Jul 2 2005, 04:08 PM
hey i had a though i watched dia another day a few days ago for the hundreth time and saw at the end the switch blade glider come to find out i is a real working concept design who here would be intrested in seeing own designed for the HALO opperation here is the main web site imput would be great i am thinging a HALO Glider no weapon Mounts not sure what the stats would be as of yet
Jul 2 2005, 10:05 PM
You could probably carry a single missle underbelly, and mount the guidance systems on the front. You'd just need a couple of seconds before ignition, so the pilot dosen't get a faceful of hot rocket exhaust.
Jul 3 2005, 04:12 AM
i like the missle idea i have figured out how to intergrate a basic avonics package for GPS guidencei was alos concedering a solid fuel booster either using liquid NOS and a solid rubber core like a 30 to 60 second burn that should get you a few hrd km if not get you killed really quick or one hell of a ride for the thrill junky
Jul 3 2005, 01:04 PM
I dunno, it might not stand up to the stress of a rocket booster.
By 2064-2070 they probably have the materials to do it, mind, but they're gonna have a hell of a time with the rider trying to remain firmly on his aircraft...
Jul 3 2005, 11:33 PM
ok here is the concept glider would be great if any is needed
Herald of Verjigorm
Jul 3 2005, 11:59 PM
The handling of 1 with wings out seems a little too easy. Also, a sig of 11 means that unless the pilot is wearing ruthenium (or something similar), the chance of noticing it per die increases from 1/18 to 1/6 when manned.
I'm a bit undecided about the drone. The autonav alone could follow a pre-programmed flight path, and a high end autonav could adjust that path if the passenger changes the drop.
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