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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Here's what I get when I try to connect to the SR main page...

<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="RSS 2.0" href="

What's up with that?
Looks like your browser is choking on the RSS feed code. Maybe try a different/upgraded browser?
smile.gif you went there in the 15 minutes it took them to update their website.

hehe, they have the SR4 playtester list and table of contents up now.. WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE cool.gif
Looks like your browser stopped loading the page for some reason, and spit some raw HTML out at you -- the site doesn't go down when updates are made, unless I actually update the front page template. Which I did, sometime on Tuesday, which would account for about .13 seconds of downtime. smile.gif
15 minutes or .13 seconds. Same thing...

/slinks off to ponder how adam knows it took .13 seconds
Time taken to upload the new template?

Seems fairly simple to me.
It's not the upload time, 'cos this is the third day in a row it's been doing this (unless Adam has been uploading constantly for three days, that is). Updated both browsers that I use (Yahoo! DSL and IE) and still getting the same message. Any suggestions?
It looks like you are choking on the RSS feed. Is there a plugin needed for that?
I don't know...where would I get such a thing if I do need one? Searched MS updates and not finding anything there for IE...
IE can't handle RSS. Firefox can.
I just checked the site with both Firefox and IE6. No problems.
I have IE 6, it's continuing along the same path of activity. Added the RSS feed to My Yahoo! page, and it will only pick up the main updated page. Going to try getting Firefox and try it out...
QUOTE (Ranneko)
Time taken to upload the new template?

Seems fairly simple to me.

now don't bring logic into this discussion. But i have never seen.. well an upload timer. Probably because i don't upload many files smile.gif download timers, yes but they are always wrong. Anyway thanks for the info.

As to the browsing problem, try clearing your history. If you did get a bad copy of the webpage in there, sometimes it does not try to auto update and get the new webpage.
Getting all kinds of timing information isn't at all hard. For instance,

time scp my_file
Firefox seems to work just fine. Though I updated both IE6 and the Yahoo browser, neither will clear the feed, they both seem to get caught on it. Cleared their history as suggested by Phoniex, still didn't help. So I will stick with Firefox for SR stuff, it looks like. No response from the Yahoo people on the issue in many hours.
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