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When I get my SR4 rules, I plan on starting my Brain Freeze campaign. To do that, I'm pulling together a list of around 35 contacts of varying types. What I would like from you, my fine friends, is anything you can think of for a contact. And I mean colorful. Not just Joe Shmoe armorer. Give them a little kick so I can play off of quirky details, backstabbing, and pulling in favors. Here's an initial list of the one's I've thought up so far.

#1: Gadi “The Knife” Philips
LTG#: (969) 762-9291
Location: Downtown Seattle
Type: Bladeboy, Armorer
Desc: Gadi is a short human, short black hair with a bald spot in the back. His arms are scarred with various cuts from various blades. He makes sure anyone has the melee weapons to survive and the armor to protect themselves.

#2: Victoria Leis
LTG#: (969) 340-1999
Location: Downtown Seattle
Type: Face, Fixer
Desc: A taller city-elf, Victoria lives in a luxury apartment. Her body borders on that of elf super model. She has a way of talking to anyone, especially elves. And she know just who to go to when someone needs something done on the low.

#3: Wise-Old-Bear
LTG#: (967) 092-1833
Location: Northern Everett
Type: Bear Shaman, Medicine Man
Desc: A muscular old dwarf painted in the mask of Bear. His hands, while old, are as steady as rocks. He knows a thing or two about magic and is learned in the way of both magical and technical healing.

#4: Jaxan Bates
LTG#: (959) 756-0132
Location: Wuxing Magic, Auburn
Type: Wage Mage
Desc: Looks like a suit, except for the white-tinted smart-shades. White suit and tie, black undershirt, and white wide-brimmed hat. He’s a powerful force and can get you into places in Wuxing…for a price.
Type: Physical Adept (assassin, bodyguard)
Desc: Lean, wiry, moves with a quiet efficiency. Although she's a Fuchi Americas 'house runner,' Hawk has been known to take the occasional independent contract. However, be advised that in all likelihood any information Hawk comes across will eventually find its way into a written report to her Fuchi handlers. Hawk specializes in assassinations and providing protection for less physically-capable mages. She is a Grade 3 Initiate (Centering, Masking).
Father Leahy
Type: Catholic Priest
Race: Ork
Location: Redmond Barrens

At 65 years old, Father Leahy is one of the oldest orks around. He was a recently-ordained priest at a parish in Ohio when the Goblinization struck, and although the Vatican was in too much turmoil to issue any rulings on metahuman clergy immediately, he instantly found himself without a congregation. He wandered through the Native American Nations for a couple of decades, and eventually ended up in Seattle. He quickly became a favorite in the Ork Underground, but he refused to hold services underground, so they took over an abandoned church in the Redmond Barrens and fixed it up. He's no longer part of the church hierarchy, of course, but he doesn't care. He's not very mobile now, but his mind and tongue are still sharp, and absolutely everyone is welcome at Sunday Mass and in his confessional.
Ancient History
LTG#: (813) 454-5678 (Damn Russian cell phones!)
Location: Rico's
Type: Ork Pimp
Desc: Rico looks greasy, swarthy and well fed. He had gold-capped tusks, at least twelve rings, and well-oiled hair. He always has half a K of novacoke somewhere on or in his person. Don't ask to see his cyberware, it involves taking off his pants. Married to twin dwarf sisters from Armenia who don't speak the English, has at least eight squalling ogre chldren between them. Will pull out his wallet and show you pictures of each of them.
I hope you guys don't mind me using these ones. ^.^

Doc Jason Nungart
LTG#: (969) 878-0001
Location: Downtown Docks, District 7
Type: Street Doc, Mage
Desc: A kicked-out doctor with ten years at Seattle General. Found treating unauthorized patients. Now owns a warehouse with some very advanced equipment in the Dock's 7th district. A doctor with a heart and a few debts he has to pay back. He'll never turn down a runner...with cred, that is.
LTG#: Unlisted (Must get contact through a fixer)
Location: Redmond Barrens, middle of Orlo Gang territory (a gang of mainly orks and trolls)
Type: Street sam, razorgirl, professional assassin.
Desc: Her Asian features are softened by the generations her family spent in North America. Her cyberarms are obvious and the only non-alpha ware in her body. She is noted for her pants with pockets and the occasional hole, the shirt with a random phrase on it, and the armored long coat. She will typically show up at a meeting armed with hidden pistol, and frequently with her modified Ares Alpha. She has few morals when it comes to doing a job (though, she won't sell herself) and is willing to kill anyone if the price and effort are right.

LTG#: (496) 555-2323
Location: Redmond Barrens
Type: Fixer, gun smuggler, underworld crime lord
Desc: Typical American in appearance. Except, she's a vampire. She guarantees she can get any gun in a month or less. She also has a street sam she keeps as a sex toy.
Wounded Ronin
Contact: Sho Kosugi
Type: Ninja, Yakuza assassin
Location: Shabby coffin motels

Full details here:
Marvin Listweiler (The Sphinx)
LTG#: (969) 252-8542 (floating re-direct, voicemail system)
Location: Downtown
Type: Decker

Marvin was an employee of Renraku working an offsite location on a bad night. He was stopped at a traffic light and carjacked by gangers, who left him for dead in the Barrens. He survived for 3 days before a Docwagon HRT team found him, but his broken body was never the same. Confined to a wheelchair, Marvin re-oriented himself to survive as a decker. A major Docwagon insurance settlement keeps him in a high lifestyle, and Renraku pays him a disability that he supplements with offsite support work. He has a particular hatred for street gangers and hospitals. Marvin in a non-matrix environment has a slurred speech pattern, and he rarely allows others to visit him. He prefers his matrix personae of The Sphinx, a rainbow shifting leonine with the head of a bearded man. Marvin will work a few pro bono cases every year, but they have to pique his interest.
Shanshu Freeman
I'm a big fan of the bear shamen healer who loves to get surprise IHOP deliveries, and the Seattle University Librarian decker who loves to get Thai and Mexican food dropped off at all hours of the night.
Wounded Ronin
QUOTE (Shanshu Freeman)
I'm a big fan of the bear shamen healer who loves to get surprise IHOP deliveries, and the Seattle University Librarian decker who loves to get Thai and Mexican food dropped off at all hours of the night.

That's a very good idea for warm and fleshed-out characterizations, but isn't the risk to reward ratio kind of broken if these people become accessories to serious crimes for some food?
Joe, Owner of Ninja delivery services.
"May your hunger be dispatched."

Good for a late night snack at your safehouse.
Here are a few from my game, set in slightly modified San Francisco, but easily transplantable.

Yngvie Mancuso 415-468-3663
Owner and Operator of Chaos Cuisine, he is one of the few fixers with any kind of moral code. As long as you manage runs that are ethically done and benefit humanity as a whole, his services are available, and not very expensive. Nobody will take action against him because he has too many deadman switches in place. In fact, the police protection he enjoys is because Knight Errant knows it would be bad if he died.

Fala Fasofa- Troll of Samoan ancestry Deck Miester 415-244-3833
Fala rarely meets any of his clients, preferring to conduct his business in the Matrix and deliver equipment by bonded courier. On the few occasions he does indulge in a face-to-face, food is always involved.

DreamSpike A New Age/Retro/Awakened Book Store 415-639-2431
Tesla, a Russian Snake Shaman, is the Proprietor most often encountered, and often the most difficult to deal with, but information always loosens her tongue.

Lady Ravenshadow Moonfire, High Priestess of the Western Circle, is initially snobbish, but when she notices talent, she can take a warming to it. She follows Wicca with a strong Gardnarian influence, but is able to help any hermetic, even though she frowns on other methods and feels that you just don’t get the right effects if you don’t follow her advice.

Little Mtubu, Cheetah Shaman and Wakyambi, he stands 8’ even (2.4 meters), massing only about 125 Kilos (275 lbs). He is originally from Mombassa, Kenya and has climbed Mt Kilimanjaro in his youth. He is a major conspiracy Theorist and is convinced that all the Megacorps are after him because he won’t keep his mouth shut. He is partly right. Aztechnology has a bounty on him for ¥500,000 dead, twice that alive, and Saeder Krupp is offering ¥200,000 to find out why Aztechnology wants him so bad. He does not have the Afrikaans accent because he spent many of his childhood summers on St. Martin with his Uncle, a cantankerous Shark Shaman. This is where he learned most of his magic and is quite accomplished in Combat type spells.

Becca Oakley Gunsmith 800-244-4867
She wears here name proudly but will not actually point out that Annie Oakley is a direct relative. Has done occasional contract research work for Ares Arms in Sunnyvale. She can direct runners to André Mikailovich for a fee of ¥5,000.

SSgt Chip Reckless 415-468-2447(Pager)
Heads a Covert Insertion Team for Ares Arms. Will not deal with André Mikailovich but is on amiable terms with Becca Oakley, and has considerable respect for her skill.

Officer Reginald Cutter 415-843-3678
Idealistic cop and fixer, he lets a lot of Runners off the hook if he thinks he can make use of them later. His Precinct is Foster City.

Malachi Darby- Elven mechanic 415-327-8887
His specialty is modifications beyond the standard or legal norms. Does weapon mounts, sensors, engine upgrades, just about anything and has a level 2 Control Rig. He is broad shouldered and not your typical elf, looking more like an Ork would, as he is usually grimy and just not pretty.

André Mikailovich- ½ Russian, ½ Japanese 415-462-2264
He is The Arms Dealer to the shadows. The source for big bang bang, does not deal in firearms, only heavy weaponry.

Caroline Sheffield- English Human Hermetic Mage Number Unlisted
Doctor, works at Kaiser Hospital in Redwood City in the Tri W (Wounded Wizard Ward) She is especially adept at caring for the magically active to preserve their essence and magic. She moonlights as a street doc for rather high prices.

Dr. Spock- Japanese Human 415-575-1544
Street doc, especially cyberware installation and "recovery". By appointment only, so don't expect miracles or help when you are bleeding all over the place.

Robert Rodriguez- Mexican Dwarf 888-777-6666
Street doc, unofficial emergency ward, cash up front or he sells your parts to cover his costs.

Vince Whelan- Caucasian Human 415-656-5655
Club owner, sometimes fixer. Owns the club Pseudo Echo and has some of the best bouncers in The City and one of the best reps for "Biz" in the area. All tables have white noise generators and no outside windows for laser eavesdropping. If a tip of at least ¥100 is not left when business is conducted, seating may be difficult to find the next visit.

Phroderick- Unknown, Matrix Presence
Decker and data manipulator will manufacture ids and info but has steep prices. Can be found at the Fourth Castle domain.

Yukio Nagitomo- 415-925-8922
Arms dealer and major Yakuza player, operates out of a Japanese restaurant downtown called Nakano's. She can get a wide variety of stuff but don't cross her. Supports “The New Way” and has Japanese Elven Phys-Ad Bodyguards that are almost as good as Midnight Thorns.

Kenshi Hamamoto- 415-925-8922
Owner and General Manager of Nakano’s, an extraordinary chef and a prior Shadowrunner, friendly with the Yakuza, but not a part of it, he strongly supports the New Way that he sees developing and is a personal friend of Yukio Nagitomo.

Golden Akorn Society- Buddhist Temple in Chinatown 415-282-5676
The group consists of several magically active, mostly Shamans and Phys-Ads and strongly Ork with a few Trolls. See also Jonathan Xu Xhiang Wu.

Dread Pirate Roberts
THE source for pirated materials, plans and building schematics. Accepts payment by deposit into a Zurich-Orbital account and delivers by either encrypted email or bonded courier. Usually near Florin this time of year.

Mercedes McLeod- Human Female, UCAS 408-244-2264
Expert in applied quantum physics, chief researcher for Ares, formerly of Yamatetsu.

Hydrodynamics- a surf shop in Oakland 601-723-9283
Kimo Keahealalo--Co owner and Head of R&D. A Hawaiian Troll, he loves the oceans and enjoys rigging anything on the water. A specialist in wave and wind powered vehicles he also likes to rig.

Larry Kawahara—Co owner and Shop Manager, also a Troll but of Japanese descent, he loves the water and surfing as much as Kimo does, but lacks the engineering skills to make a truly cutting edge engineer, however, he does have remarkable business acumen. His deal with Kawasaki for their propulsion design will keep the store afloat indefinitely just on royalties.

Jonathan Xu Chiang Wu (Jon Wu) 415-282-5676
5th generation American Chinese, born in San Francisco, Jon is a Troll Physical Adept. He has traveled to the Shao Lin Temple in China in his quest for spiritual enlightenment and has mastered his body and several varieties of Kung Fu in the process. He learned firearm skills in the streets growing up and perfected them in practices similar to Zen Archery. He abhors the Japanese presence in his hometown and will support any efforts that hinder them. But he will not knowingly support any plan in which people must be killed.

Thomas Anderson, 877-564-6766
Ares Deniable Assets, CFS
Worked his way up as an excellent judge of skills and manpower delegation, it was noticed that he was more effective when the rule of law was lifted. Transferred to Chicago for a few years he learned from that experience and elected to move to CFS about 6 months before the BugFest in Chicago. He is a personal friend to Damien Knight and should he be seriously crossed, he can draw on the full might of Knight Errant. Whereabouts Unknown

The Bishop, Allister Cullen 800-346-3463
Archbishop of San Francisco
An ex shadowrunner, now semi retired. He is the head of a secret order within the Catholic Church known as the order of St. Michael. They are the churches first defense against magical threats. He is a fifth degree Initiate and a Hermetic Mage. He is a staunch supporter of GreenWar and has aided MRT49 on a few occasions. He also knows Maubee, Little Mtubu’s uncle, and thus Little Mtubu.

Gerry Fitzgerald 408-463-3266
Anderson vouched that he works for R&D Planning, Ares Arms CFS. Little else is known about him. He has a past, but it is lackluster.

Toshiro Hatamoto No Phone Available
A premier swordsmith and a Japanese national treasure, he was kidnapped by the Librarian and saved by the team that saved Mr. Anderson. If someone from the team tracks him down through the Yakuza, he will do what he can to help. No relation to Kenshi.

Xiong Sun Yee 601-998-0000
Triad boss for the Red Leaf Triad in Oakland, she is a subtle and dangerous opponent. Help from her is usually bought in favors, work she doesn’t feel she needs to sully her people with. Open to the Awakening, she is still prejudiced against non-Chinese.

Adam ‘The Kodiak’ Kehanamoku
A moderately skilled shaman (Bear) and an excellent leader, currently head of the local GreenWar Chapter. While not on the roles of the MRT (Magical Response Team) he has on occasion helped out.

Beard Like the Surf
A very skilled Inuit Shaman heading up the MRT at GreenWar, he follows Orca in the sea-wolf tradition. Very skilled but very fanatical about his cause as well.

Wounded Ronin
QUOTE (Lindt)
Joe, Owner of Ninja delivery services.
"May your hunger be dispatched."

Good for a late night snack at your safehouse.

Joe Armstrong? rotfl.gif
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