Aug 27 2005, 08:08 PM
Based off of the information discussed in
this thread, I put together a little graphic of the Renraku SCIRE compared to the Sears Tower, the Petronas Towers, Taipei 101 and the Empire State Building. You can see it
Aug 27 2005, 08:09 PM
I'm pretty sure your scale is off—the Arcology's width is a very sizable chunk of its height, IIRC.
Aug 27 2005, 08:11 PM
According to the thread I mentioned, it's 969 meters high and 828 meters wide (on its longest side).
Aug 27 2005, 08:34 PM
Maybe it's just that I'm bad at visual estimation, but the width looks less than 85% of the height in that picture.
I guess I'm just surprised at how steep it is.
Aug 27 2005, 10:59 PM
i agree, i think it looks steep, if only for my mind, but i always picture it as something sprawling wide, and gradualling going up..
then again, it's possible that the description of it, is off kilter too, and so the picture and the numbers dont match.
Aug 27 2005, 11:15 PM
QUOTE (Velocity) |
According to the thread I mentioned, it's 969 meters high and 828 meters wide (on its longest side). |
No. The measures given in the old Seattle SB and quoted in that thread are 780 x 650 x 828, where 828 meters is the height of the arc at that time. It rose to 969 with the 46 levels not yet built then.
Aug 27 2005, 11:47 PM
You're absolutely right; my bad. It should be even
narrower at the base.
Aug 27 2005, 11:51 PM
I don't believe the angeled sides start at the base. I could be completely wrong, but I think I remember reading somewhere that they didn't start until just above the mall/amusement park levels.
And from the mentions of the 30th floor roof having gardens on it in R:AS, I'd say it is more of a terraced pyramid. How else could there be a roof to level 30?
Also, I don't remember there ever being a mention of the size of platform at the top of the pyramid. Wouldn't a different sized platform change the angle of the sides? Or did you draw the sides as if they were extending to a particular point above the platform?
Aug 27 2005, 11:59 PM
There is a picture of the Arc in the new seattle SB, it is angular all the way up to the top, and starts slanted. No terraces.
Aug 28 2005, 12:15 AM
Assuming it's a straight line and angled from the base, the illustration looks about right. My first instinct was that the sides should be about 45 degrees, but I realized the base would have to be twice the height for that. I did the math myself; assuming the flat roof is 10% of the base in width (just because), it came out to 69 degree sides.
Aug 28 2005, 12:16 AM
There is a picture of the Arc in the new seattle SB, it is angular all the way up to the top, and starts slanted. No terraces. |
And we all know that Shadowrun art always is exactly in line with every little detail of the world, right?
assuming the flat roof is 10% of the base in width (just because), it came out to 69 degree sides. |
Well if you wanted to go by the picture in the New Seattle sb, then the platform at the top is closer to 25% of the base.
Aug 28 2005, 03:04 AM
Well, the picture in New Seattle is the only picture I have ever seen, so it is the only picture source I can reference.
The picture might well be wrong.
Aug 29 2005, 06:21 PM
Well, they are compensating for something.
Aug 29 2005, 07:59 PM
It IS an arco, I mean they are supposed to be self contained cities. Or thats what the idea was. Check Paolo Solari's work sometime. His initial designs are MILES across.
Aug 29 2005, 08:43 PM
Well, purely for comparison reasons this scetch is completely okay for me. I think I'll show my group the picture, I'm not sure if they're at grips with the size of that thing.
Aug 29 2005, 08:47 PM
Which is all I really wanted: I'm not an architecture student so I'm prepared to accept that the angles maybe a bit off or whatever. I just wanted to provide a rough sketch so people could get an idea of its size. When my players saw it, they flipped. "It's how big?"
Aug 29 2005, 08:50 PM
I sort of did too. That thing is pretty awesome and I think I'd strain my neck somehow if I lived at the bottom of it just by looking up at it.
When you stand at the bottom, clost to the wall, do you think you can see the top, even if it is sloped from streetlevel and up?
Aug 29 2005, 08:51 PM
In one of Asmovs books the Imperial capital was soo developed with domes that the people could not stand to be our doors. The wide open spaces and the sky were too much. If fact they brought the childern up to towers to experence the out doors perodicly hoping to avoid this. (I don't think it worked if I remember corectly)
Do Archology Childern have that problem? Panack attacks whenever outdoors. (A sufficently deep alley is ok if you don't look up, but a park is right out.)
You know, all the Archlogy needs is the door at the top and a winding road and the anthill simbolism will be compleat
Aug 29 2005, 08:53 PM
QUOTE (psykotisk_overlegen) |
When you stand at the bottom, clost to the wall, do you think you can see the top, even if it is sloped from streetlevel and up? |
Probably not... I mean, it's a kilometre high. A kilometre. In Seattle, the peak would definitely be obscured by smog, low-lying clouds or rain. Even on sunny, clean-air days, it'd be too high.
Aug 29 2005, 09:20 PM
If not now, then definetly by 2060s yeah, Seattle will probably be to polluted to see clearly a kilometre up into the air.
At least the lights will be visible at night.
Gyro the Greek Sandwich Pirate
Aug 29 2005, 09:24 PM
That's.....awfully large.
And it doesn't even include the sub-levels.
Aug 29 2005, 09:24 PM
QUOTE (wagnern) |
Do Archology Childern have that problem? Panack attacks whenever outdoors. (A sufficently deep alley is ok if you don't look up, but a park is right out.) |
I've never read any canonical references to this, but it would make sense that people who've lived in the SCIRE long enough (not just children) would develop a certain agoraphobia. I mean, look at people today: with underground public transit, linked shopping malls / office complexes and sprawling suburban homes, many people spend 80-90% of their day indoors as it is.
If someone lived in the arcology for a decade, I could see them just growing to dislike the outside, with its cold and dampness and stench and garbage...
Aug 29 2005, 09:24 PM
You can just imagine how many drop bears would fit in that one.
Aug 29 2005, 09:43 PM
hmm, i allways envisioned it as more flat. kinda like the stepped pyramids. or maybe im just confusing it with the aztechology building
Aug 29 2005, 09:56 PM
QUOTE (wagnern) |
Do Archology Childern have that problem? Panack attacks whenever outdoors. |
"Your surroundings look strange. There is no clear indication of security level. The floor is covered with strange green stuff. There are long brown things with more green stuff on top. Oh - and there's no ceiling!"
- The Outside as described in some very old Paranoia adventure.
Aug 29 2005, 09:58 PM
There is no clear indication of security level. |
In paranoia, that's really, very, horribly scary!
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