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I have loads of questions concerning the Shadowrun setting.

Can someone point me in direction of a list of what former north american states belong to wich nation as of now (SR setting). I checked somewhat on the map I have from SRII rulebook and an atlas of north america, the state lines are not very prominent in either of the maps frown.gif

Can anyone tell me why UCAS has land on the west coast i nthe form of Seattle?

Bare in mind that I'm not from america so I do not have all the facts as it is now in North America on the folliwing questions. all of the following questions are concerning UCAS system (I hope, if not Seattle are CAS(?) then the following questions are concerning that nation)

What does the schoolsystem look like 'nowdays'?
What does the education level lie on 'minimum'?
Is it still 12 years of education?
What would their level of geography knowledge be at by the age of 15?
Is the Capital of UCAS still Washington under another name, and is it still a District as of DC? or aren't there any states withing the UCAS?

I beg your pardon to anyone that thinks I'm lazy and that I should find all the answers myself, it's just that I need them to write and I rather spend time doing that and then read up on the world in detail. And for all hardcore gamers would probably be able to answer these question in a Jiffy, it's just that I haven't played SR in 10 years and had a seed for a campaign ever since.

Try Shadows of NA.

For schooling, Sprawl Survival guide. Generally, yes, 12 years, plus a lot more after that with the competitiveness of the corporate world.

The UCAS held on to Seattle as part of the Treaty of Denver, when the land was split up, so that they would still have a port on the West coast.

DC is still the capitol ,altough the stock exchange moved.

I would think geography would be a bit more now than the 6th grade class assignment it currently is, since now the continent has more nations on it, when before you just had to memorize state names. I would think it more likely that learning more languages would be more common now as well, although I don't htink this is explicitly stated anywhere.
I would like to point out that SINless can't go to school unless they've got money to pay the school to teach the kids. And, let's face it, how many SINless have much money?
I would think that all official schools would be corp sponsored or charity supported, even the "public" schools. Makeshift, unregulated schools probably have cropped up at homeless shelters and churches all over to teach the SINless the basics, but attendance is probably sporadic at best.
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0)
Try Shadows of NA.

For schooling, Sprawl Survival guide.

Thanks for your answer. but I asked since I don't have time to read trough even more books.
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