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Full Version: Shadowrun Video?
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
A while ago I remember seeing some home-made fan Shadowrun videos on the web.
IIRC, they were German.
Anyone have a link for where these things are?
German FanPro Page with links to the movies...
At GenCon '91, FASA had a very, very cheaply made 5 or 10 minute live-action Shadowrun movie that they played at their booth. They even sold tapes of it, for like $5. (And sold out of them.)

It featured two female models (shaman and a decker IIRC) and one male body-builder (Street Samurai).

There was a very limited special effects bit when the Shaman cast a spell and again when the Decker entered the Matrix.

I'm surprised that this one has never surfaced on the internet, (somebody prove me wrong!), but if it has, I haven't been able to find it.
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