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Spawned by the Matrix Walkthrough thread. It appears that a lot of people have enough problems with sorting the difficulties of creating a computer system that they often overlook other interesting aspects of the Hosts. What I'm proposing is that people post sample Hosts systems complete with iconography to help others in need. After all you might end up finding something you could use here. So let's see some contributions.

I'll kick this off with a couple of suggestions:

System: Sea-Tac Public Information Host
LTG#/Location: Sea-Tac#0001-2223
Ratings: Orange-8/9/15/9/15/9
Security Sheaf:
4 – Probe-9
7 – Trace-7
9 – Scout-10
12 – Tar Pit-9
16 – Trace-10
18 – Passive Alert
20 – Killer-8
23 – Equal Security Decker
26 – Blaster-8
29 - Ripper (Evasion)-6
31 – Active Alert
32 – Tar Pit-10
35 - Ripper (Bod)-7
38 - Blaster-9
42 - Construct-7 (Ripper (Evasion)-7, Killer-7)

Suggested Iconography: Sea-Tac airport's own terminal interior used as a metaphor.
Access – Security checkpoints at the entrance with chemsniffers and MADetectors. The security guard standing besides the arch is actually Probe and will be triggered only if you wrack up too much Security Tally getting here.
Control – Are represented by a number of different things depending on what function of the subsystem you are trying to access. The most common form is the helpful Check In Desk and its female operators (the one that disappears round the back to "check something" will be a Trace). You 'write' out your instructions on the boarding pass you are issued at Access and hand it to the assistants to be processed. The result is then returned to you on the same boarding pass stamped approved or not approved (this then fades the next time you run a System Op).
Index– The flight information screen terminals spread out across the main causeway are actually the Index sub-system access points. You can use these to cycle through most public information such as scheduled flight times, non-restricted passenger lists and weather forecasts. To locate or track higher security Files which aren't all-access oriented you will have to go to one of the Information Desks and ask for details instead (for things like passenger lists, cargo manifestos or delivery tracking data).
Files – Each specific 'datastore' or Files subsystem on this Host represented by one of the waiting/boarding lounges. Each comfortable lounge chair is actually a file and the standard built-in user-friendly media center provided to waiting passengers is the interface. You sit in a chair to access a specific file. Most information on this host is low-security including low-security passenger lists, crew schedules, maintenance and non-secure housekeeping systems, flight schedules, cargo tracking information, promotional material, and low level administrative paperwork. The really good stuff will be on one of the higher security Hosts accessible from here – the Security Host and the Control Room (including a number of emergency and security subsystems and slaves) which continue the Airport metaphor.
Slaves – Slaves here are very basic and visitor-oriented. They include controls for remote cameras at the real Sea-Tac which allows you to view some of the popular concourses and flights taking off and landing. Visitor assistance drones probably also have feeds here although the SK controlling them is probably in the Control Room Host.
IC iconography – Generally pretty straight forward most IC here is meant to intimidate and so is visible (as airport security, maybe with dogs for Traces and Probes). The MCT GuardHound 3.4 Trace and Burn combo is pretty common. However, mostly the IC is designed to disable and trace the offender rather than permanently damage him. Regardless a few surprises are in store. For instance Tar Pits can be little old ladies that get in the way or irritating brats running around the concourse.

SANS/Other systems links: There are a number of different system links, but the two important ones are a passage into the Security Host which is identifiable with the words Security Personnel Only and is watched over by a pair of burly sec-guard IC, it should be located in a hard to find corner of the causeway (requiring a System Op to track down). The other SAN is the access to the Control Room and is hidden behind one of the ubiquitous Information desks with the words Authorized Personnel Only stencilled on it.

Complications : This isn't the main Sea-Tac Host, it's the public one. Some of the ACIFS ratings are high to dissuade mischievous deckers from tampering with public access information put out by the Airport. However, to get deeper into the Sea-Tac system without an onsite access point you have to go through here. Additionally there is quite a bit of info that is actually available here if you know where to look.
Here's another done by request:

System: Tir Prince government subsystem (Official business not personal)
LTG#/Location: Portland Gov System
Ratings: Red-9/13/16/16/16/12
Security Sheaf:
3 - Scout 8
5 - Trace 8 with Armor
8 - Trace with Trap Crippler (Masking) 10
11 - Tar Pit-10
13 - Passive Alert – Equal Security Decker
16 - Construct-10 (Sparky 10, Blaster 10)
18 - Killer- 12
19 - Active Alert / Scout 11 with trap Sparky 11
22 - Psychotropic (Frenzy) Black IC -10
25 - Party IC with Trace-11, Crippler (Bod)-9, Crippler (Mask)- 9
28 - Superior Security Decker

Suggested Iconography: a Grand Masque Ball in a princely manor house (including gardens). The subsystems and files are all people at the Masque dancing and moving about which complicates matters for those used to static imagery.
Access – the elven Majordomo who announces the visitor, flanked by guards at the threshold to the Ballroom. Stepping from the PLTG into the Host means opening a great door into the foyer of the Manor.
Control – Set aside from the Ballroom is the Prince's (who's host you're using) throne under a portrait of him. The alcove should be empty unless in use. To access a Control subsystem function you have to sit down on the throne (under the Prince's gaze) and holodisplays will pop up in the air before you.
Index – The old matchmakers and matrons sitting around the dance floor gossiping? They're the Index subsystem. Just sit beside one and ask what you want to know.
Files – The guests on the dance floor and waiting to enter are actually Files. To Access a file you must invite one of the ladies or gentlemen (which represent the Files) to dance. Once on the dancefloor, the system default is for information to appear on the ladies' open fans or the expertly folded hankerchiefs in the men's pockets.
Slave – Pretty obvious this one. The various liveried servants (mostly human or ork btw) each represents a Slave system. The "interface" for controlling the system depends on what it is. In some you might just tell the servant (Slave) what to do, in others that have a graphic interface or require greater control, the interface system is imbedded in the servant's silver platter which he places on a table for your use.
IC Iconography - Also pretty simple. Obvious IC as guards and security. Possibly a couple of plains clothes security amongst the Ballroom crowd. Party IC will seem like security closing in from various sides. Constructs are normally big hulking Troll security agents. Security deckers appear as Paladins decked out for combat and should be immediately recognizable. Trace might be the bell-boy who runs errands for the majordomo.

SANS/Other systems links: Going out into the gardens and finding the way through the wicker maze (the right and left turns represent the binary code needed to access the Restricted LTG) will lead you to a hidden access SAN to the Prince's home system.

Complications: This assumes this particular system is nestled within the Tir government PLTG which is probably at least a Red-8, so the sub-system doesn't have Probe because at this level it expects the PLTG to have already queried the Persona.
Originally by hobgoblin, upgraded by Synner:

System: Standard-issue small corp Office Host
LTG#/Location: Brown & Sons #762-2223
Ratings: Orange-9/12/12/9/9/9
Security Sheaf:
4 – Probe- 8
8 – Scout - 8
11 – Trace - 8
15 – Probe 8 with trap Tar Pit - 6
18 – Passive Alert
20 – Equal Security Decker, Ripper (Mask) - 8
25 – Scout 8 with tap Blaster-8
28 – Trace - 12
32 – Construct-7 (Probe – 4, Blaster – 10, Ripper (Bod)- 8 )
Active Alert
36 – Blaster – 10
35 – Active Alert, Scout - 10 with trap Blaster - 10
40 – Shutdown

Access - The main foyer of a typical office building represents the access subsystem, it's decked out with MADs and other weapons detectors (Passive IC) and security guards. It opens up into the circular reception area and allows access to all the other subsystems through radial corridors.
Control - the CEO's office, you sit down behind the desk to access the control functions on the terminal that is imbedded in the desk in front of you. A holodisplay interface springs up with a wave of the hand.
Index - The reception desk and the two assistants there represent the functions of the Index subsystem, talk to the person behind the desk and you will be pointed in the right direction. The assistants may ask you to identify yourself for the record which means you've triggered Probe or Scout IC. Anywhere else in the system and Probe will probably be represented by a roving security guard.
Files - These come in two general sorts. Files subsystems in regular use are represented by office pools where each cubicle represents a different datanode and houses several files. You sit at the desk and get to work (until the Mr. Smith Trace IC walks in that is…). Older Files not currently being used are put away in the Archives room, a long room filled with old fashioned file cabinets.
Slave – Larger Office cubicles or private offices represent different slave systems, mostly IO ports and terminals, just enter one and sit down to access the slave you're after...
IC Iconography – Some of the IC has been mentioned above. However other more creative varieties are easily incorporated. The corp probably wanted a low cost system so it's quite likely some of the IC iconography hasn't been tweaked to fit the metaphor so anything is possible.

SANS/Other systems links: If this were a Host system for a particular department in a corp the whole office building could be the PLTG and Access could be changed to the main foyer downstairs and the elevators represent datapaths between different department Hosts.

Complications: This metaphor is kept purposefully simple and straightforward. The Iconographer wasn't particularly inspired or the corp asked for the basic run-of-the-mill system so its employees wouldn't have to think too hard.
QUOTE (Synner)
Originally by hobgoblin, upgraded by Synner:

System: Standard-issue small corp Office Host
LTG#/Location: Brown & Sons #762-2223
Ratings: Orange-9/12/12/9/9/9

Is a security-code of orange not a bit much for an office-host?
From SR3, page 205, "Orange Hosts [...] networks used by middle management in a typical corporate office." - since this is an indy corp at the same approximate level I used that as a baseline.
Dark Scrier
Those are some pretty good iconographies.

The Sea-Tac Public Access one was damn good. I might have to use the Iconography, if not the stats.
Gave me some inspiration. cyber.gif

Might have to do an O'Hare system like that, for a Chicago campaign I want to run. (Pre-"Bug City" right through YotC.)
hmm, that tir host can be used without mutch tweaking for some other medieval (sp?) europe style setup or something like that...

hmm, maybe we need a samurai setup tho for the asian corps out there smile.gif or did they cover that in matrix/t:m?
one of my favorite 'themes' for host iconography is mixing without matching. i mean, how many people today have the design aesthetics to put together a good-looking webpage? so, in 206x, you end up with a kewl cyberknight backdrop, populated by customized japanese demon icons on the probe IC and off-the-shelf low rez gunslingers on the sparky-10. it's the result of some Dilbertesque middle-management type going "whoah! that's awesome! put that in, put that in!"
that does not sound more like a host set up alike someones hmepage rater then a bizpage, remeber that many hosts are the corp...
Phylos Fett
notworthy.gif Synner notworthy.gif
I agree with hobgoblin on this one. Most times a corporate Host will be a showcase (both internal and external) for the corp that owns it, its metaphor and iconography should be picked for best possible PR and psychological effect. Most would follow a unified theme.

However, not all corps can afford to have their systems sculpted to a single metaphor. Smaller corps buy IC software with default iconography configurations or patch together different subsystems (the 2060 equivalent of using a Linux-based stock control program in a system that also uses Windows Office) and could easily justify the patchwork feel.

Andof course when it comes to MSP Grids and Datahavens anything goes.
I'm currently working on a couple more Hosts to post, one for a typical government records system and one for a Mob gambling den... however I would like to see other people's ideas too on this thread.
hey synner, didnt spot it before now but that addon you did to my host metaphor (basicly the grunt work) is sporting a smilty with sunglasses insted fo the rating of the ripper IC...
Any ideas for space habitat Matrix hosts? Or a lunar base's host? (I'm thinking about Saeder-Krupp's or Ares' outposts)
Any ideas for space habitat Matrix hosts? Or a lunar base's host? (I'm thinking about Saeder-Krupp's or Ares' outposts)

Well, there is one example in Target: Matrix, but it's not a very standard one (since it's as tight as tight gets, almost to the redefinition of the word "tight"). Since the computer controls on a space station are the only thing that keeps everyone on board breathing, there are probably two kinds of Matrix systems in space: Glacier and barely there (ie, everything that doesn't have a very specific need to be on the Matrix is not on the Matrix, and even that stuff is guarded with SANs of various sorts to keep it further isolated).
and remeber that metpahors demand more computing power and more computing power demands more power:) so thereby 99% of the system will run barebones UMS (that is similar to SR1/2 nodemaps). and you can take a page from the sat info in matrix and just guess that most will be orange or red with scramble on the links to earth as last thing they need is some script kiddie (do they still use that "name" in matrix?) messing around with lifesupport...









Ok, I'm running 2 SR groups, one made of newbies devil.gif and the other a mixed bunch (from never-met-a-bug-or-IE-or Horror to fellow Dumpshockers). I'm planning to run Harlequin (the newbie campaign began last Sunday, and they're planning how to enter the complex).

The spanish version of Harlequin translated all stats to 3E, even adding stuff from Sprawl Sites and SR2 (contacts and archetypes) in the last few pages (since the book uses them a lot). However, the Matrix hosts suck. They are STILL using the SR1 mapping, saying "this SAN is Red Hard and has Scrambler 5", does that make any sense to you? Not to me. And that's just an example.

So, can somebody please help me witht Sylvan Information's Matrix Host? (pretty please?)
Jong I may be able to draw something up for you but my copy of Harlequin is packed away. I'd need to know the general metaphor and any non-mechanics details they give on the system before diving in though.

(use Spoiler tags they're cuter and take up much less space)
[ Spoiler ]

[edit]Editited to add in iconography.[/edit]
@ TinkerGnome:

My hero! love.gif

@ Synner:

I still have to find how to put Spoiler tags...
Spoiler tags are easy. Simply use the brackets which look like this [ and ] around the word "spoiler". To stop, simply use /spoiler instead. So if you did bracket spoiler bracket test bracket /spoiler bracket, you would get:
[ Spoiler ]

Easy! There just isn't a reference to it in the help, as far as I've seen.
Does anyone know where to get a good program for generating hosts?
This is my favorite host generator.
I love the generator.
Have any of our official "Matrix Guru's" checked this out? Any problems or inconsistantcies?
DSF's own Sphynx also has a bunch of matrix-related generators on his website.
the generator is probably just the one given in matrix in codeform. it will not give you any funny stuff, only a cleanroom host. you must still add things like sysadmin tricks and worms smile.gif
Kanada Ten
The Big Bad Host of George
Blue-8 Access 4 Control 5 Index 4 Files 4 Slave 4

George's personal 'trix page runs on his souped up pocket secretary and has intermittent matrix access. When online, George is mostly podcasting his own personal prank show. His host appears as a miniature big fat Budda with black marker devil horns and pointed beard from the LTG. The inside looks more like a messy teenager room (and smells a bit funky as well, with stacks of old recodings (the Files section) and a collection of prank props representing the archive (Index). Whatever attached devices usually appears as the manufacturer default icons, which include an old fashioned crank operated movie camera for George's Kodak Quantum Recorder (Slave). The default icon of a pocket secretary functions as the Control, while Access is through the belly button.

Security Sheaf
05 - Probe (2)
10 - Passive Alert
15 - Scramble (1)
30 - Active Alert
50 - Shutdown

The Probe appears in the form of a Mitsuhama Parental Robot going about the room, looking under the bed and so on, while the Scramble icon looks like a black marker dashing about scribbling over everything.
Holy thread resurrection Batman... but seriously, nice to see you around Kanada.
Kanada Ten
I'm doing a Matrix walk and thought, "Hey, this is almost amusing; I'll post it on Dumpshock." The plot is simple enough, George happens to record the runners in action and escapes (somehow); but he could be recognized with a Pirate Podcasts (2), 'Trixfeeds (4) or a Famous Pranks (6) test. If successful, the decker sets into action to Locate Access Node before Big Bad George can do any harm.
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