the old solider might lack in cyber and speed he more than made up for in experience and willingness to cheat. Like the old saying went, "Old age and treachery will beat youth and enthusiasm everytime."
Oct 13 2005, 08:12 PM
"I have no doubt that I would die in such an endeavor which is why I don't want to have to worry about it. You probably have weapons underneath that coat that I can't see, and by your reputation you and your companion would be quite skilled with all of them. So let's agree that any kind of altercation like that is not in either of our interests and move forward.
"The job needs to happen within the next 72 hours, preferably at night. There will be fewer...complications, that way. Neither Renraku nor any of the AAAs are involved, but the resistance will be comparable. When you agree, we'll give you a complete breakdown of the resistance and lay out a more detailed time table.
"With my bit of sharing, I'd like some info from you. How many people are in your team? I ask so that I can secure a large enough facility for a base of operations."
Oct 14 2005, 01:25 AM
Iblis lounges in the chair, having pushed it back to rest against a far wall, as she tips it to two feet. Trying hard not to look bored as the back and forth ensued. She doubled checked the speed loader and its current ammo set just in case but she doubted things would get that interesting tonight.
Oct 14 2005, 03:25 AM
Drake watch the girl carefully as she "played" with her ammunition while the others were talking. Something about it just rubbed him the wrong way.
Drake snapped back to the main conversation as Jake mentioned the team's size. "Our team will be sized appropriate to the task." Drake began. "We can only tenatively agree to your terms, unless you tell us what the situation is. I'm way too familiar with need-to-know...I need concrete."
Oct 14 2005, 04:41 AM
Leaning forward with a genuine smile on her face, Iblis looks to the talker of the merc group. "So it seems we have a tiny problem then and I think I have the solution. Well, it's the thing that always fixes my problems anyway, nuyen. How much to get a NDA with you so we can get into the juicy bits? I think we're just looking for a way to cover our hoops too." She flashes a neon smile at the gentleman.
Oct 14 2005, 09:37 AM
When Jake introduced him as Howling Moon, he looks at him and states "Howling Wolf, Jake."
Cedric Rolfsson
Oct 14 2005, 03:35 PM
Styx looks at the female, exotic looking to say the least, and replies to her statement.
"Ma'am, with all due respect, my crew are professionals, simply by agreeing to meet with you we've undertaken a large financial obligation and put my team to some minimal degree of risk. GSCI Inc. prides itself on its discretion and competence, reputations that would be destroyed by loose lips. You will have to rely on that reputation as surety that your information will not go beyond myself and my teammate here unless we take the assignment."
He looks around at the various runners, trying to let them know that he's serious and is being honest.
"Please remember, we have no idea what kind of operational security you have maintained, for all we know you opposition could be alerted to our presence and be taking "proactive protective measure" to prevent my team from coming into play. It wouldn't be the first time my crew got fragged over because the employer has had difficulties keeping quiet. Just by being here my team has already made something of a commitment. We want to take this job, it sounded good enough for us to come here to meet with you, but we absolutely must have more details before I can commit my team's lives to the undertaking. No amount of nuyen is sufficient for me to risk my men's lives without more information."
"The triple A threat level is something at least, we've dealt with that type of force before. It just means we'll have to move fast, and hit harder, which we can do. What I'd like to know are some specifics. What are the mission objectives? If my team is supposed to blow up a bunch of stuff and provide cover then so be it, but we need to know that to plan out operations. If the objective is to knock down a building, then so be it, we need to know which buildings etc. Lets talk specifics."
Oct 14 2005, 04:32 PM
"Howling Wolf. My apologies, for the slip, but are we alone?"
Taking the dual-natured man's reply at face value, Jake reaches under his coat. Slowly and with one hand up to show that he's not making a move for a weapon, the first-generation Italian pulls out the print outs from Iblis' informant.
"This is the information on the security of the building you will be facing. I chose evening activities, because he will be here."
Jake slides the paper across the desk to the mercenaries.
"If you feel that a daytime assault would be easier we can give you that information as well. But we have already ruled it out as non-viable. The target is a high ranking member of the Seattle Yakuza. We will move in to the facility and remove him. Your job is going to be keeping on-site security busy outside and then to bring the house down, quite literally after my team has left the site.
"Specific detail questions should be directed toward my two companions here." He gestures to Iblis and Nameless. "They are the most familiar with the data there and the other locations."
Oct 16 2005, 01:00 AM
Drake picks up the papers the man slides accross the desk and begins to give them a look over. "Might I ask the source of this information? That is to say, the informant that provided this information is reliable? Has your team performed any reconnaissance of their own?" Drake asks calmly. "..and is there any specific reason as to why a daylight strike is out of the question, or it that covered here?" Gesturing to the printouts before continuing, Drake pauses a moment. "Also, If you need the location destroyed, that is more than within our capabilities, though if we were to know the specific reason why, that would help immensly. If you need to destroy evidence, then we will need incindieries for example."
Drake awaits a reply before adding: "Also, if there is expected to be any non-combatants on site, we need to know. We're professionals, not murderers."
Oct 17 2005, 02:44 PM
Iblis takes over the talking, since they've wandered into her area of expertise. "The daylight part is to make sure the the fella we want is there. He's one of those mobile types during the day. I did most of the data collecting. Their system is closed to the outside so I won't be able to do much till I get on-site. They have some sort of rigger building thing, I know next to nothing about that sort of tech but I'm hoping your team has someone on it that can fill in the blanks there." She pauses to take a quick drink. "As for why want the building destroyed, we want the hit to seem over the top and the more evidence we ruin in the process the better. Frankly this guy is sitting with a small army so we thought why not field our own then." The last is said with a sweet smile.
Cedric Rolfsson
Oct 17 2005, 03:13 PM
Styx sat silently while Drake spoke, his mind racing through the various possibilities.
The Yaks will have access to large numbers of combatants and have enough money to buy all the toys and talent necessary to make those numbers meaningful. The question is whether or not those combatants will have the training and reactions that turns a mob with guns into a meaningful military force? Still, with the initiative, and surprise, we should be able to negate much of their techinical advantage. This sounds do-able.
"Okay, this appears to be something we can accomplish. I believe that I can commit my team to undertaking this mission at this time, provided we can agree to the terms of the cotract."
Styx glanced over at Drake, who sat pouring over the print outs, and he could almost see the wheels and gears turning and grinding in the man's head. Styx was confident that they'd be able to figure out a way to get the job done, between all of guys on the team he seriously doubted there was a single dirty or under-handed trick or tactic that they didn't know. These street fighters had no idea what "military force" really meant.
Oct 18 2005, 12:39 AM
Drake sets the printouts back onto the table, arranging them into a neat stack, and slides them to Styx. "Ok..." Drake began, as if trying to arrange the words in his mind. "There must be some part of this objective that I'm not fully understanding. The primary objective is this individual's extraction, in one piece I am assuming, with a secondary objective of sending a message, if I understand correctly?" Turning his gaze to Styx for a moment before locking back on Iblis, Drake gives a moment for a reply before continuing. "In all honesty, I'm not thrilled to be sending either of our teams into his compound to fight on his terms. Is taking him in transit out of the question?"
Oct 18 2005, 02:13 PM
Iblis rasies an eyebrow at the comment of an extraction. "Uhm.........hits usually mean dead in our line of work so we're looking to whack this guy, which is why we need him there. His movement during the days is fully random and this is the only stable element in his routine."
Oct 19 2005, 05:36 PM
"We have about a week as our time window so let me know what you need info wise to make better plans." Iblis leans back slightly and takes another drink to wet her lips. "If it'd not too rude, could I ask what you have on your team? What things can you do?" Her face remains open and sincere in her request.
Cedric Rolfsson
Oct 19 2005, 06:19 PM
"Before we get into that ma'am, I think we should retire to a more private setting. Since we're going to be working so closely together I'd suggest we adjourn to our base of operations."
Styx looked at the runners and added, almost sheepishly.
"I think we also need to discuss the payment arrangments. How much nuyen, transfered when, that sort of thing."
The elven mage held up his hand to forestall protest.
"I know we've already agreed on a tenative price of 300,000 for the entire run, but we haven't talked about transfers and times. I'd like to nail down the specifics and get it out of the way now, please."
Oct 19 2005, 06:31 PM
"That would be me again." Iblis pulls out a small fur covered pocket sec that chimes with a disco thumpa thumpa as she opens it. "Are we doing the usual 1/2 up front with the remaining being sent after the work's done?"
Cedric Rolfsson
Oct 21 2005, 06:14 PM
Styx looked over to his second for approval then nodded.
"That payment arrangement is fine at this point everything sounds reasonable. Why don't you bring your team back to our base and we'll start looking at details." Clearly just remembering something, he looked at Iblis
"Oh, our control officer indicated that any information requests would be handled on site, I assume that mean we speak to you correct? We didn't bring a Matrix specialist with us based upon that information so we need to verify that intel."
Styx was confident that the runners would be able to provide whatever data Drake needed to help plan this mission and he was eager to get back to the team. They now had a concrete mission objective so it was time to start planning. This crew had always been sucessful because of the diverse types on it, and while they could be a problem to organize sometimes, they were hell on wheels when all of them brought all of their talents and skills to bear.
Oct 21 2005, 06:51 PM
"I'll meet you out front then."
Jake rises and heads out of the back room for the bar. After settling accounts with the barman, the shaman heads out the front door nodding to the bouncer at the door. He can't help but smile as he remembers a story about this same kilt-wearing bouncer and Mama Fortuna, the ancient gnome who does his divination. The Italian has no clue if the story is true, he's just glad he wasn't here when it happened.
Oct 23 2005, 12:21 AM
During the time of the meet, Boomer Moves from his apartment, to the teams home location, pulling up in his car. Walking up to the door, he knocks...
Oct 23 2005, 03:52 AM
"I can handle it no problem." Iblis stands, downing the last of her drink before heading out of the backroom. "When we meet up at your place just let me know what intel you need and I'll get to work." She quickly places a retro looking scooter helmet on her head, as she winks at the troll bouncer. Her only comment is "Yummers.". Outside she walks up to a tricked out red Vespa, pasuing to disable the security system before hopping on. She falls in line behind Jake to car pool to the new meet location.
Oct 23 2005, 09:57 AM
Howling Wolf follows the others out, unlocking his SUV with the keyless entry before hopping into it and following the others to the next location.
Oct 25 2005, 12:20 AM
Boomer Boomer again, knocks on the door, as he mumbles about getting the address right.....
Oct 25 2005, 05:03 PM
A mechanical and vaguely feminine voice answers Boomer's banging summons, "Identification please."
A screen by the door crackles to life and repeats the verbalized summons in text. The screen begins to scroll undecipherable characters and commands.
"Identifica--" the voice breaks off as another mechanical voice cuts in. A familiar one.
"Get in here." The door opens and Boomer finds himself in a small room with another door at the end of it and benches along the sides. The entry door shuts with a puff of air that makes the troll's ears pop slightly at the pressure change. The room must be air tight.
The mechanical voice comes back, accompanied by a screen on one of the longer doorless walls. The lower half of Carnes' face is covered by a clunky air filter. "Boomer. Just a minute and I'll crack the door."
Jets in the ceiling spray down a cool, dry air that smells faintly antiseptic. The far door opens with another puff of pressure and Carnes is on the other side. He puts a gloved hand out to the troll, "Good to see you, Boomer. The others are inside. Styx and Drake are about to head out to the meet. Handyman'll show you to your bunk."
"See you after you get settled in."
Alan. Friendly as ever. A squat, sturdy drone with two well-articulated arms reaches for Boomers bags. It's Handyman. The drone whirs off down a corridor, knobby wheels humming. The low tones of natural voices - familiar voices - in conversation come from an open doorway that Handyman whizzes past.
Oct 25 2005, 07:23 PM
Taxi arrived at the safehouse shortly after Boomer. Banging loudly on the door the waited for it to open. He grunted a greeting at Alan before heading off to find the nearest bathroom and shower.
Oct 25 2005, 07:46 PM
Boomer Stands in the entryway as he is desterilized, patiently. "so Alan, meet any nice Fembots, lately?" Boomer laughs to himself, knowing full well that he wouldnt get an answer, even if there was one. After he is thourghly cleaned, he takes his scant supplies up to the bunks, and then goes looking for the party.
Oct 25 2005, 08:28 PM
On the ride across town to the safehouse, Jake dials up Iblis.
"Hey bunny, for a party like this, we'll probably want to make sure the parents don't come home in the middle of everything. What do you think about Fixx-ing it so that they tango uptown while we go downtown? A visit like the one we did last year before Fiji?"
Kincaid turns the burner down on his recent experiments.
"Sunshine, I think I've got this mix just about right. See how Vathiel is coming with that final relay--if we get the input wrong, this could go very badly for all of us."
Moving through shadows that are almost too dark for a human to see through, the elves skirt around tables in their lab unhindered by the weak illumination. Now was not the time for unexpected guests, so the three moved as ghosts in darkness.
Oct 26 2005, 05:05 AM
Iblis smiles underneath the helmet. "I think that idea is perfect. I'll send off a quick email and see about getting them a lesson or two scheduled." She darts the small bike in and out of traffic, the engine humming along happily as she interfaces with the deck on her back. Quickly pulling up a screen, she creates a message to Fixx.
Bunny Love here, I need to find some pretty people with my kind of skill set to do a quick job. Think wide area black out with profitable robbery or somesuch. I'll provide any matrix support they need and they get a cut of the profit after paying our small fee, of course. Can you take your share out of Jake? The last line has a floppy bunny head winking. Let me know how much you'll need for your part, thanks!
Oct 28 2005, 08:11 AM
A message quickly comes back to Iblis from Fixx.
How much time do you have before the party starts? That will adjust the who, when and how much. The family discount will apply as normal due to the gracious hospitality of the Looking Glass in providing me a venue to work from. Will be in touch.
Oct 29 2005, 12:23 AM
November 16th, 22:27
The ride to the merc's base of operations is short, and uninterrupted as around you Seattle moves on with it's own lives, no concern given for what havoc you may be planning for the near future.
Oct 31 2005, 01:54 PM
As the clock ticks towards half past 10 at night, Boomer heads down to the common area, where he presumes everyone else is, he grabs a beverage, and speaking to no one in particular in a deep accent, slipping into and out of English, says "this is a long meet, nein? I hope everything ist gut." Normally his english is better, but it has been a long absence from seattle as he had a very long vacation in in the motherland.
Nov 1 2005, 05:48 PM
Iblis calls Jake as the motor pool winds down. She quickly opens a small window and replies to the message from Fixx.
We have about 6 to 8 days I think. So the faster the better. We can meet tonight to discuss all the intimates. Kisses (put them where you want).
She sends the note off as the comm connection kicks in.
"Everything is in motion and we'll need to swing by my place after this is is all wrapped up. So who's going to pitch this to the new people?"
"I'm checking..." A small note of worry creeps into his voice, the silent plea that Kincaid not blow them up this time. "Vath, he needs the relay, you done?" The young elf leans into a smaller room off the main lab, calling over his shoulder.
Nov 1 2005, 06:39 PM
"I vote for our fearless leader, since selling things isn't usually my strong point." Nameless votes.
Nov 1 2005, 08:01 PM
"I'll do it. Who knows, they may shoot us for our troubles..." Jake chuckles softly.
He and the rest of his team pull in behind the lead mercenary and wait for Styx to show them in.
Cedric Rolfsson
Nov 2 2005, 12:35 AM
Styx walks the runners up to the front entrance of the doss and raps on the door.
"Hoi, it me open up, we've got guests."
The phrasing of the request was important, if he'd used an adjective to describe the guests, it would've meant that he was under duress and the team should take whatever steps are necessary to deal with them. By leaving simply calling them guests it meant they were okay but not to be entirely trusted.
Nov 2 2005, 09:40 AM
Drake kept an eye on the other runners as they waited for the reply from within the base. They seemed to have the skills and resources to get things done, which he liked, but something about them...It reminded him of the failed recruits he'd see in the RAID. They knew their stuff in as far as their experience was concerned, but when things got hard, they couldn't hang tough.
As he looked at each in turn, he hoped they would prove him wrong...a recurring thought today.
Nov 4 2005, 06:17 PM
The non-descript door opened at Styx's instruction and a mechanical voice instructed. "Four at a time. Drake, please remain for the second group."
Once inside Alan's voice continues, "Apologies for the procedure. We're still settling in. This will be smoother in a day's time. Close your eyes, please."
In moments the spray floated down. It burned a trifle in unnoticed but largely superficial cuts and scrapes. The first group was done. Scanning done under cover of the showy disinfection spray. "All clear. Proceed."
The door hissed and opened. A drone with two mechanical arms saluted Styx and wheeled back out of the way. "The warroom is ready, sir." Alan's voice blended with the drone's motions and it could be hard to think of the actual human behind the drone sometimes.
The second group was ushered in as swiftly and Alan was there again via The Handyman to greet them and show the group to the warroom. Over the team's comms now active in the secure site, <<< Scanned and analyzed. Nothing to get in a twist about. Some weapons. Some cyber. Biofeedback filters don't register anything out of the ordinary. Mostly. I hope that furry one doesn't mind all the pelts we have up. >>> That's the best of Alan's sense of humor. Black. And not all that funny.
Nov 4 2005, 06:29 PM
Giving Jake a pointed look as they get sprayed. "Clean bunch, aint't they?" She walks from the chamber, looking around with mild interest. "Not much shine to the place but it's a roof." She pauses to look over the drone but quickly rejoins the team as they walk to the war room. Calling from the back of the line to their guide. "Do we get to meet the rest of the.............."
Turning to Jake to mutter at him. "...what the hell do they call them?"
Jake softly replies back. "Unit."
She raises her voice to finish the question. "....unit?"
Nov 4 2005, 06:49 PM
Following the drone to the warroom, Jake wonders who the OCD case is and how he functions in the field, but that would be for later--most likely he was a rigger who hid in a vehicle.
"When we get seated, some more specifics need to get spread around. There are multiple players in the field."
Ahh, finally, they're here, and soon we'll know exactly what we can do and what we're up againist Boomer thinks to himself.
He just nods to everyone as they walk in however,, waiting for the formal introductions.
Nov 4 2005, 07:49 PM
Taxi appeared from one of the rooms his hair still wet from his shower. He grunted and sat down in the nearest chair his heavy boots thumping down on the table infront of him.
Nov 5 2005, 01:44 AM
Drake returns Boomer's nod as the group fills out the briefing room. Rather than have a seat, Drake remains standing, preferring to have a better view of everyone involved, and the subject matter itself.
Cedric Rolfsson
Nov 7 2005, 04:22 PM
Styx mentally requested Vestra to keep an eye on things outside the building and report any problems, then turned his attention to the meeting.
He called the meeting to order by rapping his knuckles on the table.
"Alright crew, lets get settled in and get to work."
He made a quick round of introductions, assigning names to each of the runners and using his team's call signs rather than their real names. The one called Nameless caused a second's confusion but everyone quickly settled down to work.
"Okay folks we've got an operation to plan. The employer's have provided some of the basic legwork data now lets bounce around some ideas and see what we can come up with that'll work. These good gentles are the ones both paying the bills and going into the target zone so lets everyone be polite." He said that with a hard look at Taxi who, while an expert at his job, could be really abrasive.
He nodded to Drake to lay out the briefing materials and then resumed his seat. With a simple spell he sent a pair of invisible hands across the room to bring the tray with the pot of soykaf and cups over to the table and helped himself to one.
Nov 8 2005, 08:34 AM
Howling Wolf winces as he goes through the disinfectant spray, as the liquid begins burning the skin around his chronic osteospus, then shrugs off the pain, given that it isn't that much more than what he's used to.
He'll then accompany them into the warroom, he'll be assessing them both on professionalism and so on during the meeting, as well as assensing them.
Bommerrises as the last of the group comes in, and introductions have been made.
"Hello, everyone, as i'm sure you can guess from my moniker, I am our teams Demolitions Expert. Now, as i understand it, it is our mission to provide exiting cover and the destruction of the site post mission for your team. With that in mind, i was thinking of Various delivery methods, that should work no matter the building layout, but may be ruled out depending on building layout and security.
The first option, is to tunnel underneath the compound, and place explosives underneath the building. This allows us to do the work prior to anyone else even setting foot into the compound for the primary mission. I should be able shape each charge underneath the surface, concentrating most of the blast upwards, and copensate for whatever amount of surface is deemed to dangerous to tunnel through. This plan is ideal if there is minimal magical security, that an earth elemental could easily do the tunneling.
The second option is to use drones to deliver the explosives. This gives us an immediate element of surprise, as there will be no work that needs to be done prior to launching the drones, aside from loading them off site with exploises. However, I dont think i'd be able to effectively shape the charge, and so i will have to overcompensate, a little.
The third, and least optimal possibilty,is to load dud rockets with enough explosives and a timer, to make them thing that those payloads were duds, and then expload them out our convenience, or on a timer. Again the advantages and disadvantages are roughly the same as with drones, but placement would be even less fine, and an even larger amount of ordinance would be required.
Any questions?" Boomer Stands, waiting for any of the teams to ask something.
Nov 8 2005, 07:12 PM
"We can supply your team with schematics of the building, which it sounds like you will need to determine the best choice for the demolitions. This event needs to be wrapped up within the next several days so unless you are part mole, digging may be out of the question."
Jake reaches out with his own hands and lightly takes the pot of soykaf, he pours a small cup for Iblis before taking his own. The Italian then shifts the sugar down in front of her.
"One thing to take into mind is that there will be another group in the field. They will be in a different part of the Seattle metroplex, and will be responsible for creating a large enough diversion to keep Lonestar out of our job."
"well, mole i am not, but i beleive we have magical means that might be able to take care of the digging... but if that is outside of their realm of expertise, so be it."
Cedric Rolfsson
Nov 9 2005, 01:29 AM
Styx sat back and looked at the diagrams of the compound and approaches over steepled fingers. He'd leave the explosives to Boomer, he'd worry about dealing with the security forces. He remembered a basic tenet of Sun Tzu, about a sucessful general knowing the shape of his enemy while denying him knowledge of his own shape. Speaking of which. . .
"Have we considered the possibility of using decoy string? Hire a crew of go gangers to go on a rampage through the area, designate three different estates that they had to hit and supply them with some weaponry to make the assault effective?"
The Elven mage gestured at the maps, noting the minimal access points, and continued.
"We hire them to hit these estates on two consecutive evenings, the first time we can simply observe to gain response data about both on-site sec forces and Lone Star responses. The second night, the kids hit and run, and then we hit again, hopefully we'd gain some delayed response time with them thinking we're just the kids again and maybe draw the on-site security into a vulnerable position."
He sat back to see what the team would do with the idea.