Aug 22 2005, 03:48 AM
This thread isn't about whether SLII is useful, or anything else. A question was posed which isn't covered very well.
In actual game play, how is image link done? Like a pop up screen in your line of sight? super-imposed like in a HUD display? Other?
The question came up, purely rhetorical, in discussions about whether image link would block line of sight in that particular part of the eye, etc. Frankly, it's not a rules question, it's an implementation question. Altho, would LOS be affected rules wise?
Also, another question is this: we know that SLII does not work with vision magnifiers. So how is that implemented in the eye? does the SLII dot go away when the vision mag is activated? Is the dot still there, but not accurate?
Any interpretations or advise would be helpful.
Edit: I forgot the cross correlary - linking the SLII to the Image would that be handled?
Herald of Verjigorm
Aug 22 2005, 04:00 AM
There is no explicit statement yet of how all smartlinks appear. I imagine one company's version would display an expected trajectory in a mild blue tone except when it needs to be red to contrast the background. Another could just show the expected point of impact in a nice green crosshair except when the crosshair needs to be orange.
The implementation of the mechanic is fluff text. There is no rule about it. The closest to a rule is that since there is no condition about it penalizing viewing of details near the point of impact, then it has no such drawback.
Aug 22 2005, 04:12 AM
I would imagine that the image position and opacity can be adjusted by the user, in the case of a full image link. I would expect smartlnks to come with a variety of crosshairs to suit user preferances.
Aug 22 2005, 07:29 AM
In actual game play, how is image link done? Like a pop up screen in your line of sight? super-imposed like in a HUD display? Other? |
n my games? I lean towards the popup window, although I also do a lot of AR stuff.
The question came up, purely rhetorical, in discussions about whether image link would block line of sight in that particular part of the eye, etc. Frankly, it's not a rules question, it's an implementation question. Altho, would LOS be affected rules wise? |
Do you wear glasses, or know someone who does? Have you ever seen it when you get a largish speck of dirt on your glasses? The dirt is clearly visible to you (if out-of-focus for being so close to the eye), but it also does not impede your vision in any meaningful way. As a similar example, sit back and relax your eyes for a while. Eventually, you'll see little wispy specks floating across your vision-- these are called vitreal floaters, and are literally particles in the vitreous humor of your eye. They constantly "impede" your vision, but they don't actually block LOS. You just get used to them being there, and ignore them.
I'd image that the same thing happens with the imagelink-- you get so used to it, you don't actually *see* anything it has to offer unless you stop and focus on it for a second.
Also, another question is this: we know that SLII does not work with vision magnifiers. So how is that implemented in the eye? does the SLII dot go away when the vision mag is activated? Is the dot still there, but not accurate? |
See above. It's the same thing, only backwards-- once you stop thinking about the smartlink, the dot fades from sight, even though it's still there.
At any event, you're focusing too much on the targeting dot. Smartlinks come with an integral limited simsense rig, which detects body positions and relays corrections from the smartlink processor. So, the way I think about it is this: when vision and body sense do not line up, the program glitches somewhat. This gives you a +2 TN, although strictly speaking, all it really does is remove the smartlink benefits for a long range shot.
Aug 22 2005, 04:46 PM
Basically, I always ran smartlinks, display links and image links as images that appear in a HUD fashion in front of your vision. With the smartlink, the size, shape and color of the crosshairs can be customized (or even change on the fly, for more advanced systems hooked to Tactical implants and such). Image links just display the desired data in front of your vision, customizable to be opaque or semi-transparent, adjust the distance percieved, etc.
Aug 22 2005, 10:13 PM
Thanks all - I appreciate the input.
Aug 23 2005, 03:13 AM
Where could I find the rule that says SLII and Vision Mag are not compatible? I'm not questioning it, I just don't remember seeing that particular ruling.
Aug 23 2005, 06:40 PM
Under imaging scopes, pg. 280. "Imaging scopes ... may not be used with smartlink systems"
Then if you look on pg. 300 under vision mag for cybereyes, it says "This enhancement magnified the visual image in the same manner as an imaging scope"
If someone can find a better reference than that, lemme know.
Aug 23 2005, 06:46 PM
I've always been partial to the HUD/Reality overlay model for SL and Image Links.
With other mods being pop-ups or additional overlays, like Ultrasound sights.
When the US is pointed in your POV, it's an overlay, when it isn't or when you don't want it as an overlay, it's a pop-up window somewhere in the field.
The actual trajectory is usually either a crosshair (SL-1) or a 3 dimensional line that takes movement and perceived wind speed into account and curving slightly as neccessary (SL-2).
Aug 23 2005, 08:34 PM
I have always seen it as active only when there is a smart linked weapon active in your palm. It is comprised of a set of orange crosshairs, round count, and weapon mode in the top right of your vision. Since it is only active when you have a weapon in your palm it is not an issue. (not many people walk around with a hand gun in their hands all day. If you have a cyberweapon, this would be activated and deactivated with the DNI.
Aug 23 2005, 09:42 PM
I've always pictured it just as a crosshair superimposed on your vision, much like the crosshair of the gun in a video game. The crosshair will dance all over your field of vision, until it's actually lined up on the target you're looking at. When the crosshair is over your target, fire.
Cain, I like the explanation for it not working with mag. I'll use that.
Aug 24 2005, 03:12 PM
I cannot remember the rules for vision mag, but I thought that optical mag allowed you to keep the SL mods. I cannot for the life of me understand why it would not be compatible. Different weapons have different ranges, so why would a smartlink work for only 5 meters for a gun and 150 for a sniper rifle?
As a house rule they are compatible, because I cannot find any logic as to why they would not be compatible. If there was a limit on how effective the SL could be ... ie, only calibrated to 50 meters ... and thus targets beyond no longer receive a bonus, I could see.
Aug 24 2005, 03:37 PM
I think it's for a reason known as "game balance", which totally sucks, but watta gonna do?
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