Ok when a hacker/technomancer is hacking it says to use logic + hacking, then on the next line it says to use hacking skill + program rating for the relevant action.
Lets say i have a rating 2 cerebral booster on my hacker and took logic of 5, I also took the cracking skillgroup at 4. And for arguments sake I took HALF of all programs at rating 6 (not possible i know, but it goes to my example.) So 1/2 of the time I am rolling hacking+logic (11 dice) for a hacking test, when I don't have the program and then when I DO have the relevant program I roll only hacking+ program(10 dice). Is this correct? To me IF i do have the relevant program I should be rolling logic+hacking skill+ program rating. But it does not explicately say that..

The augmented dice cap: lets say I am pistols adept, I want to take 6 levels of improved ability pistols and use a smartlink. Do I get +8 dice to a pistols test? Or is the most i can get +3?
What does the basic cyber-eye system ratings 2-4 do? Do they just give you more capacity to put things in your eyes or do they increase the # of perception dice like "visual augmentation" or whatever that other piece of ware is called.
Does anyone else think that specializations are too cheap? Or that using a melee weapon with reach, well really means very little now? I mean there should be a real reason to not charge the guy with the sword when all you have is your bare hands, and it just does not feel that way.

Finally, if i buy a full cyberarm *these too need errata the column with avil/capacity is shifted & avail. is skragged*. And then I want to put a cybergun into it, do I have to pay the essence cost of the gun as well as the capacity cost? The book was just not clear about that to me. But, I might just have missed something on the first pass through.
Anyway, now all i need for my borg character is for arsenal to have laser weapons, specifically a cyber-hand-laser... muhahahhaa

Damn can't edit the title.. I guess I'll just keep looking like an idiot.. some questionS<---