Aug 20 2005, 01:08 AM
Couple quick notes:
1) I've run 12 demos in the last two days. One hour "Here's what's new in 4th ed" deals, plus if we still have the time, a quickie combat round. Each one's been booked, and about half have had a few extra folks standing around (or sitting if an extra chair was around) listening in.
2) If you demo'd with me, lemme know what you thought. I've had a blast the last couple days, even if my throat and voice are totally shot.
3) I'm heading off to the SR4 release party now to get liquored up and have fun. Wheeeeeeee

4) SR4 rocks

Aug 20 2005, 01:11 AM
Do the demos require event tickets? 'Course, asking now probably won't help as you all are, as mentioned, getting liquored up, but perhaps someone else will know. See (some of) you tomorrow!
Aug 20 2005, 04:05 AM
It's 12am... I'm seriously considering getting liquored up too. Here's one to Shadowrun.
Aug 20 2005, 05:44 AM
We've been doing 6 1-hour demo's each day. I've been putting out alittle sign up sheet, and it's mostly first come, first serve as far as sign ups go. I was allowing anyone who wanted to hang out and watch (generally standing room only for them) to do so. The demo's are at the FanPro booth, and they don't require event tickets. I'm not doing any tomorrow, buit other folks are taking over for me.
There have been/are a handful of SR4 games being run, and playing in a demo is a prereq for that. We have these neat "FanPro Demo" badges that have all three of FanPro's games on it, that shows you went through the demo. Well, theoretically, at least, since demoing Battletech nets you the same badge.
Aug 20 2005, 09:53 AM
Bull, you rock, esp. considering both of these threads.
I like what I read -- the base rules sound like in some cases, they are -more- realistic than the old game (in SOME cases)...
Sleep well, my man. Get in touch with me when you are able to, k?
Aug 20 2005, 10:43 AM
Excellent. I have a four hour window at the Con this year before I have to return to Illinois (home) for a theatrical rehearsal. Damn the rest of my life for getting in the way of my gaming

Hopefully, I can get in on one of these demos you speak of.
Aug 21 2005, 08:14 PM
How did Daki's game go Bull?
Aug 22 2005, 02:47 AM
From what i heard, good. I was too busy to really check in on anything the GM crew was doing this year. I spent the majority of the con chained to a demo table at the booth
Aug 22 2005, 09:58 AM
QUOTE (Paul) |
How did Daki's game go Bull? |
I'm kind of curious about that one, myself.
Aug 22 2005, 11:11 AM
Yeah considering what he told me about it, I had a lot of reservations at first, but in the end after I understood what he was driving for I thought it was both ambitous and cool.
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