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Ok, there are a lot of rumors and questions regarding the upcoming books 'Street Magic', 'Augmentation', 'Unwired' and 'Arsenal' as well as ' Running Wild'...

This thread is NOT for debates or discussions!

It is only for questions and request about the upcoming books.

Ok, i'll go first... biggrin.gif

The things i want to know:

Will there be vehicle design in Arsenal ? If no, can we change your mind?
Will there be weapon design in Arsenal?

Running Wild full of creatures as well as general creation system.
whats that supposed to mean?

thats it for now....
According to Rob at the Gen Con seminar, Running Wild will contain a bunch of creatures + rules for all sorts of things related to creatures (like training 'em, etc.)

It was originally an SR3 book (and big chunks of it are already written) and originally it didn't have the bunch o' creatures in it, but it's going to be expanded to add these for an SR4 release.
Could you please duplicate entries in the main book in additional books to avoid some of the shuffle?

I.E. In the cyberware book ('Augmentation'?) could you list the cyber/bio ware that is in the main book so I don't have to use two books to buy my 'ware?

Also, in whatever will be the rigger book, could you have a few sample customised vehickles. Kind of like how there is sample charictors in the main book.
I may be wrong, but I heard that there will be no custom (from the ground up) rules in SR4. Just rules to customize exhisting vehicles.
QUOTE (Shadow)
I may be wrong, but I heard that there will be no custom (from the ground up) rules in SR4. Just rules to customize exhisting vehicles.

good, i dont really think truely ground up vehicles should have been an option in the first place, it seems tacked on to, esp. considering the very first paragraph in that section of rigger three. i think it should be alot more generalized...
Could you please duplicate entries in the main book in additional books to avoid some of the shuffle?

This would be great. When a mage is trying to get his spells and flipping through two books, and the street sam is flipping through his two or three books, then the rigger ect... It would be nice to have a book and be able to have all the spells, cyberware, weapons or whatever in one place.
or atleast some sort of quick reminder, maybe not a complete re-description of everything, but put it in a table
According to Rob at the Gen Con seminar, Running Wild will contain a bunch of creatures + rules for all sorts of things related to creatures (like training 'em, etc.)

WoohooHOOOOO! I forsee a future for my Ghoul in training his pet Drop Bear to steal beer!
quote]It is only for questions and request about the upcoming books.

Can i have free copies, Adam? pwease?

sorry, someone had too
I am really curious, if we will see something like ExoSuit/PowerArmor/Landmates which are known from many mangas and animes...

i'd love it, those things are cool...

not to mention that they are f**kin dangerous...
I love my SR4 PDF. I want for nothing. love.gif

Except maybe an errata patch.
QUOTE (maeel)
I am really curious, if we will see something like ExoSuit/PowerArmor/Landmates which are known from many mangas and animes...

I'd say that would be unlikely IMO. Rob's said on a number of occasions that he's been trying to tone down the power level of Shadowrun a bit, so I can't see them adding these things to the mix now after the SR4 main book.
QUOTE (maeel)
I am really curious, if we will see something like ExoSuit/PowerArmor/Landmates which are known from many mangas and animes...

i'd love it, those things are cool...

not to mention that they are f**kin dangerous...

A friendly tip. You best sleep with one eye open from now on. There are folks 'round these parts that take serious issue with suggestions of introducing into SR things like 10' long ornamental swords with a glowing gem the size of a badger in the hilt or powered exo-skeleton armour. wink.gif
Powered exoskeletons I see a use for. They are what the Corporate Court gives the soldiers sent out for "threat assessment" missions. Go ahead and try shooting them.
QUOTE (Sabosect @ Sep 3 2005, 12:42 AM)
Powered exoskeletons ..... Go ahead and try shooting them.

Yes, that is the reason. Remember that anything an NPC has a PC can steal, barring the crudity of GM fiat.
Simple reply in rules: Any PC who steals a powered exoskeleton immediately gains flaws that represent them being hunted by the Corporate Court. Add in security features that require the PCs to effectively take it apart and rebuild it from the ground up. Or, simply include a remote-activated self-destruct that is triggered when the signal stops.
I love my SR4 PDF. I want for nothing.

Except maybe an errata patch.

The first round of errata for Shadowrun, Fourth Edition is now available: Shadowrun Fourth Edition Errata v1.1.

Please note that these changes have already been integrated into the eBook release.

Posted in SR4, Errata by AdamJury
QUOTE (Adarael)
WoohooHOOOOO! I forsee a future for my Ghoul in training his pet Drop Bear to steal beer!

This is a shocking cool idea biggrin.gif But why have him steal beer?
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