Jun 21 2005, 09:53 PM
I was looking at the ligh gas powered model in Target:wastelands. It has a tank of 20 liters and an economy of .5km/liter. Am I reading this right or does this thing really require you to gas up every 10km?
Jun 21 2005, 10:00 PM
As i understand economy to be, that would be correct, yes...
Jun 21 2005, 10:28 PM
Not only is that bogus fuel economy, but it is also a damn small tank. They must be counting on basically everyone that buys it having custom outfitting to enlarge the tank and increase fuel economy to maximum?
Jun 21 2005, 10:33 PM
Well about a five gallon tank is pretty good for something you figure the size of a motorcycle, but that economy is ridiculous.
Jun 21 2005, 10:35 PM
QUOTE (FrostyNSO) |
Well about a five gallon tank is pretty good for something you figure the size of a motorcycle, but that economy is ridiculous. |
Modern sleds have maybe double that and the long range touring models even more-so. They have a lot more room on the chassis than motorcycles do because you don't have to squeeze the tank in between the riders legs.
For range one way you are looking at maybe 200km and up, although that is very, very variable on snow conditions, riding style, and whether or not you are driving straight up a bigass mountain.
Jun 21 2005, 10:37 PM
hey its SR we are talking about, where everything from guns to carriers are made using the "this looks good" style of game making.
Jun 21 2005, 11:00 PM
sr fuel economy is horribly screwy. So much so that I tend to never use it barring exceptional circumstances such as one incedent where the group went on the lam in a nuclear dead zone for a couple of months and how much gas they had actually became an issue. For the most part I assume that any lifestyle above squatter budgets enough for enough trips to the gas and gulp to keep runners mobile.
Jun 21 2005, 11:34 PM
I have a runner making a trip to it is an issue this time. Otherwise, like you said, I could care less, within reason.
Jun 22 2005, 01:24 AM
that's reasonalble for a lightwheight chassi as far as fuel cap. that would be about a 250 cc class machine. my old yamaha bravo gets about ten hours of operation on a tank. (sleds seem to run for a certain amount of time more than distance as driving conditions are hugly varable) for an arctic trip, you need something more like or something simmilar. big machines. and most sleds do have the fuel tank between the rider and the engine, between the legs. mostly because there isn't room uner the hood. so your limited in that way, and I've never seen (not that it may exist) a sled with outrider tanks, balance is even more important on a sled than a bike and you need that "carve"ability, kinda like a sea-doo. I'd hope that by 2060 we would have sleds able to handle that weather, but then again, having an entire machine made of only one type of metal.... maybe not
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