Aug 17 2005, 01:49 AM
Yes, even those of you that plan to buy it from the bargin bin.

Me, as strong as my curiousity is for how the dice work, i'm going to start with the Buzzkill fiction. Just because i'm a Julie Andrews fan? Maybe....
Aug 17 2005, 01:53 AM
I always start with the character creation rules, a fresh character sheet and learn what everything means as I go along. Then I make another one, and make them fight each other.
Aug 17 2005, 01:54 AM
Gotta start with "Sex" on page 47 ...
c'mon -- someone needed to say it
Aug 17 2005, 02:19 AM
I voted "very beginning", but to be honest I'm probably skipping "What is a roleplaying game?"
Aug 17 2005, 02:24 AM
QUOTE (Kagetenshi) |
I voted "very beginning", but to be honest I'm probably skipping "What is a roleplaying game?"
~J |
Ya, i'll likely gloss over that part too. In fact once i finish Buzzkill (either to the end of it or it loses my attention because it sucks hard) i'll likely skip over to Matrix 2.0 history to skim that and then quickly on to the dice rolling parts for a quick review to get into the meat of the attributes and skills.
Aug 17 2005, 03:24 AM
QUOTE (Kagetenshi) |
I voted "very beginning", but to be honest I'm probably skipping "What is a roleplaying game?"
~J |
i am sorry i have to say this....
Oh you mean "ShadowRun for Dummies" huh
sorry i couldnt resist....and by the way, i'm starting with dice rolling 101 myself
Aug 17 2005, 11:10 AM
I always start with the character creation rules, a fresh character sheet and learn what everything means as I go along. Then I make another one, and make them fight each other.
Ooooh! I havenīt done that since I was a kid! Sitting with a brand new, exiting rpg and making youīre first character without really knowing how. Now Iīm gonna have to do that too.

(I voted "from the beginning")
Aug 17 2005, 12:46 PM
...when you sing you begin with Do Re Mi, Do Re Miiiiiiiiii...
Aug 17 2005, 01:06 PM
Probably going to start from the beginning, flip through it, then come back a second time and linger on the interesting bits.
Aug 17 2005, 01:33 PM
Last time I skimmed (SR3) I lost a lot when I "thought" I understood changes. I will be more careful this time, which should be easier due to the massive "paradigm shift without a clutch," to quote Dogbert.
Xavier Grimwand
Aug 17 2005, 01:37 PM
I voted Other, but I'm specifically interested in the new Magic and Matrix rules. I'll read them concurrently.

"What's the first section to are going to read?"
"Where do will you start reading?"
Gods, man. Learn some proper grammar!
Aug 17 2005, 01:43 PM
QUOTE (Xavier Grimwand) |
I voted Other, but I'm specifically interested in the new Magic and Matrix rules. I'll read them concurrently. 
"What's the first section to are going to read?" "Where do will you start reading?"
Gods, man. Learn some proper grammar! |
Patience, not everyone is an english speaker first here. And if they are, they probably went to public school. I knows I done been to public school.
Aug 17 2005, 01:45 PM
QUOTE (Xavier Grimwand @ Aug 17 2005, 07:37 AM) |
I had to vote Other because someone forgot to include the Magic system section. |
someone else missed seeing the Awakened World option.
"What's the first section to are going to read?" "Where do will you start reading?"
Gods, man. Learn some proper grammar! |
Editting with cut and paste is my bane. When i don't like what i wrote, often because i'm unhappy with it's length or passive voice, i go back and make changes and sometimes screw up with the editting.
Aug 17 2005, 01:48 PM
See, public school....
Aug 17 2005, 02:17 PM
QUOTE (Jrayjoker) |
See, public school.... |
Hush you. I got some darn good learnin' in public school.
Aug 17 2005, 02:32 PM
LOL, me too. Best English lit class I ever took (including college) was my AP English calss in high school. Miss Papps had been teaching for 40 years when I got there. She taugh one of my classmate's grandmas. Very demanding and supportive at the same time.
Aug 17 2005, 03:26 PM
I voted Other...while I plan to truly begin reading thoroughly at the beginning, I have to first skim to the "Sex" section to see if there's something they put in there that changes the very basic function of humanity (what could possibly have changed, I wonder) or if it was just to see how many people would skip to it first. I am just baffled by what FanPro could have possibly included in that particular section that most adults don't already have at least a pretty basic grasp of.
Aug 17 2005, 03:36 PM
I don't know what the big intrigue about the Sex section is.... It's going to be a copy&paste of the Sex section from SSG, no?
Aug 17 2005, 04:15 PM
QUOTE (Backgammon) |
I don't know what the big intrigue about the Sex section is.... It's going to be a copy&paste of the Sex section from SSG, no? |
If it is, then why bother including it? They could have spent their time and effort in better directions than copy/paste from old SR books, if what you are saying is truly the case. I hope it's not; that shows more laziness than creativity, and the creativity part of it is one of my main draws to SR4 (in that they aren't rehashing the same rules, they have created new ones).
The only reason the Sex section is such a big intrigue for me is the "why" and "what", really. I am just curious as to what they put in there and why it's really applicable to the core rules and/or setting. Sexuality as flavor text really isn't all that appropriate for a game that's aiming towards a younger audience, if that's FanPro's attempt like some have stated. But maybe I can find a little "hot coffee" after I have downloaded the PDF or something
After figuring out the answer to that, I'll go back to the beginning and read everything thoroughly.
Aug 17 2005, 04:49 PM
There is one voting option missing:
The FAQ and Erratra
Otherwise: Chargen and Games Rules
Aug 17 2005, 10:54 PM
QUOTE (Backgammon) |
I don't know what the big intrigue about the Sex section is.... It's going to be a copy&paste of the Sex section from SSG, no? |
Aug 18 2005, 07:21 AM
Well. If there is a theme to it, the short sextion on sex is sandwhiched between "Fashion" and "The Dark Side." So it's 'how-to-look-good-attracting-someone' and then 'what-to-do-with-them-when-you-have-them' and then 'dealing-with-the-realization-your-decisions-were-based-more-on-alcohol-than-the-actual-person.'
Aug 18 2005, 12:42 PM
QUOTE (Fizzygoo) |
Well. If there is a theme to it, the short sextion on sex is sandwhiched between "Fashion" and "The Dark Side." So it's 'how-to-look-good-attracting-someone' and then 'what-to-do-with-them-when-you-have-them' and the 'dealing-with-the-realization-your-decisions-were-based-more-on-alcohol-than-the-actual-person.' |
Aug 18 2005, 08:34 PM
History section first then character creation. I want to know why a very large part of California is now sitting under water.
Aug 18 2005, 11:03 PM
I'd like to read System Failure first, but no dice on that one.
Aug 18 2005, 11:32 PM
I hope that turns out to be the pesemistic prediction itīs supposed to be. Depending on how late Adam is with the pdf, you may have looked at things a bit to brightly holding of those dice.
Aug 27 2005, 05:34 AM
I plan to peruse character generation first. I like to get right to futzing around with making a character. It allows me to pinpoint things as I go, and flip to various sections for explanation on the fly. And then, when all is said and done, it gets me psyched to start at the beginning and read the whole thing cover to cover to let it all sink in.
Aug 27 2005, 01:23 PM
I'll start with the adept powers, then combat rules (especially melee), then 'ware and gear, then... huh... the rest of magic or the Matrix section. Only when I have a good idea of the core mechanics and common gear/spells/powers/'ware will I go read the flavour stuff. Game mechanics have been discussed quite a bit in various threads, but I want to get all the details to form an informed opinion asap.
Aug 28 2005, 07:39 PM
I went to the conjuring and spirit types first. Shortly after, I went where people asked for answers.
Aug 28 2005, 08:02 PM
I absolutely got to start with the character creation rules(to see how the characters will manifest itself). After that i'll go with the game rules(combat, skills, rigging, decking,magic) to learn how effectively the manifested character can affect the world and how he can get affected(or changed) by it. My third would be the character advancement and progression to learn how the changes apply on the characters... Especially because i'm really nervous about the character generation cost compared to the karma table so far...
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