What every Ghould & Blood Mage Needs: http://www.eathufu.com/
Hey Blood Mages,
You know what they say, "Waste not want not". Here's a healthy diet alternative that everyone can enjoy, with out all that messy blood magic.
Tired of getting blood out of your best jeans,
Tired of NERPs,
Tired of all the yelling, and screaming that comes with blood magic,
Well now we've got an alternative, HUFU...HUFU, it's healthy and vegitarian.....
Just what every little Blood mage needs...HUFU, forget NERPS that's sooo 2050's....Now try HUFU.....Need to wax your car HUFU, need something to feed your basalisk HUFU.
Ghouls you know how pesky it is. You've got to follow, stalk, then butcher your prey. Now you can eat human flesh and it's perfectly legal. No more hanging around with the denziens of the underworld, no more spending your evenings hunting down prey, come back to civilization with HUFU yes HUFU......Mom would be proud of you......
HUFU for you, HUFU for me, HUFU for everybody.......H U F U.........