Alric Flaim
Sep 1 2005, 02:41 PM
With SR4.0 comming out right away, I'm looking to find a a group or a few players for SR 4.0. I'd rather not GM, as everytime I have it's gone fairly badly, however I do have an interest in playing, especially as a
I'm pretty sure we've already discussed this at AYB, haven't we?
Anyway, we're always looking for new players. If you don't know me, you probably know someone who does. We're likely to try SR4 and eventually switch, if it comes to that. We meet once a week, in the evening. RSVP
Feb 17 2008, 11:37 PM
Hopefully you guys are still willing to game in Winnipeg.
I'm trying to get a group together soon, and am willing to GM if I can't play!
If not you guys, other folks on the forum that live in the 'Peg are willing to game!
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