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What are the chances we´ll have the pdf available for download monday? When are you expecting it? Sure, they are stupid questions. But we are all asking them, so we might as well discuss it. wink.gif
My bet in the range above is Wednesday.

If it weren't for the range cap I'd say after next Sunday, based on other comparisons between quoted and actual release dates.

Realistically, I'd be extremely surprised if Adam had time or energy (most importantly energy) to finish it during the course of this week. GenCon is a little bit exhausting.
I'm guessing wenesday or earlier, I'm not sure, but I'd think the PDF would be a pretty big thing.

However, I do realise that Adam has allready wresteled with the thing for awhile, so I'm just rooting for his sanity.
I'm guessing Wednesday as well.

I'd love to have it Tuesday, but I'll bet Adam is too wiped out to accomplish much tomorrow.
QUOTE (Nomad)
I'm guessing Wednesday as well.

I'd love to have it Tuesday, but I'll bet Adam is too wiped out to accomplish much tomorrow.

Take it his edge hasn't refreshed? I mean those successes could really divide the time down.
If it is his first work priority, available for DL Thursday.

If he has other work committments, next week.
QUOTE (Bandwidthoracle)
Take it his edge hasn't refreshed? I mean those successes could really divide the time down.

Silly. Adam isn't human. And that lower Edge is killer. ;)
QUOTE (tisoz)
If it is his first work priority, available for DL Thursday.

If he has other work committments, next week.

I'll put my money there too. I don't think Battlecorp can put stuff on Saturday or Sunday, or i might take Sunday. The PDF will be done by the weekend though.
Thursday I shall go with.

Also, your not you're w.r.t the thread title.
(I realise english may not be your first language, but pointing out this error for future reference is still a good thing)
I'll go with Thursday also, just because it's my payday, and if it is released earlier, I still won't be able to get it until Thursday.
Hey Mintcar, you didn't make a guess. Just holding the bets on this one?

Am I allowed to play this game?

I suspect Friday. I'm officially taking Monday-Wednesday as actual vacation vacation, since I spent so much time pre-GenCon working on my vacation. Once I'm home -- and have access to a computer much beefier than my laptop -- the PDF is top priority.
QUOTE (Adam)
Am I allowed to play this game?

Yes, but I'm sure you'll understand if we don't offer you the same odds as everyone else.

Had fun at the con?

Can we place money on the chances of it not happening at all next week?

No offense, Adam.
QUOTE (Kagetenshi)
Had fun at the con?

Yeah; good stuff. Was very gratifying having hundreds of people asking for the book every day, and very unfortunate that the bindery wasn't able to output the number of books we needed.

Beyond that, though, everything was great; our new banners looked amazing, the new t-shirts rock, Holostreets was finally announced, WizKids had a lot more info about the upcoming Shadowrun novels. The buzz about SR4 was great -- both from regular fans and industry people. We ran a ton of demos, the "Mr. Johnson" game/contest that we ran was a blast, and our party on Friday night was well-attended. White Wolf pussied out on the dodgeball game, though. I guess they're still reeling from the Capture the Flag smackdown we laid on them at Origins.

Game of Thrones from GoO came out as well -- the deluxe for sale and some sample copies of the OGL version, and it's a totally sweet book. Even though it stole a week of my life that I would really like back, the quality and content is amazing.

I walked out with a stack of books -- more than I expected -- including Warhammer Fantasy from Black Industries/Green Ronin, True 20 from Green Ronin, Northern Crown from Atlas Games, Eberron from WotC, and Pulp Hero from Hero Games. Plus the new supplement for Burning Wheel, and Dogs in the Vineyard.

Made new friends, caught up with old ones, lined up work for the rest of the year, danced my ass off -- and saw the Gothsicles, who rocked the goddamn house. Good times.
I guess bets on it not happening next week would be acceptable. But Im gonna go ahead and bet on you again Adam. Third time lucky, friday it is. nyahnyah.gif
"place you´re bets"? I´m an idiot. eek.gif
I suspect somewhere next week - just because I really dont want to get disappointed again. (I can imagine creating the pdf as being a bit stressful, not even speaking about the con, but then again - why posting a release date?)
And why not taking the vacation afterwards with a good feeling about a job well done? (Thats what I'd prefer, but then again Im a caffeine jukie just working properly under stress, so what wink.gif )
QUOTE (mintcar)
"place you´re bets"? I´m an idiot. eek.gif

Nah, a non-native english speaker is allowed to make such mistakes. smile.gif
Well last week would have been nice as I had the week of...

Playing a bet Id say next week, maybe early next week.

Adam is still "only" human, no pun intended.

We should sponsor him a sleep regulator though...
The Canterbury Tail
QUOTE (Grinder)
QUOTE (mintcar @ Aug 22 2005, 11:55 AM)
"place you´re bets"? I´m an idiot.  eek.gif

Nah, a non-native english speaker is allowed to make such mistakes. smile.gif

You'd be amazed how many native speakers make that mistake. I truly dispair sometimes.
QUOTE (The Canterbury Tail)
You'd be amazed how many native speakers make that mistake. I truly dispair sometimes.

I guess every nation (or better every language) has native speakers / writers of that kind biggrin.gif
And their numbers usually seem to increase with each and every day ... which in turn leads to even more despair among those who value good orthography ...
I was going to say Monday, then looked at the calendar. I guess I'm just an optimist like that.

Gooooo Adam!
*Waving the pompons*
Rah Rah Adam. Gooo!
My money's on Tuesday, August 30.

[edit] That's for when it'll be available for download, not for when Adam will be done with it.
QUOTE (Adam)
Am I allowed to play this game?

I suspect Friday. I'm officially taking Monday-Wednesday as actual vacation vacation, since I spent so much time pre-GenCon working on my vacation. Once I'm home -- and have access to a computer much beefier than my laptop -- the PDF is top priority.

Knock yourself out. I estimated only a 2 day unofficial vacation.

Sorry I missed you at the con. To clarify, Adam was not a person I was upset with or had an issue with their attitude. And as I may not have emphasized, even those I did have an issue with had changed by Sunday. Maybe they finally knew what was going to be reality and what had been just hopes and promises.
El Ojitos
QUOTE (Cochise)
QUOTE (The Canterbury Tail)
You'd be amazed how many native speakers make that mistake. I truly dispair sometimes.

I guess every nation (or better every language) has native speakers / writers of that kind biggrin.gif
And their numbers usually seem to increase with each and every day ... which in turn leads to even more despair among those who value good orthography ...

And actually it is "despair" rather than "dispair" - I think.
QUOTE (El Ojitos @ Aug 22 2005, 12:57 PM)
QUOTE (Cochise)
QUOTE (The Canterbury Tail)
You'd be amazed how many native speakers make that mistake. I truly dispair sometimes.

I guess every nation (or better every language) has native speakers / writers of that kind biggrin.gif
And their numbers usually seem to increase with each and every day ... which in turn leads to even more despair among those who value good orthography ...

And actually it is "despair" rather than "dispair" - I think.

That underlines something about message boards. They are usually at a casual conversation level. Just because i know the correct way to use "their" and "there" and "they're" does not mean i don't accidentally type the incorrect one from time to time.

EDIT: Perhaps even slipping in a double negative from time to time. wink.gif
QUOTE (El Ojitos)
QUOTE (Cochise)
QUOTE (The Canterbury Tail)
You'd be amazed how many native speakers make that mistake. I truly dispair sometimes.

I guess every nation (or better every language) has native speakers / writers of that kind biggrin.gif
And their numbers usually seem to increase with each and every day ... which in turn leads to even more despair among those who value good orthography ...

And actually it is "despair" rather than "dispair" - I think.

Dis Pair, Dat Pair. What's the difference?
QUOTE (Jrayjoker)
Dis Pair, Dat Pair. What's the difference?

And actually I think it is "da d'frence" rather than 'the difference"
QUOTE (morlock76)
Well last week would have been nice as I had the week of...

Playing a bet Id say next week, maybe early next week.

Adam is still "only" human, no pun intended.

We should sponsor him a sleep regulator though...

Does Adam have a pay pall account? Because, I'd consider putting a few dollars in the "sleep regulator" fund, after all the stuff he does
If it helps bringing the PDF to us faster I'm with you
@Adam: How much for a release in the next 24 hours? We could make a collection and I'm in with 10-15 nuyen.gif (currency is negotiable of course) wink.gif
QUOTE (tirsales)
If it helps bringing the PDF to us faster I'm with you
@Adam: How much for a release in the next 24 hours? We could make a collection and I'm in with 10-15 nuyen.gif (currency is negotiable of course) wink.gif

Aww, I don't want to buy him off, he allready has done a ton (Atlhough your idea isn't bad either)
I'd throw in some ¥ (And some real world money too!)
I dont mind giving some money to the developers and Adam for the work already done to SR4 - if they dont mind and send me a paypal account (which was your previous suggestion if I did understand you correctly)
I also dont mind giving some money so the PDF would be released earlier - so perhaps we should get together and make 2 collections wink.gif
People: it's a business. You "donate" for work done by buying copies. I could see donating to Adam, but if you want to thank the devs for SR4 buy a few extra copies and give them to friends.

Even with a business, there are such things as "Tip jars". It's not unreasonable to offer to "buy the devs a beer."
Even in a business ... Ever heard of a bonus for a job well done?
And tipping like in
QUOTE ("the_dunner")
buy the devs a beer
as I don't have any chances of meetings the devs in the near future - I am asking where I can transfer that beer to (metaphorically)
(btw: I would gladly buy some copies - if anybody would give me the possibility.)

And if it helps - think of the money as coffee-money so they can work longer. Good for FanPro, good for Paypal (or whatever medium) good for the player, good for the developers and Adam, so ... be happy smile.gif
QUOTE (the_dunner)
Even with a business, there are such things as "Tip jars". It's not unreasonable to offer to "buy the devs a beer."

Unless the devs/Adam have a sudden urge to go to a town in the middle of nowhere likewise I would not be able to meet them, but yes if they had a paypall "tip jar" I would tip
Maybe they could use the tips to bribe a printer into delivering their product on time for once...Hmmmm, thats not a bad idea.
QUOTE (Jrayjoker)
Maybe they could use the tips to bribe a printer into delivering their product on time for once...Hmmmm, thats not a bad idea.

Or spend it on research to find a printer that can deliver on time and on budget for a change.
My vote.... is whatever day Adam finishes it, and is satisfied with it.

I don't know what program the book is done in (inDesign or Quark)... but the biggest headache with creating a pdf is all the hyperlinks and the thumbnail index (with hyperlinks)..... once you have the book ready for publication, you have to add all the links, both from the front (Table of Contents), back (index), and all the hyperlinks within (i.e. see table 55 on page 312).

Then you export to PDF (and on a 400+ page book, with artwork) that takes quite a while....

And then you have to literally hand test every.... last.... freaking.... link to make sure they all work properly, and take you where they're supposed to.

Then you get to do it all over again with the ones that don't work....

Spend butt-load of time re-exporting to PDF....

and re-test all the links again.

So if it's ready by Friday August 26, or September 2nd... or Sept. 9..... I don't really care. As long as it all works.

I'm looking forward to it either way. cool.gif
QUOTE ("ShadowGhost")
but the biggest headache with creating a pdf is all the hyperlinks and the thumbnail index (with hyperlinks)..... once you have the book ready for publication, you have to add all the links, both from the front (Table of Contents), back (index), and all the hyperlinks within (i.e. see table 55 on page 312).
Yeah, with a considerably good program (and both mentioned are at least expensive) you can add those links either automatically or while you are typing the rest of the book.
I haven't worked with any of those - but with LaTeX or the other programs I have used so far neither the TOC nor the index nor anylinks else had been anything to worry about...
QUOTE ("ShadowGhost")
Then you export to PDF (and on a 400+ page book, with artwork) that takes quite a while....
??? Shouldn't take that long ... Of course, we're perhaps speaking of hours but, on the other hand, computers are not *that* expensive and you should be able to at least hold those images and parts of the book in memory or swap or hdd or whatever cache you are using ...
As for testing links: Use a reasonable program which could be testing it for you - and as far as I know link-testers are available for download.
As far as I know the hardest work is getting the layout from whatever format to A4 - but I'm just guessing.
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