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Full Version: Original Price for
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
Well, my search patience is at an end, or it just isn't on these forums.

What was the original price for the Denver Boxed Set? And, is $57.50 too much to pay for it if it is still in the factory seal?
I have no clue how much it was originally, but i'd definitely say $57.50 is too much to pay for it now. I actually just got it (still in factory seal) off eBay a couple months ago for around $20 including the shipping.
Yeah, that is what I am hoping to find, but the only one on now is $52 plus shipping.
It is definitly not worth $57. I wouldn't pay more than $20 for it since it's incredibly out of date and wasn't a particularly big or important supplement when it came out.
Ancient History
No way is it worth $50+, even cherry.
Captain Trips
QUOTE (Jrayjoker)
What was the original price for the Denver Boxed Set?

I just checked the back of my Denver boxed set, and the price I see is $25.00 (US dollars, that is).
Thanks y'all. Now all I have to do is get "congressional approval" from the "expenditures oversight committee" (my wife).
Just an alternate heads up -- Titan Games has one for $25. Doesn't look like it's mint, but, it's half the price of the eBay one.
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