Aug 22 2005, 04:55 PM
Okay, so I've been collecting character concepts from my group for the new SR3 game. One of my players is totally new to Shadowrun, and the sort who always plays the happy comic halfling in our D&D game. She asked, "Do we have to all play criminals?"
To which her boyfriend (experienced min/max player) responded, "Well, yeah, but not necessarily bad; think of it like Firefly..."
"Ooh! Can I play River?"
So, that's what she wants to do. The two of 'em came up with a pretty cool concept together: they're a brother and sister from Aztlan, taken to an Aztechnology 'special school' for the gifted. He trained as a mage. She didn't work out so well, and ended up in a lab getting unknown 'enhancements' until he found out and rescued her. And now they're in Seattle, hiding and looking for answers on what happened to her.
Yes. You heard right. One of my players has asked to be an Aztechnology test subject.
As a GM, of course, this has me cackling and rubbing my hands. My plan on this is going to be to create her character for her, give her all her stats and abilities, but don't tell her what 'ware was used to make those abilities. I already have a pretty good idea for the Dark Nasty Secret at the core of the matter (it's not going to make her explode, it's just going to make AZT very interested in getting her back).
What I'm looking for here are ideas on the rest of it. I'd like to make her an all-bioware character, partly for plot reasons and partly because it's something different. Maybe some nanoware or genework too, if it fits. I have Shadowtech, so I've got a pretty firm handle on what's out there, and Man & Machine is on order. But a lot of you guys eat and drink this stuff, so I thought maybe you'd come up with some creative combos I didn't think of.
So. You've got a Body 6 and the Priority A million nuyen. Character's an elf. (Hey, it's what she asked for.) How would you trick out a character like this with all bio? She doesn't necessarily need to be the most kickass character; she just needs to be scary kickass. I've got my own ideas, but I'm interested in yours.
Thanks in advance for any input. And Have Fun.
Talia Invierno
Aug 22 2005, 04:59 PM
Partly depends on whether you want her to be the (unknown to herself) combat expert or not; and whether you want her physad-Awakened or not to allow for some of the mental abilities.
Beyond that, it looks like SR4 might be changing some of the rules here: I assume we're working strict SR3 rules?
(It's not nearly as unusual a concept as you might think ...)
Aug 22 2005, 05:08 PM
Yes to combat; as for physad Awakening, there's an interesting bit of background there, but for practical purposes I'm going to say she doesn't have any powers. (Largely because we're on the priority system, and if the first three priorities are Resources/Adept/Race then that throws both attributes and skills into the toilet.)
Strict SR3 rules, yes. And except for ignoring some Availability limits, I want to do my best to generate this character by-the-book. Just because I'm the GM making her character for her, and just because she's going to have some weird plot points, doesn't strike me as an excuse to unbalance her character relative to the others.
Herald of Verjigorm
Aug 22 2005, 05:12 PM
Well, Man and Machine changes the bioware limit from being body linked to essense+3. It also includes some other differences that mean any PC created with the Shadowtech rules may not be anywhere near what you thought with the M&M rules. Also, the third edition rules for genetech are in SOTA63.
Actually, with all the new twinks in the SOTA books, I think your best SR3 legal option would be a mental adept (SOTA64, some nice mind enhancing options) with a mnemonic enhancer, cerebral booster, and maybe synaptic accel and/or articulation.
Lacking the adept side: cerebral booster 2 (+2 int, I think a task pool), mnemonic enhancer 3 (+1 to all knowledge skills, +3 to all language, lowers defaulting penalty on knowledge skills, -1 karma cost for skill improvements), synaptic accelerator (+1 or 2 init dice), enhanced articulation (+1 to most active skills), and maybe a few support bits.
Total cost of the listed: 395,000
; 3 bio
; 2.85 bio index if you want the articulation to be cultured as well
That's to twink out knowledge and purely organic adaptability. You could toss in some reflex recorders to boost a skill or two and a little bit of cyber could open up many more options. Most of the basic bioware could also help if you want her to be superior in physical confrontations and the cultured pheremones would give her a significant edge as a face type.
[edit]Ah, combat as well. Then toss in some damage compensation, symbiotes, trauma damper, suprathyroid, maybe a synthacardium too.
Aug 22 2005, 05:19 PM
What sort of test-subject that AZT would really want back is no better than any other shadowrunner? I think the concept demands that she be given special powers of some kind.
Herald of Verjigorm
Aug 22 2005, 05:23 PM
The detail that she's an experiment in body transfers to achieve functional immortality would not in any way directly alter her general usefulness to the team. (just making something up)
There are plenty of areas of research and experimentation that have no direct useful benefit for the experiment itself. Not every genetically engineered prototype has to be a uber-ninja death machine, the purpose could be something else entirely.
Aug 22 2005, 05:41 PM
No, the point is that if the person is no better in any particular way than anyone else they are easilly expendable.
The character is only going to be worth one million Nuyen.
That is very disposable. The character demands either intimate knowledge of something (Not a test subject), a game-breaking power that is irreplaceable, or a phenomenal amount of Nuyen physical worth.
ADDITIONAL: Every corp keeps immaculately detailed recordings/notes on all experiments. Getting a new test-subject and applying all their old knowledge to it to bring the new subject quickly to the place of the old.
The only believeable IN-GAME reason for the corps to care the slightest about a one-million nuyen person is if they had escaped the test facility and knew too much. They would simply send a hit-squad, though.
The only ways I can see to make the character be wanted alive rather than dead must be game-breaking to be realistic. Although I understand the point of the character, and I think a bit of railroading to make the corp interested in her is acceptable, I am just pointing out a flaw with the by-the-book method.
Aug 22 2005, 05:45 PM
I totally agree that the macguffin that keeps Aztechnology on the character's ass should be something that isn't actually useful to them. Alternately it could be a piece of information, but that could potentially be sold to a competitor. Someone mentioned the starting resource level - I would think that the Mysterious Bioware wouldn't be a part of that; if I was making a character and a big chunk of my resources went onto something that wasn't useful to me I'd be incredibly annoyed.
Aug 22 2005, 05:49 PM
Give someone some special gland, that cures HMHVV. That would be very goddamn valuable, and very one of a kind, and very useless in just about every circumstance.
Make it look like a appendix or something, your character will never know.
Herald of Verjigorm
Aug 22 2005, 06:00 PM
In my arbitrary suggestion about her being part of an experiment on human body transference, there are many possible reasons why she couldn't be easily replaced. The simplest is time. If the original is too close to death, then the researchers may not have enough time to properly grow another batch of potentials in a way that doesn't destroy their central nervous system and thus invalidate them for the process. This could lead to a conclusive situation where she earns her freedom simply by killing the individual she was meant to be a replacement body for. Since the hypothetical process would require a proper genetic baseline match, she would be useless for later experiments and no longer a point of concern for that goal (but she would be on the "loose ends" list with the rest of the team).
Aug 22 2005, 06:02 PM
QUOTE (Supercilious) |
The character is only going to be worth one million Nuyen.
That is very disposable. The character demands either intimate knowledge of something (Not a test subject), a game-breaking power that is irreplaceable, or a phenomenal amount of Nuyen physical worth.
The only believeable IN-GAME reason for the corps to care the slightest about a one-million nuyen person is if they had escaped the test facility and knew too much. They would simply send a hit-squad, though. |
Or the person is unique. They might have reacted to something in a very special way. She might have some special gene that only expresses in 1 in a million people.
The 1 million is just the street cost of the bioware, not the time, surgury costs, training and other effort put into her.
It could also be that the project is near completion, they have only had 1.5 million to play with ... so investing 100K might be worth the risk for the project.
There are many reasons to have someone with only a million in bioware found.
Aug 22 2005, 06:06 PM
Give someone some special gland, that cures HMHVV. That would be very goddamn valuable, and very one of a kind, and very useless in just about every circumstance. |
Have it so that the group that rescued the character also happened to trash the biolabs, the offline storage and ritual samples while they're at it. It means that if the bioware is unique/being researched, then the corp is going to need to get her (or just it, if they send a group with scapals after her) and can't just get a mage team in.
Aug 22 2005, 06:07 PM
She wouldn't have t have anything special for her to be valuable to Aztechnology, she would just have to be the subject of expensive research that calls for long-term monitering of the test subject. If they spent ten billion nuyen on her and that money would be wasted if they can't moniter her very closely, they would certainly want her back.
Of course, she could jsut be the end result of multi-billion nuyen research to create a better dragon snack and she is needed for the final taste testing.
Aug 22 2005, 06:21 PM
Keep in mind, she's going to have the 5 point 'mysterious cyberware flaw' and the 6 point 'hunted' flaw (going off memory on the prices). She also sounds like a role, not rollplayer. Feel free to cut her a little slack.
Enhanced articulation, reflex recorders and synaptic accelerators (all cultured) are all nice bits of bio that can make her useful and mysterious, without breaking the game or cuing her in to what all she has.
I personally would make a new piece of bio. Perhaps have her make a will or body save under particular circumstances. If she fails, it turns into something like loa possession; her stats go through the roof, she becomes a combat monster, and she goes off and kicks a lot of butt. However, since the PC isn't in control at the time, it's not really showing favoritism. The problem arises when there's a trickle between the crazy killing personality and her normal personality, causing her to flip out more in 'normal' mode or suddenly stumble when in 'kick-butt' mode.
Maybe she begins to manifest magical powers, only to eventually find out there's something growing inside of her, and she's only channeling powers from it as its too weak to break out.
As long as you have something keeping her from unbalancing things with her secret power, and it's interesting to the entire group (or just to her, but withotu detracting from the group), it's a good idea. I think she's handing you a giant plot hook on a silver platter, so do SOMETHING interesting with it.
Aug 22 2005, 06:23 PM
In order of appearance:
1.) Thanks, Herald, for the ideas on the mental maxing instead of combat. Now I get what you meant, Talia; sorry I missed it before. Not having SOTA:2064, that would never have occurred to me, but I think I may be able to pick it up cheap before we play on Sunday. That is a really interesting approach, and (more to the point) it makes her excel in an area that no other character is trying for. I like that.
2.) I don't want to post here the reason why Aztechnology wants her back, on the off chance that one of my players might read this thing. However, if you want to know, PM me and I'll tell you. Then you can post back here with your opinion on whether it's a sufficient and sensible reason.
Nobody's guessed it yet, though. It's not the value of her 'ware or her abilities, it's not information, and it's not because she's carrying the cure for cancer, HMMV, or hiccups. And no, it's not something that will likely directly benefit the party, either. This game shouldn't revolve around one character; her problem is only one of several I expect to throw at them in the near future.
Aug 22 2005, 06:27 PM
oooh ... I know .... a gland that continually produces Jazz in here system.
Muhahaaha ... super juicer girl.
Aug 22 2005, 06:38 PM
Well, I've done a couple Bioware-only characters in the past, though I've never really tried combining it with Adept powers. For a general combat-oriented character, I'd give them the following for sure:
Synaptic Accelerator 2 (For the initiative boost always so important to combat-types)
Muscle Augmentation and Toner (The max level if possible, just get strength and quickness up for melee power and reaction/combat pool bonuses)
Enhanced Articulation (So very useful)
As optional enhancements there are Symbiotes (for healing times), Syprathyroid (for the physical bonuses); nictitating membranes ('cause everyone needs flare comp at one time or another), Pain editor, Damage Compensators or a trauma dampener (to downgrade the effects of injuries, but pick which ones to use carefully), Reflex Recorders (for the extra skill boost), and possibly Orthoskin (for that 'always armored' feeling, though I'm not a big fan of this one)
It's mix-and-match, really, but you can get an extremely-high-stat starting character with the right bits who retains full essence (for those healing spells) and may retain a few power-points worth of adept abilities.
Cynic project
Aug 22 2005, 06:42 PM
Maybe have a bioware version of skill wires, either active skill or not.
Maybe give her something along the lines of a flexable skill pool IE some skill points that cane be switched froom skill to skill on the fly. Make it have som limits Like these skills can't use pool and last for a day or two. So take this She really needs to get out od a bind but she needs a skill she doesn't normally have, she then takes skill points from another skill and puts then into the skill she needs. Say he needs driving. So she puts those skills there. Let's say she doesn't think she need shotguns.So she takes points from there. So now she has a a drive of say 6 and shotgun of 0. For the next day or so she has no skill in shotguns and she can drive. Just a crazy thought.
Aug 22 2005, 06:46 PM
I took the idea and ran through NSRCG, and quite like the character I came up with.
I added a couple of big advantages, to explain why she was chosen for the experiment anyway, like making up for no SGL with ambidexterity 8, cause you get no SGL with two pistols anyway.
Anyway, I bought:
123 points, 650K
Enhanced Articulation
Suprathyroid Gland
Muscle Toner 3
Muscle Aug 2
Cerebral Booster 1
Synaptic Accel 2
Mnemonic Enhancer 3
Cat's Eyes
Synthacardium 2
Extended Volume 3
Trauma Damper
Total Bio Index of 7.3, cost of 600,000
Sensitive System (side effect of surgery) -3
Sever allergy to Gold (side effect of surgery) -4
Hunted (with Aztechnology) -6
Ambidexterity +8
High Pain Tolerance 1 +2
Double Jointed +1
Her stats are
Bd 7
Qu 10
St 7
Ch 3
In 7
Wp 5
Athletics 6 (plus many bonuses for different specs, but always at least 7 dice)
Stealth 6 (7)
Jujutsu 6(7)
-Close Combat
-Focus Will (for spirits and such)
Pistols 6 (7)
Biotech/First Aid 1/3
Electronics 4
Computer 3
Etiquette 3
I haven't fleshed her out yet, but she'll work
Aug 22 2005, 07:12 PM
QUOTE (Nyxll) |
oooh ... I know .... a gland that continually produces Jazz in here system. |
That's the coolest idea I"ve heard yet! A character with her own background music.
Aug 22 2005, 07:23 PM
QUOTE (nezumi) |
QUOTE (Nyxll @ Aug 22 2005, 01:27 PM) | oooh ... I know .... a gland that continually produces Jazz in here system. |
That's the coolest idea I"ve heard yet! A character with her own background music.
Anyone watched Blade 3? The one with the girl who has an iPod and as she is using iTunes to set up her playlist on her iPod, the comic relief male character says: "It's like she has her own vampire-slaying soundtrack."
That has forever tainted personal sound-tracks for me. That movie sucked.
Aug 22 2005, 08:02 PM
QUOTE (Bearclaw @ Aug 22 2005, 01:46 PM) |
Cat's Eyes |
Cat's eyes on an elf are fairly redundant.
SFEley, Mysterious 'ware and Hunted 3 are gong to give the character 9 points of flaws that have to be balanced out by edges if you are using the priority system.
I'm going to recomend Magic Resistance 4, Poor Link, Good looking and knows it, and Blandness.
The combonation may help keep her alive and free when the Azzies come knocking. +2 TN and +4 resistance dice against ritual tracking, +1 TN against physical tracking, and the ability to make friends a little more easily. You might also substitute 1 point of Magic Resistance for Human Looking. Azzies are looking for an Elf, not a Human.
I'm going to assume that, since the bioware/geneware are Azzie-provided GM fiat, that Availability limits are out the window. If so, I'll also recomend high rating DNA Masking. It is unlikely that the Azzies would want their alterations to be evident in a simple DNA scan. It would also make tracking her that much more difficult. As an added bonus, you could have a nice "What do you mean am I sure we're siblings?" moment.
I've also done some playing around using NSRCG. Without availability limits and putting skills at B, I was able to make a pretty decent stealth face/anti-magic tank with 6 pistols, 6 clubs, and some demolitions skill.
Aug 22 2005, 08:36 PM
I suggest an athletics kit (overall 1,35 bioindex, 115 kĄ)
Components: Erythroipoitin Synthesis (Genetech), Extended Vol III, Synthacardium II, Reflex Recorder (Athletics)
Grants Athletics+5, MW-3 on Endurance Tests, +135secs of holding breath... Rather cheap for performance on par with most athletic ki-adepts.
Aug 22 2005, 10:00 PM
QUOTE (hyzmarca) |
I'm going to recomend Magic Resistance 4, Poor Link, Good looking and knows it, and Blandness. |
Although there's nothing ruleswise that say's no about it, i would a little iffy on letting a character have Good looking and knows it as well as Blandness.
Friendly face and Blandness on the other hand...
As mentioned cats eyes is a waste. use the money and Bioindex to get Damage Compensators as High pain threshold is Stun OR Physical only.
As a side note i'd stay away from Symbiotes myself as i all it gives you at Lvl 3 is 1 extra sucess on the healing test. Not worth it IMHO.
Talia Invierno
Aug 22 2005, 10:15 PM
Friendly Face would work better for a "River"-type character in any case.
Several possibilities I'd had in mind have already been mentioned. Per the drug-producing gland mentioned earlier, I'm trying to remember if there's some way to tie something like that -- producing Kamikaze -- to an adrenal gland. (You wanted something dark-ish, yes?)
Still keeping the River template in mind, too bad there's nothing in bioware that duplicates a smartlink. Closest I can think of there is that reflex recorder already mentioned.
Now if you can in any way see your way clear to creating a phyad (maybe using point system instead), much of what is unique to cyber can be duplicated through physad senses: I'm thinking things such as spatial recogniser and ultravision. It would only need to be a point or two to cover the sensory, and it leaves the option to grow in her powers, independent of the knife.
Re symbiotes:
Halved healing times -- including Stun -- are nothing to sneeze at.
Aug 22 2005, 10:22 PM
QUOTE (Talia Invierno) |
Re symbiotes:
Halved healing times -- including Stun -- are nothing to sneeze at. |
Oh i agree, the difference between 1hr and 30minutes as your start time for healing stun is good (as an example). but considering that you generally get a few success the end effect of symbiotes is a difference between 15-12-10 minutes per box. It's diminishing (sp) returns.
Herald of Verjigorm
Aug 22 2005, 10:29 PM
Symbiotes aren't an extra success on the test, they (level 3) can effectively double your successes on healing tests.
1 hour: 4 successes: 15 minutes
1/2 hour: 4 successes: 7.5 minutes
1 hour: 8 successes: 7.5 minutes
Aug 22 2005, 11:11 PM
QUOTE (Shockwave_IIc) |
@Sharaloth As a side note i'd stay away from Symbiotes myself as i all it gives you at Lvl 3 is 1 extra sucess on the healing test. Not worth it IMHO. |
Uhhhh. No. Time is divided by number of successes, so base time is t/s. With level 3 symbiotes, it's (1/2)(t/s), in other words, t/(2s), so it functionally doubles the amount of successes you get. That's way better than "1 extra success on the healing test". Furthermore, it *still* halves healing time even if you get zero successes, which is not a small thing when you are dealing with high target numbers associated with low grade facilities and deadly/serious wounds.
EDIT: heh, doh, didn't see Herald's reply.
FWIW, when I want to do a bioware based character, my natural inclination on an elf is to snag level 2 synaptic accelerator, as many levels of muscle toner as possible, enhanced articulation, maybe a reflex recorder, maybe cerebral booster, and maybe a suprathyroid gland. Another good option is 6 point ambidexterity and a couple of melee weapon skills.
You can feasibly get a scenario whereby the elf has a quickness of 14, a reaction of 13, 3 initiative dice, 14 combat pool, and 13 dice when using two melee weapons (off of a six point skill). All of it "unaugmented." Ugly.
If you're going to really load up on bioware, don't forget the "quick healer" edge, which will offset 4 bioindex points worth of healing penalties. That's not something to sneeze at.
Aug 22 2005, 11:51 PM
QUOTE (Shockwave_IIc) |
@Bearclaw. As mentioned cats eyes is a waste. use the money and Bioindex to get Damage Compensators as High pain threshold is Stun OR Physical only. |
With High Pain threshold and trauma damper, the first two points of stun are essentially ignored. A huge advantage in a fight. Or a light wound becomes a light stun, which is ignored, and heals in 10 minutes of rest.
Damage compensators always scare me, but I guess they might be better.
The cat eyes thing was for my character inspired by the thread. I know elves have night vision, but you'd only make a character like this as an elf if they were going to infiltrate the Tir. They're tall, pretty and will always stick out in human society (and from a gaming standpoint, the 10 point cost is lame).
Aug 23 2005, 12:35 AM
Bearclaw Damage Compensators are better, but they do add in more Bioindex. Though High Pain thershold seems to be better for "kicking in" the Trauma damper effect.
Appologise about the Symbiotes, was only looking at small numbers of success. My bad.
Aug 23 2005, 06:18 AM
As of reading my PM, I think the idea is perfect.
Objections dropped.
Shanshu Freeman
Aug 23 2005, 07:40 AM
RIVER: "Day" is a vestigial mode of time measurement based on solar cycles. It's not applicable. (beat) I didn't get you anything.