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Full Version: Cultured Bio In Creation?
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
I can't seem to find in the book if Cultured Bio is available at creation. In the old system, it was considered the equivalent of Betaware, and so was disallowed, but I can find nothing in SR4 to indicate this. In fact, p.84 and 303 seem to indicate that both cyber and bio are available in alpha, beta, and delta forms. Also note that on p.303 "cultured" does not appear in the table. Is there somewhere else in the book that cultured is equated to betaware, or is stated to be unavailable at creation? It now just seems like a fancy name, and a notification that it's cloned from your own cells.

Page 64 makes it clear both are available in grades. I saw nothing to exclude it at chargen, but I thought the SR3 FAQ ruling was BS anyway.
Cultured or not, I think it is only a flavor issue now. From the way I read it you can get non cultured bioware in alpha, beta, delta and cultrued bioware in alpha, beta, and delta.
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