Jul 20 2005, 11:45 AM
I was wondering.
I'm a MW Adept. I cannot astrally project. Its written in MiTS that a free spirit with the gate power, can be used to help.
But I was thinking, can I pray to my totem for such a favor?
In either event, whats reasonable cost of such a favor?
I am specifically thinking of doing astral quests for spell learning.
Ancient History
Jul 20 2005, 11:57 AM
1) You may learn Limited Astral Projection as a metamagic technique (SotA: 64)
2) A free spirit may use their Astral gateway power to allow you access to the Astral Plane, or even the metaplanes. (MitS)
3) An astral rift can do the same thing (T:AL)
4) Your totem is not a spirit in the usual sense, and you can't request "favors" from it. You may, if the GM is feeling so inclined, beg such a favor from your avatar (MitS). Cost depend entirely on haggling, no hard-and-fast rules.