Demonseed Elite
Jun 20 2005, 09:35 PM
Jun 20 2005, 09:48 PM
Jun 20 2005, 09:50 PM
Cool! I didn't have a mental image of the hydroponics floors before this - I can inject a little more realism the next time my group goes through a hydronponics area.
Jun 20 2005, 09:52 PM
hmm, interesting. alltho i wonder what the electricity bill for it is and how big the result is...
Jun 20 2005, 09:51 PM
It's Renraku. If you have to ask what the electricity bill is, you obviously can't afford to live there.
Jun 21 2005, 12:22 AM
Hey, they have *three* nuclear reactors in there. Count them. THREE: They gotta be good for something!
Jun 21 2005, 01:13 PM
One word: fiber optics.
You run fiber optic cables from the roof to the hydroponics labs and never have to pay for electricity again. You can even set up the collector on the roof to follow the sun so it gets maximum sunlight all day. And you'd only lose about 8% of the intensity of the light if the cable were continuous.
Jun 21 2005, 05:18 PM
QUOTE (Jrayjoker) |
One word: fiber optics.
You run fiber optic cables from the roof to the hydroponics labs and never have to pay for electricity again. You can even set up the collector on the roof to follow the sun so it gets maximum sunlight all day. And you'd only lose about 8% of the intensity of the light if the cable were continuous. |
With the optical computer technology of the 2060's, it's also quite possible to have windows appear and dissappear throughout a building, and to have what is seen through the window vary depending upon what the control system says it is.
Jun 21 2005, 05:45 PM
On that subject, Spastic, a great trick to play on runners is have them take an elevator ride down ten stories, and have there be "windows to a grassy field."
My players were thinking government conspiracy and black magic, it was just a "trick of the light" as it were, computer generated grassy fields to keep wage-slave moral on the up and up. The pyschological effect on the runners was amazing though.
Jun 24 2005, 09:26 PM
It's too bad that one of my runners reads these posts avidly so it's not nearly as effective.
Still a good idea though. I already threw a nursery at them that freaked 'em.
Jun 24 2005, 09:53 PM
QUOTE (Supercilious) |
it was just a "trick of the light" as it were, computer generated grassy fields to keep wage-slave moral on the up and up. |
Just think of the underground arcology in the "Resident Evil" movie where there were "windows" showing a view as if the arcology was in fact a skyscraper in some normal city.
Jun 24 2005, 09:56 PM
*nod* Actually in this day and age I would think the "screens" would show the occasional 'copter getting blown out of the sky for intruding on the wrong airspace, but that's just me.
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