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Full Version: Looking for quick reference
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Is there anywhere I can find a good quick-reference sheet like a GM screen? Or maybe somewhere that's compiled a lot of the modifiers and stats and tests and so forth into a few nice pages. I just don't like flipping through the book, seeing as how I have 600+ pages of books to flip through, to find one modifier for a small encounter. What I'd like to have are:

Perception Modifiers
Combat Modifiers
Magic Modifiers
Skill Test Modifiers
Healing Modifiers
ect. (Anything else I can find)
Cheat Sheets thread from 2 weeks ago.
Herald of Verjigorm
Also, the actual GM screen for 3rd edition is free to download as a pdf. Just look around at the official Shadowrun site.
There is a sticky thread for BattleCorps in this forum. The link for the download is in it.
Fast and Dirty Guide.

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