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Full Version: ally spirit, sense link and astral barriers/wards
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northern lights
ok, not seeing anything int he books except no limit on physical distance.

but could you use sense link on the opposite side of a barrier as your ally? how about a ward?
yes you can

getting the ally onto the opposite side of a ward from you may be tough, but sense link works just fine. Now whether or not it will still talk to you after you use it for voyuerism is debatable.
northern lights
dude, that is fraggin sweet!

i had a weird run planned and that is gonna fit right into it!!!
Getting the Ally past a Ward is easy, you just have to be able to See the other side. Then the Ally goes to its homeplane, and then materializes past the barrier.

Its when the barrier is also a locked door the issues start.
I thought a spirit couldn't manifest inside of a ward unless the summoner was within it, or attuned to the ward?
Not the way I read it, it says the spirit can only go to places it knows. If I stand in a corridor, and can see the other end, then I'd hazard that I could find my way there again, just 2 meters further down and past the barrier.
If that were the case then no barrier would stop any spirit. Allyspirits just like elementals, nature spirits, and watchers must pound their way through a barrier just like anyone else.

There is no ruling on wether senselink functions across a ward but as you can cast across a ward I can see no reason why senselink wouldn't work. The GM might rule that senselink only penetrates across a barrier if the spirits force is greater than the barriers force.
Wards, if I'm not mistaken, are opaque on astral. You can't see through them (without using the astral window spell, or whatever it's called).

So the summoner can see across it (as long as the summoner can see the physical world).. but spirits, which are astral beings, cannot -- so the spirit can't see down the hall if there's a ward in the middle of it.
QUOTE (Dawnshadow)
Wards, if I'm not mistaken, are opaque on astral. You can't see through them (without using the astral window spell, or whatever it's called).

So the summoner can see across it (as long as the summoner can see the physical world).. but spirits, which are astral beings, cannot -- so the spirit can't see down the hall if there's a ward in the middle of it.

Way to read in between the lines of the rules. I total think you are correct.
Wards, if I'm not mistaken, are opaque on astral

You are. Page 174 SR3. They block movement and impose a visual penalty equal to Force.

RE: Rest of thread - Page 96-98 Magic in the Shadows.
-Yes, a spirit can just pop by a barrier. This is explicitly stated.
-It costs a service to do this(NOTE: Non-issue for ally spirits as they have unlimited services)
-Free spirits are explicitly stated as being able to pop by any barrier as long as they have been there before. "Been there before", in my view, means they have to have been at the EXACT SPOT in the past.
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