Oct 26 2005, 08:11 PM
Wincott looked confused, "uh supplies? I wasn't aware of any special needs. What exactly did you request?"
He looks to Dutch for answers before continuing, "really though, we are on a tight time schedule here, the boat has to leave the dock in the next two hours and its a 40 minute drive so please load up."
Oct 26 2005, 08:51 PM
"Well food and water to start. At least two weeks if this typhoon is going to be around for one. And extra medical supplies would probably be a good idea. Nothing special about those really. But your counterpart on the mainland also said you'd have a map for us, security jackets and IDs. Is all this stuff going to be at the dock?"
She glances at Wishbone.
...and a cold beer or two wouldn't hurt either... and a shower... this all seems awfully rushed...
She turns back to Wincott.
"Like I said, no offense to you and I understand that this storm adds some urgency. But I don't want to end up dead 3 miles under the ocean because somebody forgot to put a box on the boat..."
Oct 26 2005, 09:03 PM
Wincott looks slightly relived at the mention food and water, "that is on the boat, take as much as you need. We have security cards, and ID's for all of you as well as uniforms if you want, though part of that is why were sending Maj... uh Dutch here."
Oct 26 2005, 11:24 PM
Mirage packs her big long coat into her duffle bag before disembarking the Skytruck, but keeps her suit jacket over her t-shirt for now.
Didn't exactly dress for the climate.
She puts her shades back on as she follows the others down the plane's cargo ramp.
Despite the oppressive heat, Mirage feels a chill run down her spine as the typhoon is discussed.
I'm really not sure I fancy spending a week trapped down there.
"Did you try sending a more conventional maintenance team down there first, and did they report anything we should know?"
Oct 26 2005, 11:29 PM
The big blond hefts his gear and then waits, watching silently and almost without expression as the 'shadowrunners' argue needlessly, his face barely betraying a hint of his amusement. He was told that they were supposed to be professionals, and that they had been briefed on the mission at hand and given ample time to prepare. If that was indeed the case, then he expected them to have seen to their own basic supplies, as he had done, just in case the employer proved to be somewhat logistically-challenged.
Dutch merely shakes his head when Wincott turns to him for answers, but can't control a deep frown from momentarily darkening his features at the suit's slip-up. He sighs deeply, then shrugs his pack into a more comfortable position, his already stiff posture becoming even more rigid.
"Enough's enough! Talk on the way if you need to, but time's wastin', so everyone that's goin', mount up now!"
That said, he turns and strides towards the truck, pulling open the passenger-side door and swinging himself up into the shotgun seat in almost one smooth motion.
Gyro the Greek Sandwich Pirate
Oct 27 2005, 12:07 AM
Tiptoes carefully places his duffel bag on the back of the truck and lifts himself up after it.
Major Dutch, then he thinks. Seems a bit too obvious, though, if they wanted to keep it under wraps.
Silently, Tiptoes observes Dutch and Wincott as the truck starts off.
Oct 27 2005, 05:03 PM
"The reason I never sold out to a corp is because I don't trust Company Men to watch out for my interests. I've got enough food for me to get by for at least 10 days, but that doesn't include water. Because water is cheap and heavy, no one shows up for a job with a water supply unless it's spelled out before hand. I've got one liter in a canteen. It's expected that long term logistics like that are handled by the employer.
So, you can go on acting like you're in charge all you want Dutch, but I want some one to tell me there's going to be two weeks of potable water for each of us sent down with us. And the same with food. Not for me, but for your oh so valuble co-workers who we are here to rescue, remember? I'm not being silly, I'm just not assuming some one else will think of it."
Oct 27 2005, 08:08 PM
Mirage raises her eyebrows and smiles as she watches Dutch march into the truck, then she turns back to Wincott.
"Well Dutchboy there seems to be a good company soldier, congratulations. But when I left Seattle it was to conduct a quick in-out, get the data, save the employees if possible, but make sure us get the data kind of job..."
She removes her shades again and stares menacingly at Wincott.
"...Now you want us to stick around down there for a week or so. I'm prepared to take the job still, I think, but I want some better information before I go down now. If you're not prepared to answer a few extra questions, and satisify my associate that you can meet our extra logistical needs, then frankly i think the trucks going to leave without me."
Oct 27 2005, 08:20 PM
A week? No I don't want you to stick around any where. I am just saying there is a storm coming, and if we don't get you down there now it could be a week before we can, and that’s not going to work. If you are backing out of the job fine, the next plane back to the mainland leaves in 2 weeks, the tickets are 3k each. You people agreed to do a job, I'm sorry the storms inconvenient to you, well its inconvenient to us as well, were paying a lot of money to you, and to every minute our operation is of line, so will you please get in the truck?"
Wincott seemed to deflate a little after his long winded speech.
Oct 27 2005, 10:49 PM
Wishbone, wishing he could just let it go, but not wanting to die of thirst under 10 klicks of water says, "but the magic words are, "Yes, of course we'll give you the supplies you've asked for, as they're not expensive and you could possibly be stuck down there for a week or more as the storm blows through." I never said anything about backing out. I'm telling you what I think I might need, considering the situation, to accomplish your mission. What exactly is the problem with giving us some water?"
Oct 27 2005, 11:19 PM
"No one said anything about not giving you anything, I just am not the person to talk to about it. My job is to get you to the boat so we can get you out on the water before the typhoon hits."
Oct 27 2005, 11:44 PM
Mirage relaxes a little and nods to Wincott, "Ok, just make sure those extra supplies are available, just in case."
She tosses her duffle bag onto the truck, and climbs in after it.
Oct 28 2005, 12:20 AM
"That's all you had to say."
Wishbone jumps in the truck.
Oct 28 2005, 03:31 PM
Vertigo smiles at Wincott and climbs into the truck. She nods to Mirage and Wishbone.
Ninja Please
Oct 31 2005, 05:35 PM
Spartan follows into the truck behind the others. He quietly mulls over the new developments. Things can never stay simple, can they he thinks. This team should be interesting if nothing else.
Spartan tosses his bags on the floor and straps himself in.
Nov 7 2005, 10:30 PM
The journey to the shipyard took the time that was promised, 45 minutes of jarring, bumpy, dusty driving. The boat wasn't a carrier, but at one hundred and eighty feet it was impressive none the less. It had the sleek lines and wide hull of the SOTA science vessel.
The dock itself looked as it was built specifically to accommodate the vessel. On the stern a exterior rack was capable of housing two submersibles, currently only one was there.
Nov 7 2005, 10:40 PM
Dutch swings down from the cab, then stands stiffly with his hands on his hips as he silently assesses the rest of the 'team'.
Nov 8 2005, 12:41 AM
Wishbone drops down from the back of the truck, slings his duffle over his shoulder, and whistles quietly at the boat. He notices Ducth, and can't resist one more poke. He flashes a big tooth grin at Dutch and says "Wow, nice boat. Do we board now Major, or just admire the paint job?"
Nov 8 2005, 03:22 AM
The big human eyes Wishbone for a moment before responding, then merely shrugs his shoulders.
"It ain't my boat."
Dutch pauses for a moment and watches while the rest of the group gather their gear and get ready to board the vessel.
"Oh, and the name's Dutch. I don't know where Wincott came up with that Major crap, but it certainly has no basis in reality when used in reference to myself. I am not now, nor have I ever been any kind of commissioned military officer."
Nov 8 2005, 09:51 PM
Vertigo gathers her gear and smiles quietly to herself, having overheard the exchange between Major Dutch and Wishbone.
I don't like this Dutch character one bit... he's a corp ringer if I ever saw one... no telling what his agenda is...
(Vertigo @ Dutch)
"Why are you here again, Dutch? What is it you do exactly for our employer?"
Gyro the Greek Sandwich Pirate
Nov 12 2005, 09:32 PM
Tiptoes eyes the ship they're to be taken out on.
"What happened to the other sub?"
Nov 12 2005, 11:08 PM
Dutch turns to Vertigo, but his eyes continue to track the others' progress.
"I get things done. That's about all anyone really needs to know on the subject."
Nov 15 2005, 05:59 PM
Mirage looks from Vertigo to Dutch,"Maybe we should be getting aboard, we'll have plenty of time to squabble during the voyage."
With that she sets off towards the gangway.
Nov 17 2005, 04:17 AM
Wincott walks the group the gangplank and then waves his hand to the boat.
"The other sub is having mechanical difficulties and is drydocked at the station. Its takin up berth number 2. This is Captain Jeffries, he will take you from here. Good luck." Wincott walks awa smiling to the group.
"God what an ass," Jeffries said loud enough for the group to hear.
"Sorry the company sent him to meet you guys. Listen, were not all pencil necks. I heard you had some supply requests, food water, ammo etc. Its all on board. Plenty, take what you need. His is my first officer, Commander Kain." The officer he pointed to was a stunning blond in a tight uniform. She seemed out of place on the boat, but she spoke with authority.
"Anything you guys need let me know. We have a few tests to run while we wait for you to return. We will stay on station as long as absolutely possible, the boat is designed to hang in a hurricane if needed. Lets get on board and get you stowed we need to get going."
The girl waved her hand at the ship. The captain led the way.
Nov 17 2005, 06:30 PM
Vertigo hefts her ruck sac higher onto her shoulders and mounts the gang plank.
Nov 18 2005, 12:16 AM
Dutch nods with satisfaction, pleased that at least Jeffries seemed to be somewhat competent. He trails the Captain aboard, then follows Kain's directions and stows his gear.
Nov 18 2005, 01:02 AM
Wishbone, still hoping for a beer, follows.
Nov 19 2005, 07:59 PM
Vertigo follows along behind Dutch and Kain marveling at the SOTA equipment around her and wondering about the boat's capabilities.
"So Commander, will we be able to communicate with you on the surface once we've descended to the facility?"
Gyro the Greek Sandwich Pirate
Nov 20 2005, 05:41 AM
Tiptoes slides in behind Vertigo, keeping an ear open.
Nov 20 2005, 07:30 AM
"Theres a static line that the sub can trail behind it that should do the trick. Heres your bunks, sorry its not the Ritz," the rooms Kain gestures to are far from spacious. two bunks to a room, a small washroom, shower, and a porthole make up the suite.
"Mirage, your in the female section of the ship, two doors down and aft, theres a red line that marks the change."
The XO leaves the runners to get settled in.
A little under an hour later the the ship starts its debarcation dance. Crew untying the mooring lines, engineers throttling the engines, the XO's voice comes over the comms often to give directions to one part of the ship or another. They seem compitant. The boat leaves port without incident and is soon cruising along at 22 knots.
Nov 23 2005, 04:29 PM
Mirage nods and turns to Vertigo, "Shall we take a look?"
She walks to the women's quarters and finds a vacant cabin for the two of them.
After she has stowed her gear Mirage takes a few minutes to freshen up and replaces her suit with casual trousers and a loose fitting T-shirt, worn over her form-fitting body armour. She adjusts her T-shirt to partially conceal her Manhunter in it's hip holster, but decides to leave her MGL-6 with her other gear for now.
Freshened up and slightly more suitably dresses for the intense heat, Mirage dons her sleek shades and heads out onto the deck for a look around the boat.
Nov 23 2005, 06:13 PM
Vertigo nods to Mirage and follows her to thier cabin.
After stowing her gear she turns her attention to a quick shower, then dawns some sensible work clothes and the jacket from her Rapid Transit athletic suit. She straps on her Guardian in a concealible holster then turns to Mirage who is on her way out the door.
"Mind if I tag along?"
Nov 25 2005, 02:11 PM
"Feel free, I'm just taking a look around the ship."
Ninja Please
Nov 29 2005, 12:12 AM
Spartan's head hurt. Objectively, it wasn't all that long ago he was in Seattle, finding out about an easy money job. But it seemed like it had been ages. Now, he was halfway around the world, surrounded by people he barely knew, racing against a hurricane to make an assault against forces unknown in a damaged lab in one of the deepest parts of the globe.
He stretched his head side to side. Things were so much easier was I was still a "security contractor". What a term. Running was his job now, not mercenary work, and he would deal with the headaches.
Spartan didn't know what to make of Dutch. Was he the group leader? Was he another employee? What was his angle on all this? Money talked to Spartan, and he figured it was the same his fellow runners. Spartan knew he could deal with Dutch's attitude. It was almost funny, in a way. Spartan remembered when he adopted the tough guy persona. Over time, he had mellowed out a lot. Can't stay hard all the time, particularly when you make a living running at deaths' door. As long as Dutch knew his stuff, there wouldn't be any problems.
Spartan traded in his armor for cargo shorts and a lightweigth t-shirt. Armor was a one-way ticket to a watery grave out here. He strapped a pistol to his belt, as personal arms seemed to be the order of the day.
After pounding a bottle of water and a handful of painkillers, Spartan headed for the deck. Time to get to know his coworkers better.
Nov 30 2005, 09:06 PM
The "deck" was a heck of a lot cooler than it was when the ship was sitting at the dock. A light breeze was generated by the ships speed through the water, dropping the temperature by twenty degrees. The ship was big enough that it was easy to move around on top without getting in anyone’s way. There were 3 decks, the main, a half deck that just covered the front, and the highest deck a bridge deck, which was just the bridge.
The ships 30 crew moved around with the casual ease of professionals. None of them wore life jackets or other flotation devices.
Dec 1 2005, 12:58 AM
Wearing nothing but a pair of shorts while taking a trip around the lower deck, Wishbone found himself thinking of home. Where it's cold and wet. Hell, I almost feel guilty getting paid for this. Now, if I can just find a beer or six, and maybe a card game, I think I might just be able to handle the next week.
Gyro the Greek Sandwich Pirate
Dec 3 2005, 10:56 PM
Tiptoes secures his equipment and takes off his armor. Being set, he starts to mentally map the ship, starting at the bottom and working his way upwards. Seeing Wishbone, he nods in the other's direction.
Dec 5 2005, 05:04 PM
Mirage found herself at the bow of the boat, watching the ocean slide glacefully past. She'd walked with Vertigo, pleasantly exchanging small talk, and had greeted any other members of the team she passed, but her mind was far away as she stared at the rolling surface of the Pacific....
....Never should have taken the job, Kikumi's too exposed and Countdown isn't worth a damn in a stand up fight....
....never left her more than a day or two since they killed her parents....
....thought we'd be in and out, could be stuck here for weeks....
....damn strom....
Mirage looks up and turns back towards Vertigo smiling, "So what do you think? All those people down there, this could be a cake walk, or the run from Hell."
...And I've got a really bad feeling about this
Dec 6 2005, 12:41 AM
Wishbone pipes up from the deck above, "it's warm and sunny, and a week before we go under. You guys can fret all week if you want, but I plan on calling this a cruise, and try to have a good time."
He smiles his best big, cheesy grin, showing teeth, tusks and more teeth. "So, anyone wanna play some cards?"
Dec 7 2005, 11:40 PM
Vertigo gazes out at the ocean while listening to Mirage. Something about the vast expanse of water put her mind at ease. She had never seen so much of it, or been so far from home, but somehow it all seemed oddly familiar. For a second she almost forgot about the rising feeling of uneasiness that had haunted her the entire trip.
The booming voice from above startles her out of her thoughts. She glances up to where Wishbone is standing, shading her eyes from the Pacific sun high overhead.
"I might be interested if you managed to find any of that *beer* you were talking about earlier..."
She turns back to Mirage and speaks in a low voice, hoping the sound of the ocean will mask their conversation.
"I know just what you mean. It seems like the details of the job change at every turn we take. And I'll be honest... I don't know what to think about Dutch. It seems obvious that his loyalties lie with the company, but I can tell there's more to him..." She pauses with a confounded look on her face. "... I guess that could be either good or bad..."
She glances up at Wishbone again drawing Mirage's eyes toward the massive ork and gives her an inquisitive look.
"I could use some work on my tan though... shall we continue our conversation up stairs?"
Dec 7 2005, 11:57 PM
"You're right, the sunbathing's not good in Seattle, left's go up."
Mirage looks up at Wishbone, grinning she calls, "Get the cards out then..."
"... and I hope you found those beers!"
Dec 8 2005, 12:21 AM
Travelling on the ocean is much different than any other form of surface travel. There is constanup and down motion, sometimes side to side, along with the noise of the engines eternally echoing up from the engine rooms.
It takes 3 days to reach the drop zone, several hours ahead of schedule. The wind sems to be in the favor of the voyage.
The ships loud speaker keeps the the time.
"Attention on deck, all hands, 1 hour to debarkation, 1 hour to debarkation."
Gyro the Greek Sandwich Pirate
Dec 8 2005, 03:50 AM
It takes roughly a minute and a half for Tiptoes to gather his gear and check to make sure he has everything he brought with him. The past few days have been realitively boring; not exactly the social type, Tiptoes watched the news and some of the other 'casts coming over the trid when he wasn't exercising or fiddling with his equipment. For the most part, he hadn't even talked much with the people on his team.
Hauling his duffel bag over his shoulder, Tiptoes makes his way up to the main deck to await the beginning of the run.
Dec 24 2005, 11:51 PM
Mirage arrives on deck shortly after Tiptoes, with her topped up tan, designer clothes and easy smile, she looks more like a tourist than a samurai, apart from the partially consealed manhunter on her hip.
She grins at Tiptoes when she catches up with him.
"Well that's the waiting over with," she says in a thick French accent, "hopefully we'll get down there and find out the comms systems malfunctioned."
Gyro the Greek Sandwich Pirate
Dec 25 2005, 07:54 PM
Tiptoes slowly shakes his head at Mirage.
"I'm sure it will be much worse. We'll want to keep our heads down."
Dec 29 2005, 04:41 PM
Wishbone arives on deck and ready to go, wearing form fitting body armor under a Secure Ultra-vest plus add on forearm guards and a standard military web belt. A half empty army duffle sloshes on his back with four two liter canteens filling the bottom.
Standing at the railing, looking into the sea, Wishbone mumbles something under his breath and makes a few small gestures, and after a moment, a bit of the sea below him seems to take on human form. Wishbone waves and says "Thank you friend. Go about your business for now, I will call you when I need you." With that, the shape disappears into the waves as if it were never there.
Looking at the rest who've assembled so far, Wishbone says "well, now that the cruise is over, I guess we gotta get to work. I'm ready to go."
Dec 31 2005, 06:42 PM
Vetigo strides up to railing next to the team and drops a black back pack at her feet. Shes wearing black form fitting armor, under a Secure Jacket and a military stlye vest dotted with small cargo pockets. A Savalette Guardian hangs at her hip and a Colt Cobra SMG is slung at her back.
"Uhhh.. maybe this would be a good time to make a plan, since it seems we've been shuffled along so quickly we haven't really had a chance to do so. I think our first objective should be to secure a safe area within the archology to operate out of, preferable one that also secures a safe route back to the minisub if things go south. Maybe Spartan or Dutch would have more experience with things like that."
She looks around at the others.
"Anybody got a copy of that map?"