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Full Version: Microrunners
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
I am working on a little pet project for my daughters that takes microheros, and allows my kids to change the clothes, and jewelry.

I decided for me ... that I would make a shadowrun version.

I am just starting ... but can use the feedback. I only have 1 pair of pants on the guy ... and I am working on it. I just started the project.

what do you guys think?

Micro-runner Generator

Done in the heromachine meets microheros style.
My fiance already has mock ups of all her characters that she has done in some other microfigure thing. Its horrid.
Good thing all our characters are buff white men. ohplease.gif
The module is oversized at the moment so it is a little grainy.

I have some females that I will be posting soon, (since I have the base made for my kids)

Halabis are you saying that mine is horrible or the one your wife uses is horrible?
Can you give me the url so I can look at it?
I love it man keep up the good work. and boo to all the naysayers... BOOH!

I can't wait to see the final look smile.gif
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