Some of the party members are having their first RPG experience and they are in love with SR. The others had been playing other games (*cough* D&D *cough*).
-Female Pueblo Eagle Shaman. Navajo blood, a Medicine doctorate and a pacifist demeanor. Frowns on excessive technology.
-Male Ork Investigator, former Seattle Lone Star member. The guy just loved the concept art.
-Female Elven Street Mage. Tir exile, but retaining that snotty attitude.
-Male CalFree Dwarf Techie. Worked for Renraku, has a massive inferiority complex that he tries to hide by being showy and gun-toting. Also, was fired from RCS after having an affair with a Japanese Secretary (transferred to the Arcology, now I have a hook for the Shutdown!

-Male Boston Elven Face. Rich family of Irish blood. For those of you who've seen Smallville, his relationship with his father (L2 contact) is similar to that of the Luthors. Another of his cotnacts is her mother, a socialite who took away HALF of his father's money during the divorce.
-Male elf, Former Aztechnology Civilian Engineer (or so he says) - A mix between the Weapon Specialist and a Covert Operative.
I've run them through the first Harlequin run, which they did quite decently (some flops, but overall Ok, I made their lives easier since they took a fair amount of time and brains to plan their operation).
I have Eye Witness, Ivy & Chrome and Double Exposure further down the line (along with some home-cooked runs and the PC's private affairs). However, I'm facing a problem:
One of the players (ork) is moving to Spain in a few weeks, with his girlfriend (Streetmage) shortly after. They are the newbies among newbies, and they've asked me if I had a really good adventure that could be ran in 2 sessions (more or less). Consider it a way to permanently hook them into the game.
Now, I've been looking at this Universal Brotherhood that a friend has...

In as much as I'd love to wait a couple more runs to establish the game unvierse and possibly tempt one of the characters with the UB, I think I'll be running it on Friday night. So, if somebody has any ideas and suggestions, I'm all ears!