Okay, so my character, being a decker herself, is very security concious and is personally customizing all her home security. I was wondering, though...
Where's the price for IC software? Can you get low-grade (like say, 1-3, 1-4) for free on Shadowland? Etcetera?
I've already figured out that nodes are parts of a hardware system. A modern-day, desktop PC, for example, (translated into SR terms,) contains a SAN, (Ethernet card,) a CPU, an SPU (Motherboard,) a DS (hard drive,) six I/O Ports - CD drive, floppy drive, monitor, speakers, keyboard, mouse.
Naturally, I'm willing to bet your system has a lot more than just those. We have USP ports out the wazoo, and those are I/O P, and who knows what else.
My own system has more than I'd care to think about.
Have I got it right, though? My DM and I were a little confused on this subject, though I think he's starting to see things my way. At first, he thought any ordinary node would have to be made with the create-a-deck rules.