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Okay, so my character, being a decker herself, is very security concious and is personally customizing all her home security. I was wondering, though...

Where's the price for IC software? Can you get low-grade (like say, 1-3, 1-4) for free on Shadowland? Etcetera?

I've already figured out that nodes are parts of a hardware system. A modern-day, desktop PC, for example, (translated into SR terms,) contains a SAN, (Ethernet card,) a CPU, an SPU (Motherboard,) a DS (hard drive,) six I/O Ports - CD drive, floppy drive, monitor, speakers, keyboard, mouse.

Naturally, I'm willing to bet your system has a lot more than just those. We have USP ports out the wazoo, and those are I/O P, and who knows what else.

My own system has more than I'd care to think about. smile.gif

Have I got it right, though? My DM and I were a little confused on this subject, though I think he's starting to see things my way. At first, he thought any ordinary node would have to be made with the create-a-deck rules.
QUOTE (ShadowDragon8685)
Okay, so my character, being a decker herself, is very security concious and is personally customizing all her home security. I was wondering, though...

Where's the price for IC software?

High, probably. Use the costs for a Frame with a payload based on what the IC does for a guideline, then maybe knock a few percent off for being specialized and tied to the host.
Can you get low-grade (like say, 1-3, 1-4) for free on Shadowland? Etcetera?

I doubt it, but 1-3 wouldn't be gamebreaking—Blue-Easy hosts don't use IC that light.
I've already figured out that nodes are parts of a hardware system. A modern-day, desktop PC, for example, (translated into SR terms,) contains a SAN, (Ethernet card,) a CPU, an SPU (Motherboard,) a DS (hard drive,) six I/O Ports - CD drive, floppy drive, monitor, speakers, keyboard, mouse.

Don't think personal computer, think big iron.
Have I got it right, though? My DM and I were a little confused on this subject, though I think he's starting to see things my way. At first, he thought any ordinary node would have to be made with the create-a-deck rules.

I don't think it's an accurate extension. This might be a good starting point. Renting a virtual server is probably the way to go unless you don't mind truly negligible security (IIRC home telecom units have a vanishingly tiny host on them).

I wouldn’t bother, the minimal IC you can run on a home telecom (they come with trace 3 or something and not enough memory to run more) would not be enough to stop anybody with an actual deck and programs,

One possibility would be to attach a deck to your telecom and have it run a couple of smart frame or agent programs set up to attack anything that isn’t identified. There are disadvantages including that once killed they don’t come back when another incursion attempt is made.

if you care about security on a piece of data keep it offline. What do you have you actually need to have on the matrix

Nothing, really. It's a fake, a system designed to ward off Skript Kiddies and to give my character's decking protege a place to screw off and practice in without worryinhg about running into anything truely deadly. A practice area if you will, and a place to have a personal cyberspace to mold as I wish. Y'know, one day, it's the White Space from The Matrix, and the next day it could be a deserted tropical island, etcetera.

Anything truely important is kept on her Cyberdeck, or in offline storage that is only accessed through the Deck.
For a place to practice I recommend finding a random blue host, say an under funded public library. The hole point of practise is you want to do so with different problems

Your own private sculpted system however would be more tricky, I believe a home telecom is inadequate and there is no price listed for the hard wear.

As to gaining access to IC if you have the hard wear to run it if you can hack a host the IC it runs must exist as files on that host (or some near buy host you can find) the memory size of IC was I think given so you will know how long it will take to download.

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