Aug 22 2005, 07:16 PM
sorry if posted already! Here's a pic of the fanpro booth at gencon. the book looks to be open to the combat mage archeytpe
Aug 22 2005, 07:54 PM
Should we know who the guy is? Is that Adam? Because he looks like he could beat me up.
Aug 22 2005, 07:57 PM
You mean the guy with coke bottle lenses that looks like he would trip over his own feet if he looked up could beat you up? He might be able to take you if you were a jelly donut.
Aug 22 2005, 08:31 PM
Not Adam, unless he has massively changed since last time I saw him.
Aug 22 2005, 08:36 PM
Yeah, him. I'm full of Boston cream, you know. I have to be careful of some of these people. They're always trying to bring me over then *CHOMP* I'm five ounces lighter and suffering from severe filling loss.
Seriously though, I'd love to see pics of some of the development crew we hear about so often. I imagine Adam is this super sized brain in a jar with all of these crazy looking tubes and monitors, and his sister (Gretel? Gendel? I don't recollect her name) is this super hot elf in leather.
Aug 22 2005, 08:37 PM
Thats <nevermind, he may not want his name out there>. He sucks. Big time. Tell him I said so. Biotch!
And MAN thats the worst picture I've ever seen of him. Where'd you get that second chin from man!?
Aug 22 2005, 10:12 PM
Hehe, that is a bad pic of him.
That's Brian Cross, aka Kyrellen. He did a bunch of the design work and writing for the new Wireless Matrix stuff in SR4, among other things.
Aug 23 2005, 03:44 AM
There I was, trying to be all polite, and I can count on Bull to step up and ruin things.
Aug 23 2005, 12:42 PM
Huh? What did I miss?
Aug 23 2005, 03:48 PM
QUOTE (Bull) |
Hehe, that is a bad pic of him.
That's Brian Cross, aka Kyrellen. He did a bunch of the design work and writing for the new Wireless Matrix stuff in SR4, among other things.
Bull |
so if the wireless matrix ultimatly sucks we know where to aim the blaim

alltho, so far i dont think that will be a problem
Aug 23 2005, 09:23 PM
Damn. Outed. Yeah the hackable parck benches and the repeated use of the word Pwn3dz0r3d! are my little contribution to SR.
Aug 23 2005, 09:29 PM
what are the graphics on the t-shirts? Anybody care to take a pic if they own one?
Aug 23 2005, 09:37 PM
There were two t-shirts we were selling. One with a red SR4 logo, and one with the SR4 cover art. Both should be available at Battlecorps.
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