Jun 20 2005, 02:52 AM
Here is where we post out-of-character comments and dice rolls, and GM correspondance, etc...
Jun 20 2005, 04:09 AM
K, Clim, how you wanna get there?
Jun 20 2005, 04:14 AM
on the way to the madien i am going to be giving Jessica (waitress Alibaster Maiden lvl2) to find out anything I can about how the black hand is affiolated to the Alibaster Maiden.
justins etiquette roll
[ Spoiler ]
5 4 2
Jun 20 2005, 04:15 AM
bus is good for me
Jun 20 2005, 04:18 AM
I'll be taking my car (my last major prosession) to Brookies bothers suits and fine cloths and then to the needle.
Jun 20 2005, 04:20 AM
got it...will take a while for next IC post...standby
Jun 20 2005, 04:41 AM
350 deduction from your credstick to cover your suit
Giles will cover the
2 for Giles/Justin's bus fare.
Jun 20 2005, 05:14 AM
i'll be hitting the gym from around 10:30 til midnight. Not sure how my internet access will look after that.
Just a heads up.
Jun 20 2005, 05:27 AM
what kind of restaurant is this place?
Jun 20 2005, 05:27 AM
Just a general nice restaurant...Filet Mignon, Chicken Kiev, etc...
Jun 20 2005, 03:16 PM
you can roll to see if Koe knows what Orichalcum is and tell me in ooc or i can ask him in ic but I don't know that it is or used for.
Jun 20 2005, 06:00 PM
I'm going to take a look around this place for the gentlemen we are looking for, while i go up to the bar for somthing to drink.
justins perception roll
[ Spoiler ]
5 5 1
Jun 20 2005, 06:17 PM
Clim : Who are we looking for?
Qill : He just told you what it is used for.
Jun 20 2005, 07:36 PM
yeah used in conjuring but thats not a really good definition but I guess I'll take it.
also updated Koe's sheet with what he's carring and whats in his car and his cash for his suit.
Jun 20 2005, 09:44 PM
I'm looking to see if i know where the black hand is, and too see who they talk to.
Jun 20 2005, 11:05 PM
Um...I don't recall the guy saying it was used in conjuring. He said something akin to various magical uses.
ooc it's used mainly for making foci. refined orichalcum in a radical state sells for about 88K per unit...the natural stuff, about 50K per unit.
Jun 20 2005, 11:47 PM
ahh ok
Jun 20 2005, 11:50 PM
15 for the drinks.
Jun 21 2005, 01:23 AM
Qill, I will put together a list of applicable stuff you may want to buy from the wasteland book tomorrow morning and let you pick and choose what you want. You have the main book and the other books so you can buy from there too of course.
edit: and you can safely say it is just you going, because well, that's how we're doing it. Unless you had something else in mind. Keep in mind, if you wanted to you could always hire a guide when you got down there.
Jun 21 2005, 01:29 AM
yeah i know it's just me i was just saying that for this behalf
Jun 21 2005, 01:30 AM
gotcha =)
Jun 21 2005, 04:17 AM
Dude, concealed armor of 5 on your toyote? Do you have any idea how heavy that suff is? like bodxbodx5 per point. I don't think it has nearly enough load to cover that.
looks like you could do 2 and that would take up 90 load. not sure how much cf.
I'm sure it's just an oversight, I know you're not trying to slip it past me, I was just like whoa, cause I've always been bitten in the ass by how much that stuff weighs.
Jun 21 2005, 04:17 AM
I'm gonna wait for Clim to get on and post before we go too far tonight if that's ok.
Jun 21 2005, 05:21 AM
yeah not sure i just did at work without having a bk to look at the rules i'll check it out
Jun 21 2005, 06:18 AM
okay i have plan A and plan B in my mind. Plan A involves the girl and seeing why she is fighting with out targets. Plan B is to take care of the Black Clan members and keep one of them alive for questioning.
So I want to keep track of the elf girl and the 2 members that we have in the bar.
Jun 21 2005, 07:50 AM
Ok, I don't think it would be a good idea to "take care" of them like that though. For legal reasons and because I don't feel it'd be right. If it came to that, though, I'm sure we could provoke them to make the first move.
Jun 21 2005, 06:54 PM
Justin's Perception Roll
[ Spoiler ]
7 2 1
Jun 21 2005, 08:00 PM
Qill, here is the stuff from Target:Wastelands
Coldsuit I:1 W:2
Polar Survival Suit B:1 I:3 W:5
3000 (Much, much better)
Crevasse Detector W:1
Polar Survival Kit W:3
Polar Tent W:5
Skis W:2
Snowshoes W:2
The only showmobile you can afford is a loud gas-powered light model which only has a range of 10km before needing refuel (20 liter tank). It is
Also. Be extra sure to check out the survival gear from the main book, it has things like GPS and even more importantly, food rations and survival knives and stuff. (though i don't know their prices)
Jun 21 2005, 10:21 PM
OOC Note on Giles
To save writing time and whatnot, I won't be posting Giles in-characer discussions unless he is with you guys and it is reasonable that you would hear them.
Also, I won't be posting my dice rolls, also for the purpose of saving time.
If you guys would like me to post these things, I will. I'm just trying to cut down on my typing time here. I do a lot of it as it is.
Jun 21 2005, 10:28 PM
You can expect to make only about 15km/day on foot (i figure it using your quickness and averaged the variables like skis, snowshoes, etc.), not including any obstacles which may delay you or if you get locked down in any storms. The minimum amount of rations you'll need is 40 days, so you may want to grab more. (I saw you had 20 standard and 20 self-heating)
Jun 21 2005, 10:34 PM
your the gm and thou i so love reading what the group is doing without me i realy shouldn't have that knowlege. it is fine with me
Jun 21 2005, 10:35 PM
Hmmm...well I'll think about it then.
Jun 21 2005, 10:53 PM
is there any snow car that will go 300km and back? lol and you say the one that goes 10 is teh only one i can afford hehe why would i want to really buy one anyway unless i have to live our here for a year or 2 renting one is the way to go but with 300km a better plan would be renting a smaller plane or helicopter
Jun 21 2005, 10:58 PM
there are no airstrips in can't fly down there reliably because the weather. Any planes have to have ski skids. Also, there are no decent economy sleds. they all suck.
Airstrips and helipads don't last because of ice shift.
Jun 21 2005, 10:59 PM
Here is a etquitte roll for justin if one is needed
[ Spoiler ]
4 4
Jun 21 2005, 11:36 PM
We'll prolly need another shot at etiquette along with some good dialogue
Jun 21 2005, 11:52 PM
etiquette roll
[ Spoiler ]
8 3
Jun 22 2005, 12:21 AM
well how the hell do these guys get the stuff from there i'm sure they don't go on foot everytime. thou thats what it looks like you are going to make me do.
Jun 22 2005, 12:57 AM
you want some cheese with your wine?
Jun 22 2005, 01:31 AM
QUOTE (Qillin @ Jun 21 2005, 07:21 PM) |
well how the hell do these guys get the stuff from there i'm sure they don't go on foot everytime. thou thats what it looks like you are going to make me do. |
They had drones. Land trains...basically big snow cargocarrier sleds kindof like the remote ones they use nowadays to resupply some of those places. Remember, the facility was completely automated.
To elaborate this with what the asian man himself said:
The last time a drone carrier was sent to pick up an orichalcum shipment... |
They wouldn't be paying you the big bucks if just anyone could do it, and mages stand a better chance out there than other metahumans.
Jun 22 2005, 05:21 AM
okay i have decker friend that might be able to help us. They are holding her mother for ransom correct. To insure that the mother is alive we want a phone call to her mother, at which point I can have my decker friend triangulate on the position. Than we will tell the Black Hand we need sometime to put together the money.
At which point we would strike on the location.
What do you think about this quillin? Or do you have any advice on the situation on hand?
Jun 22 2005, 05:51 AM
These guys have a little more leverage than that it seems. From what we've seen of these guys so far I doubt they're going to play ball with Giles and we know Justin is an even bigger objective for them.
So far, we don't even know what the girl knows about where her mother is being held. Or even why she's owing all this money.
Jun 22 2005, 05:59 AM
hmmm mabey we can take her to a safer location to talk somemore.... mabey a coffie shop or something, defintaly not to our base. After all she might be a decoy to get us to lead her to our base.
Jun 22 2005, 06:05 AM
yeah she definitly isn't telling you all she know you need to talk to her more before taking any course of action. the phone call decker sounds alright but definitly don't let the hand know you are there make the girl talk and say nothing about you guys just money if that really is what they are after which i doubt it is. seeing they are so but and powerful money shouldn't be a motive
Jun 22 2005, 06:24 AM
Back at teh guild hall Koe will look up some stuff on Antartica and this Halley base on the net and see if there is anything in the guilds liberary. mostly weather and travel info, maps, news, normal gear peple should bring to suck a place and what not on the web and really anything in the guilds lib, there are profecies about the one there might be something about antartica and this time or anytime for that matter.
normal yahoo type stuff
will give a few intel roll's
[ Spoiler ]
09 05 05 03 02 02
05 04 04 03 02 01
23 11 05 05 04 04
05 05 04 02 02 01
Jun 22 2005, 07:59 AM
QUOTE (Qillin @ Jun 22 2005, 01:05 AM) |
yeah she definitly isn't telling you all she know you need to talk to her more before taking any course of action. the phone call decker sounds alright but definitly don't let the hand know you are there make the girl talk and say nothing about you guys just money if that really is what they are after which i doubt it is. seeing they are so but and powerful money shouldn't be a motive |
Qill makes an excellent point in his last sentence in my opinion. Giles agrees, whenever we get back to him.
Oh and by the way, I am almost dead sure you were an aspected mage right?
Also, what you would use for matrix searches is actually etiquette or etiquette(matrix) if you have a specialization. Not intelligence. I will give it to you
this time though
Ok, so with that huge post detailing Koe's quest for knowledge, I will be very busy on my days off here on wednesday thursday, hopefully returning on friday to have posts at work where I can access a computer. I will check in and see if anybody posts however, so if you have any quick questions, I can usualy get around to them before friday. <or> just give me a call on the ol' cell. I love hearing from you guys.
Jun 22 2005, 03:10 PM
yeah on the aspected mage
Jun 24 2005, 10:21 PM
then Koe will go shoping for all the stuff his net search told him he should have. Which is done already.
Jun 25 2005, 01:20 AM
Qill, Mark off the cash you spent on that arctic gear (and other survival stuff), plus the 250 for Crimson. You found all of it since it required no rolls (legal).
Jun 25 2005, 05:22 AM
already marked the gear i'll add the 250 for him monday at work
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