Aug 15 2005, 07:20 PM
I freely admit this is a genra I've never really explored. Does anyone know of some good cyberpunk authors or novels? I've just recently broken out of my fantasy rut and am just about finished DonQuiote so I'm looking for somthing a little lighter. Sci-Fi cyberpunk seems to fit the bill.
Aug 15 2005, 07:24 PM
oh, and I'd rather avoid the Shadowrun franchise novels. I've read a few of the Dragonlance/Forgotten Realms novels and I tend to find the writing sub par at best and this has kinda tainted my entire outlook on the subgenre
Ancient History
Aug 15 2005, 07:46 PM
The Ultimate Cyberpunk
William Gibson:
Burning Chrome
Count Zero
Mona Lisa Overdrive
Virtual Light
All Tomorrow's Parties
John Shirley:
City Come A Walkin
The Exploded Heart
Eclipse Penumbra
Eclipse Corona
Pat Cadigan:
Mind Players
Bruce Sterling:
A Good, Old-Fashioned Future
Crystal Express
Islands in the Net
Heavy Weather
Neal Stephenson:
The Diamond Age
Also recommended:
Interzone (A British sci-fi mag featuring several prominent Cyberpunk authors, colelctions available)
The Hacker Crackdown (non-fiction by Bruce Sterling, avalable for free)
Ghost in the Shell (Graphic novel/series/manga by Masamune Shirow)
Shatter (Graphic novel by Michael Saenz and Peter Gillis)
The Difference Engine (a collaboration 'tween Bruce Sterling and William Gibson)
Achilles Choice (By Larry Niven and Steve Barnes)
Cryptonomicon (By Neal Stephenson, thought by some the beginning transition to Slipstream)
Pattern Recognition (A new William Gibson novel, firmly Slipstream)
Aug 15 2005, 08:06 PM
gah! that's a few... Thanks. I think I'll start with one of the anthologies. Out of that list who would you say is your favorite author? Just so I have somwhere to start.
Edit: ooo and the The Ultimate Cyberpunk is even available at the bookstore I work at... sweet.
Aug 15 2005, 08:08 PM
Hammered by Elizabeth Bear, and Hardwired by Walter Jon Williams. Must-reads, the both of 'em.
Ancient History
Aug 15 2005, 08:11 PM
William Gibson, hands-down. His Neuromancer is without question the most widely read book in the cyberpunk genre.
You can probably find The Ultimate Cyberpunk at your local new bookstore; Mirrorshades and some of the other books will be harder to find, try online booksellers like if you have trouble.
Aug 15 2005, 08:14 PM
Yeah, all of those : P
If you want something free you can read at work, check out: you can navigate the site, you can find a few things worth reading. Something I'd recommend starting with is DogFight, part of the Burning Chrome anthology: for 'dogfight', all one word).
I personally dislike Gibson's writing style as being cluttered. Stephenson's Snow Crash is an awesome book, but he seems to be pretty hit and miss (mostly miss). Bruce Sterling is currently my favorite CP author. Globalhead was neat, especially all of the second half.
Aug 15 2005, 08:18 PM
the great thing about working at the bookstore is I have acess to their ordering system. Basically if it's in print I can get it... Of course the downside to this means that I ususally just sign the backs of my paycheques and hand them back over to them
but it keeps me well read that's for sure.
Ancient History
Aug 15 2005, 08:20 PM
Cyberpunk's strongest works tend to be short stories. For an example, John Shirley's book City Come A Walkin is an extremely influential work, but his most widely published and best story is Freezone (actually, a condensed chapter ripped from his Eclipse trilogy).
For somehting closer to Shadowrun, check out Terry Windling's Borderland anthology: Borderland, BorderTown, and Life on the Border. Elves and cyberware and punks, oh my!
Digital Heroin
Aug 15 2005, 08:30 PM
For a more recent entry into the genre, try <i>Altered Carbon</i>, <b>Broken Angels</i>, and <i>Market Forces</i> by Richard Morgan. Carbon is borderline space sci-fi, and Angels crosses over the line but both definitly have a cyberpunk core to them. Market Forces was unexpectedly fresh, and definitly good.
Aug 15 2005, 09:01 PM
Phillip K. Dick, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
The novel that inspired Blade Runner.
Aug 15 2005, 09:29 PM
Do androids dream of electric sheep is one that I have read. Good book
Cynic project
Aug 15 2005, 09:38 PM
QUOTE (Ancient History) |
Neal Stephenson: Snowcrash The Diamond Age |
What no love for Zodiac?
A nice free book. I haven't read this wrk but I have read other books by him and he has interesting characters and plot. lot of people like Gibson, and a lot of people hate him. He didn't know shit about computers when started to work on cyber punk books. So be warned.
Aug 15 2005, 09:45 PM
For a more dystopian, hate-filled future, Ambient by Jack Womack is awesome. Not so much cyber, but a lot of punk. Let's Put the Future Behind Us is also excellent. His other books, such as Elvissey and Terraplane, while set in the same world, deal with dimension-hopping and are much more like Command and Conquer: Red Alert than true cyberpunk.
Ancient History
Aug 15 2005, 09:50 PM
QUOTE (Cynic project @ Aug 15 2005, 09:38 PM) |
QUOTE (Ancient History @ Aug 15 2005, 02:46 PM) | Neal Stephenson: Snowcrash The Diamond Age |
What no love for Zodiac?
Lots of love for Zodiac. Not really cyberpunk. I'm reserving judgement on his Quicksilver trilogy.
Cynic project
Aug 15 2005, 10:09 PM
The only thing it is lacking is the cynerpart but it has a whole shit load things you need in a cyberpunk story.
Mr. Man
Aug 16 2005, 01:41 AM
QUOTE (Ancient History) |
John Shirley: Eclipse |
I picked this up after it finally returned to print a few years ago and I still feel robbed. As stated upthread: A chapter of Eclipse was featured in Burning Chrome. Unfortunately it was the only good chapter. The characters in Eclipse are cardboard and the plot is thin. Neither of these would be a problem if the atmosphere of the excerpted chapter persisted (cyberpunk was all about style over substance, after all) but it doesn't.
Top recommendations: Everything by Gibson and Stephenson. Your public library should have at least a few of their novels (and the rest should certainly be available through interlibrary loan). Sterling is also classical but I could never get past his "golly this is neat" tone. Most people don't have this problem.
Ancient History
Aug 16 2005, 01:58 AM
I agree, the Eclipse trilogy is not Shirley's best work, but it is classic Cyberpunk as far as most people are concerned...dystopian, massive corporations, certain philophical posturings, near-future with technological advances, subcultures experiencing dissonance with an increasingly smaller "main stream," a tendancy to approach basic problem-solving through an "outside the box" approach, etc.
You could more easily make this into a movie trilogy than the more cerebral cyberpunk fair. And despite it all, the scene where Rickenharp plays a Song Called Youth is beautiful. All in all, the books are worth least once. Some of it is delibrately over the top, but that's mainly because Shirely was working with not-always-really-good good guys vs. the nearest-thing-to-steretypical-evil bad guys.
Mr. Man
Aug 16 2005, 02:41 AM
QUOTE (Ancient History @ Aug 15 2005, 09:58 PM) |
I agree, the Eclipse trilogy is not Shirley's best work, but it is classic Cyberpunk as far as most people are concerned |
Oh I won't try to argue with that, it certainly has all the ingredients. I'm just saying that in my opinion it isn't worth going out of your way or paying for.
Aug 16 2005, 02:45 AM
My absolute favorite cyberpunk book was HardWired. by Walter Jon Williams.
There is a cyberpunk sourcebook for it that I am looking to convert to shadowrun.
Aug 16 2005, 03:58 AM
Another good one by Walter Jon Williams is Voice of the Whirlwind. It has aliens in it, but it is still very cyberpunk in feel. To me, Williams has more of an SR feel than Gibson.
Snow Crash was kind of a disappointment. It had one or two good ideas, but it was too campy, and the author seemed to be a wee bit too impressed with his own cleverness.
Aug 16 2005, 04:11 AM
For a good look at how advanced medical technology may affect society, read just about anything by Peter F. Hamilton. The cyber in his books is incredibly coherent and well thought out and fits the tech level of the rest of the society, and in fact, plays strong roles in shaping it.
However, it is not so much punk. But I feel that understanding some of the things that shape society make for a better game.
Crusher Bob
Aug 16 2005, 05:59 AM
You can also try
When Gravity Fails (and sequels) by George Alec Effinger and
Johnny Zed by John Betancourt
There's also
The Cold Cash War by Robert Asprin
Aug 16 2005, 10:42 AM
I must chime in with the cautionary note that, in the opinions of some at least, including myself and 4 people I know off the top of my head, Snow Crash is more of a cyberpunk parody. It's a great book, and I recommend it, but saying it's cyberpunk is like saying that Terry Pratchet writes fantasy...
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